Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
January 2007
Lisa Renee
Happy and Blessed New Year! This first newsletter of the New Year contains a recap of the recent events and a discussion of the Annual Energetic Theme for our experience in 2007. We are at the onset of an evolutionary milestone that will accelerate from this time period of 2007 and ongoing. The over-lighting theme for this coming year will be our soul's Journey into the Unknown, as we delve into the higher consciousness expression of the Eighteenth Portal, known as the Moon in classic Tarot, which will be detailed towards the end of this newsletter. In this influence we will experience a new expansion opening up for the Multidimensional Human to be fully interactive with Spirit in a process of Conscious Co-Creation.
- Category: 2007
- Views: 22758
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
February 2007
Lisa Renee
So much is happening at this incredible time. This newsletter is more lengthy as I wanted to encapsulate many of the important dynamics that we are experiencing from our recent rewiring upgrades. This is quite a year, a phase in which we have been accelerated in order to reach a certain set of conditions, in cyclic patterns that govern the movement and transition of all life forms within our Universal Time Matrix in its Ascension Cycle. This is a time where we are discovering the Universal Science of our own spirituality, the mechanics of consciousness as the true essence of our Universe and all life forms. A key note of this year's experience is the theme of Conscious Co-Creation. This is supported by the huge acceleration of our evolutionary blueprint, as we experience higher emotion as a function in our newly formed Multidimensional (MD) Anatomy structure.
- Category: 2007
- Views: 22881
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
March 2007
Lisa Renee
This month, certain planetary events are to be quite important in catapulting us into the new directions of our Ascension soul plan. I refer to this as Show Time. Those of us that are on this Timeline of the Ascension plan, will resonate with the feeling that there is a new stage of our personal soul plan developing in our lives. We may still be experiencing the dissolving of structures around us, yet the crossroads of change affecting our future decisions is in our view. We are holding the inner feeling that a huge change is just about on the horizon. Now all we have to do is deeply trust that inner feeling and surrender to its timing. Know that when the timing of a decision is in your immediate view, in the the now moment, you will know exactly what you need to. It will be perfectly orchestrated.
- Category: 2007
- Views: 23693
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
April 2007
Lisa Renee
My Goodness, could there be any more energies for us to dive into and handle over this last month? How is our Ascension family doing? We have had just about all we could handle and the kitchen sink thrown at us. The Mercury station went direct, thank god. Then came the lunar eclipse, the solar eclipse and the spring equinox all bringing us through a momentous crescendo of pulsing, pushing and pulling, washing machine type of swirling energies. I am still standing and am here to talk about it.
- Category: 2007
- Views: 25847
Suggested for You
Nature and The Elemental Kingdom
This month we are exploring Nature spirits and the Elemental Kingdom. In May we discussed the Devic Kingdom and nature spirits that comprise the M.A.P. healing teams. This will explore further more of the hierarchies that exist in these realms. Last week I met a new friend that is a medical intuitive and she does similar healing work as I do. She described to me as a child listening to the orchestral movements of nature, how the blades of grass would sing to her, how the trees moved in beautiful melodies and that walking outside was like sitting in the middle of a beautiful Symphony. This inspired me to write in more detail about the nature spirits and elementals. Most of us humans have been disconnected from sensing this exquisite level of reality, one that is teaming with consciousness, life and beauty. The Earth and her kingdom’s are very much alive and interconnected with all life forms and human beings. They are very much impacted by humanities evolution and all are simultaneously evolving with us. When working with the nature realms and the earth kingdoms, it is suggested to learn how to 12D shield your personal aura and learn to create 12D session space first. When one is holding a loving but neutral polarity, being of service to the nature realms is productive ad amplified through a clear exchange of intention to serve the highest expression in divine will for all parties involved.
Nature Devas
There are many types of Devas both working at subhuman and superhuman levels. Each group of Devas has specific work and methods to attain their goals and evolutionary purposes. The evolution of Devas is speeding up in synchronization with evolution of the human family. As humans learn to work more closely with the Devic evolution, they will learn how to heal and control their etheric bodies to a greater degree. They hold the patterns that underlie all living and growing things on the planet. That includes the mineral, plants, and animal kingdom's as well as the elements of fire, air, earth and water. Human bodies are governed by nature spirits where they are the spiritual equivalent of the cell, organisms and microorganisms that work together to make organs, tissues and glands function properly. Devas and nature spirits must be distinguished from each other.
Healing and Clearing
Energetic Healing and Clearing is nonverbal and nonlinear from the ego’s mental body perspective. If we think too much or have bias, we block sensory feeling and also block potential healing and clearing pathways. The physical body is a manifestation of the inner spiritual and energetic life force. All that outwardly manifests in your life experience has a Blueprint at the energetic levels of the body controlling those functions. Therefore it makes sense to restore balance to the energies of the body in order to restore the balanced function of the whole body system. The human body, both physically and energetically, manifests health and well- being when a balance of life force (chi) energy is maintained. The human body is naturally self-healing when homeostasis is achieved within the bodies regulating mechanisms, or when a balanced flow of energies can circulate throughout all bodily systems. When we understand our body and identity as multidimensional we will need to address all inner, outer and in-between spaces (multidimensionality) of our biology and its spiritual energetic processes in order to regain personal freedom.
Personal freedom is being freed of all constructs of physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual suffering, torment or limitation.
As we regain the memory of our ability to personally heal and clear ourselves to be freed from such mechanisms of suffering, we will be able to clearly perceive the root cause of our suffering. At the core level, immense suffering always exists within the disconnection and/or interference between our body and our connection to our own spiritual energetic bodies and their source light. Absolutely all living things have a blueprint and access to that source light. When a living thing is blocked access to its source light, it gets sick, diseased, depressed and the DNA instruction set deteriorates rapidly. Through this system you will identify and locate those multidimensional parts that are disconnected, damaged or stolen, reclaim and reconnect them to achieve inner balance and union with your multidimensional selves. Achieving union with your multidimensional selves and their various parts is called polarity integration. Through the alchemical process of Polarity Integration (synthesis) within your body, positive and negative charges emanate a neutral charge field, the Zero Point. The zero point is a non-polarized charged field, and is the access to inner balance, health and well being as well as the key to Unity consciousness or embodying the Christos intelligence, a plasma light wave.