December 2024
Sagittarius Solar Alchemy
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
During the move into Sagittarius Solar Alchemy, it is positive to review the natural laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can participate with and meditate upon the natural elements of the Sagittarian solar zodiacal influences to catalyze our highest spiritual potentials.
Stage 10 Sagittarius, December 18 to January 18
- Alchemical Theme: Incineration, Resurrection
- Element: Fire, Mutable
- Geometric Form: Tetrahedron, Dodecagon
- Planetary Correlations: Jupiter
- Alchemical Metals: Gold, White Brass
- Embodied Correlations: The Christ Mind of Solar Logos Body. The 10D Sapphire Body of the Avatar. Where Fire Becomes Light. The 10D Sapphire wave of the first layer of the Solar Logos Avatar Body that is connected to the Shara Complex and the 10th Chakra located behind the left ear.
- Sagittarius rules: hips, thighs, femur, ileum, coccygeal vertebrae, sacral region, sciatic nerves, pelvic ischium.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 9871
December 2024
Ophiuchus Solar Alchemy
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
The constellation Ophiuchus is known as the Serpent Holder and sits opposite or 180 degrees across from the Orion constellation representing Osiris, the Egyptian god of the afterlife and rebirth. The Orion constellation sits in the opposite direction on the celestial sphere, which is not directly positioned at the galactic anticenter, but it is located relatively close to it. The galactic anticenter actually falls within the constellation Taurus, near the bright star Elnath, which is situated above Orion.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 13280
November 2024
Scorpio Solar Alchemy
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
During this powerful cycle of egoic death being amplified by the Scorpio Solar Alchemy, all hidden wounds with deep and watery emotional themes surrounding life, death, resurrection and transformation into rebirth are coming to the surface through destructive Dark Mother archetypes. This is adding an emotional powder keg that amplifies intense dramas playing out through ancestral karmic patterns in the day-to-day interactions and occurring within some social situations. The Dark Alien Mother or Dark Mother is a universal archetype that has overshadowed our lives with extremely painful collective race wounds of a commonly accepted false feminine identity that has been adopted by some men and women as their inverted inner female principle.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 16411
October 2024
Libra Solar Alchemy
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Many people from all walks of life are sensing the urgency of the immense dark encroachment of the controllers in their desperation to implement planetary enslavement agendas through attempting to roll out yet more tyrannical authoritarian measures against the citizens. They are carrying out assorted nefarious agendas while hiding behind the façades of those deliberately spreading false narratives, incessantly parroted by the approved sources of the fully captured mainstream media. The pernicious lies being broadcast are deliberately and blatantly used in casting sorcery spells of confusion and darkness all around us. The antichrist and his minions don’t bother to hide themselves from us anymore, we can see their smirking faces in their mocking rituals now, along with their most abused gaslighting tactic when any shred of truth surfaces. Their primary directive is to power forward with their sinister plans and to deny, deny and deny some more.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 26662
Suggested for You
Spiritual Nomad
There is a significant phase that occurs in the process of initiation for many lightworkers that I refer to as "The Spiritual Nomad". Often, when one reaches this transition phase of spiritual evolution, it can be so painfully unnerving to the personality/ego that it not only devastates one's self esteem, it also severely undermines our confidence to manifest even the most basic needs for our survival. It is precisely our "root" fears of survival that are being shaken to the core and unpeeled from us during this process. We are being prompted to work toward clearing these fears and perfecting our trust and surrender. So it is extremely important to understand the dynamics of why this occurs and actually how entirely common it is!
This will help you avoid the pitfall of allowing yourself to dwell in feelings of humiliation, shame and embarrassment by this externalization of forces that transform your world in to what appears to be a great "sacrifice".
Axiatonal Alignment
Axiatonal Lines create the energy network in the light body where all dimensional frequencies are transduced into the meridians, chakras and etheric nadial structure. These 12 vertical lines move throughout the entire light body running energy to the chakras. These 12 vertical lines create intersection points with the horizontal fields that project out the Chakra cones, and where the DNA manifests. Each axiatonal line has a corresponding dimension, Chakra, chakra crystal, and frequency color.
Inside your 12D Shield, request an axiatonal alignment to align and unify the vertical to horizontal energetic frequencies between the male and female energies in your auara. This is to balance polarities to zero point or unification, and to strengthen your vertical channel and open direct communication channels to your spiritual and God bodies.
- Left Hand: Female, Receiver, Magnetic, Counter-Clockwise Rotation 4-7-10-1-5 (from Left-Right)
- Right Hand: Male, Transmitter, Electric, Clockwise Rotation 3-6-9-2-8 (from Right-Left)
- Central Hara Line (Unity): 11-12 (straight up and down)
An Axiatonal Alignment is a request for our energetic light network be calibrated and phase aligned to support maximum health, harmony and balance throughout our bio-energy systems. The Axiatonal Alignment process is one of the requested steps to connect to the inner core required in the energetic HGS Calibration process to access the HGS system.