Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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January 2017

Poverty Consciousness

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

As many of us may be sensing, over this next year we will likely see the cracks in the old paradigms and systems grow wider.  We are in a unique position during the bifurcation, to begin to lay the seeds for the new cycle in ourselves.  This is a time to ask ourselves what we truly value and examine anything that keeps us from living in alignment to those values.  In the coming years there will be opportunities for trustworthy people to rise to leadership to help lay the groundwork to co-create global humanitarian based systems.  This newsletter will take a deeper look at the origins and manipulation of currency, how resources are stolen and redirected toward anti-life and enslavement agendas, and why the poverty consciousness is one of the NAA's preferred consciousness traps.  

It is vital to have a basic understanding of how the monetary system has been designed on the earth to work as an enslavement tool that traps people in materialism, consumerism and Poverty Consciousness. The system of debt based currency used as the current global monetary system was originally brought to the earth by the Alpha Draconis Orion Group. These entities have organized themselves on the earth in what is called the Black Sun Agenda. The Draco Reptilians of the Orion Group view themselves as the most intelligent species in the Universe and believe that earth humans have descended from their biological seeding processes, from the multiple planets they have conquered. Therefore, they believe humans as well as the earth, are their personal property and have instituted the global slavery system via the indoctrination of debt-based currency. One should be aware that on many other planets monetary systems do not exist and all inhabitants born onto the planet are considered free citizens, with equal rights to flourish in the global society that is organized by that planet’s system of government. A planetary system ruled by debt currency in which one has to pay for their basic shelter, food and healthcare from birth is considered a prison planet.

Therefore, when a person does not have an accurate context for how money, currency and economies really work and why they were set up, they are not able to discern the many consciousness traps that are set for the common people. For the Orion Group to institute an effective human slavery system where those at the top of the pyramid scheme would remain hidden while having total control over the assets of earth, it required the majority of the masses be consumed by intense fears of survival, threats and poverty. They engineered Poverty Consciousness in such a way to victimize humans into class or cast systems, in order to make them more pliable and easy to manipulate in the consciousness pen they erected around the earth.

Poverty Consciousness is directly connected to the social engineering of a slave race. It is important to understand that poverty consciousness is unnatural to the human race and was specifically designed to conquer the minds of humanity to accept world slavery and world war. People that accept poverty consciousness as a natural way of life become the puppets that carry out the enslavement program for the puppet masters. Poverty Consciousness is formed from the set of belief systems, feelings, attitudes and values that people have associated with their personal fears of safety, which they relate to a lack of money or the lack of acquiring material objects that necessitate their sense of security and protection. When a person feels that they are defenseless, endangered or threatened by imaginary or physical forces, they can be led to do nearly anything. Many times, willing to commit harm to others or engage in immoral actions to ensure that they regain the perception of personal safety or security. A person with a fragile sense of self that is totally dependent on validation from the material world, can feel mentally threatened at the slightest disruption of their reality bubble, thus they are easily mind controlled. Poverty Consciousness is the prime pressure point of vulnerability ingrained in all humans entrenched in the 3D mind control of materialism and thus, it is exploited in every way possible by the Controllers. It is easy to observe the depths of degeneracy some people are willing to submit to, for acquiring any amount of money or perceived security. This is why it is the primary consciousness trap being set for mass human exploitation.

Triggering Fears of Insecurity, Threat and Helplessness

It is essential to know that by exploiting poverty consciousness mind control in order to manipulate materialism in people, this triggers deep fear based belief systems around personal security, safety and self-esteem. Many people on the earth feel terrorized by obsessive thoughts of poverty and homelessness even when it has not happened to them in their lifetime. This memory may connect to other lifetimes, however it directly connects to the collective unconscious memory of feeling defenseless to the full scale alien invasion that occurred in Sumeria and Egypt. As a result, many humans today have a pathological need to find some version of security and safety within materialism, so they can manage the feelings of unconscious personal terror that are a result of feeling completely helpless when in danger. As a result of the materialistic pathology towards feeling safe, when people become obsessed with materialistic validation for security they also become increasingly narcissistic, spiritually disconnected and lose feelings of empathy. In the more materialistic societies such as the United States, people obsessively shop, buying an excessive amount of goods in order to increase their feelings of self-worth or to distract themselves from facing unpleasant or challenging issues. Materialists tend to ignore the fact that the global consumerist economy is structured to exploit humanity and drain planetary resources for massive profit for a select few while directly increasing the slavery, poverty and suffering in the human race.  

Debt System of Enslavement

The primary motivation of the Controllers is to use threats and fears of personal safety in order to trigger insecurity in the people, which is used as a major mind control and manipulation mechanism to incite rampant materialism. In order to continually spread poverty consciousness on the earth, the Orion Group introduced a debt system of currency that would equate monetary enslavement with consciousness enslavement. This ensured that the promotion of wars and human suffering would be converted into massive profits for those in the ruling classes. They needed the ruling classes to carry out their enslavement agenda and by rewarding them with massive financial and corporate monopolies, as well as access to unlimited cash reserves, the sellout of the human race was easily accomplished through human greed.

Thus, the social engineering behind the death culture (Dec 2016 newsletter) specifically targets poverty consciousness in the unconscious minds of the masses in order to exploit them in ways that make them complicit with committing crimes against humanity. Through the mind control used to trigger poverty consciousness and addiction to materialism everywhere in the media, people are constantly sensing some level of fear, insecurity or threat, which motivates them to excessively consume and buy. These same poverty consciousness based belief systems continue to produce separative beliefs, perpetrating the cycles of violence, ignorance, hatred, victimization and enemy patterning between the people of the earth. Poverty consciousness is an effective form of promoting the divide and conquer strategies of the NAA groups to maintain their control over the earth's resources by routing people into different slave class systems. As an example, people that shop uncontrollably to buy excessive amounts of consumer goods or follow the latest trends are the materialist slave classes. They are slaves to material objects which keep them locked down in consciousness traps. During this time, it is very important to discern the low quality of forces that are behind the push for materialistic consumerism. Being able to see the unethical and harmful motivations of the rampant Service to Self mind control broadcast and being able to clear and neutralize poverty consciousness fears from taking control over your life are especially important at this time.

Poverty fears are ingrained deeply in the subconscious mind and they surface into the conscious mind as fear based thoughts and feelings about personal safety, that in turn manifest and multiply into even more poverty consciousness fears. Material poverty fears have been mentally programmed repeatedly into the unconscious mind of people since the alien invasion, and are consistently reinforced from childhood to adulthood throughout the working slave classes entangled in the Controller Pillars of Society. It becomes the manifested reality for those people no matter what kind of material resources they actually have access to. Many people in western society are taught to think that without an excessive amount of material things, they are worthless people. It does not matter how much wealth or money a person has, as these factors are not actually related to the state of poverty consciousness. Many people have an abundance of material things and yet they feel deep anxiety pushing them to accumulate even more material things. Poverty consciousness is a fear based state, it is a trauma based disease that exists inside the minds of the spiritually bankrupt, not the financially bankrupt. Many of the people with tremendous material wealth exist in states of poverty consciousness and chronic unhappiness, unable to cope with the pressure of maintaining their class position.  

Forcing People to pay for their Genocide

A system of black magic money or controlled currency was established to monetize the death culture and is organized by the NAA in order to manipulate, exert control over and enslave the citizens of the earth. Systems of currency used as the medium of exchange are generated through an assortment of anti-human consciousness traps that are designed to manifest more poverty consciousness in those unable to discern what is really behind the total control of global currency. Once again at the top levels, it is not human and much of the earthly resources still left are funneled off planet.  For thousands of years planet earth has been quarried and leached for every kind of resource, mineral substance and chemical element known and yet to be discovered, by both human and alien mining sources and their machinery. Some of the massive desert wastelands and canyons thought to be natural and declared as national monuments and protected reserves, are actually the result of ancient mining quarries digging up the earth, now deserted. Even today there are dark money groups lobbying to overturn the Antiquities Act to get back into the Grand Canyon to mine for uranium, just as the aliens did in the past. 

Today the ability to multiply money and profits to steadily increase wealth is highest for those people in the financial sectors that run and rule the economy through the corporatocracy and who use whatever means necessary to maintain total control over liquidity and unlimited access to the global money supply. These small groups of people have access to unbelievably large amounts of cash, or liquid assets, and they are purposely programmed by the Orion Group control structure to monetize human suffering and pain, by forcing the majority of the world citizens to live in poverty and pay for their own genocidal holocaust. Deceptive propaganda, intimidation and terrorism are the important tools used to push the global debt slavery program, which requires the participation of broad sectors of the corporatocracy, banking and the world population in order to be successful. Perpetrators must hide their murderous intentions from the victims they intend to decimate.  They generally become involved with creating inhumane laws veiled from public scrutiny, that allow for their criminal behaviors without obvious detection.

In order to evolve beyond a fraudulent system of manipulated currency, while the Power Elite backed by the NAA groups profit from destroying the earth resources, we must understand how the current economic system was created for world domination and slavery that purposely monetizes and rewards that which produces global genocide. The current anti-human global economic structure has turned the earth into a toxic wasteland, which it is rapidly killing off many species. Citizens of earth must awaken and stop allowing these corporations and those behind them, to massively profit from perpetrating intentional genocide on the earth.

Poverty Consciousness produces Worthlessness

The perpetrators use poverty consciousness fears to trigger feelings of worthlessness in the human race in order to get people to acquiesce and be complicit in committing genocide against their own species and planet. If humans only find worth in money and materialism, they have no value placed on the human soul or life, thus genocide of certain groups is made acceptable. Poverty consciousness is a state of fear that is produced by belief systems and attitudes that form into value systems that promote materialism. It is the twisted association of value woven into thoughts and feelings one has toward money or material possessions. Poverty consciousness has nothing to do with the amount of money, physical comfort or material possessions a person has. Poverty consciousness is deeply rooted in fears of victimization, survival, insecurity, and limitation, as well as fears of death that include fears about our relationship to God and the Universe.

When a person lacks spiritual foundation or inner core strength the most common energetic imbalances of the personality, or lower three chakras, triggered by NAA mind control are survival fears and poverty consciousness.  Poverty consciousness is a mind control program shaped by the social engineering that is designed to get humanity to believe we are worthless and that we exist in a world where there is not enough for everybody. When the masses focus on the worthlessness of human life and the lack of resources needed to help all people thrive, it means someone else is stealing the resources and hoarding them for themselves. It is completely obvious for everyone to see the exorbitant excesses of wealth and resources that those in the Power Elite receive, by continuing to enforce the NAA infrastructure to monetize human suffering, maintain the slave classes and make the earth a toxic dump. 

The mind control has been so effective throughout many generations that many of us were born into families who believed they had to accept poverty and abuse, or that wealth is not spiritual, or had taken poverty vows. Additionally, poverty consciousness has a long history on the earth since the NAA invasion and as such it also holds miasmatic imprints that have been passed down ancestrally. Poverty consciousness is a system of fear based belief that is seeded in low self-worth that has been inherited, conditioned and reinforced by mind control into a learned brain pattern to accept anti-human agendas. The pattern of recurring thought forms and unconscious beliefs around fear of survival form into energy patterns that project poverty consciousness, which is used as a tool to trigger deep insecurity fears around survival and death. Thus, humans are easily led into the pen of controlled spiritual oppression. When one can see how poverty consciousness is used as a mass tool for spiritual oppression, slavery and generating irrational fears, it is easier to identify when it’s happening and consciously choose to reprogram fears into unconditionally loving behaviors towards the self and others. A person cannot effectively shift poverty consciousness and survival fears until they can see its mechanism clearly and understand how it is operating inside themselves.

Materialism and Consumerism

When we become more aware of how poverty consciousness is being engineered into the materialistic minds that power up and feed into the machine of the global consumerism economy, we can see one of the main goals is to keep individuals feeling a constant pressure and concern over gaining material possessions and assessing their access to resources that equate into personal status, security or power. By specifically targeting and spreading poverty consciousness fears designed to generate insecurity, doubt and desperation in the masses, they fuel the deification of materialistic values throughout the world. As a result of the social engineering used to deify excessive materialism as the antidote to poverty, consumerism becomes the main world religion, which capitalizes on the insecurity and survival fears in people in order to continually sell and market assembly lines of products. 

Materialistic values powering up consumer cultures glorify and breed narcissistic personalities that have little to no empathy for other people. People that are materialistic tend to equate their value, worth and esteem on their accumulated wealth, status and possessions. Hence, they will also constantly measure others on a similar class scale in order to equate other people as lesser than or greater than themselves, dependent on how much external wealth or power that person has. Materialism is used to maintain class systems of control and the hierarchical structure of power that is based on who has all the money, power or perceived value. People that are materialistic tend to have highly ambitious, competitive, arrogant, and aggressive behaviors and are deeply concerned with issues of personal adequacy. Thus, they will compromise ethical and humane behavior in order to accumulate the wealth and possessions they want, in order to feel more powerful.  That is the big set up on the earth, a person that highly desires wealth and external validation of self-worth, will have to play with the power brokers in the NAA game in order to get it. This means they must make the deal or Faustian pact to give up personal sovereignty and many times prostitute themselves, because of who is really controlling the financial structure. The first thing these dark forces do is find that ambitious person’s pressure point and work to compromise personal integrity and derail spiritual actualization, in order to exploit addictions and weaknesses through psychological and emotional blackmail. An addicted person is a weak minded person that is easily possessed, therefore is easily manipulated by their uncontrollable impulses until they become so fully corrupt, their physical body is used to satisfy the whims of dark forces that are controlling their addictions. This is the main reason why so many materialistic people become incredibly insecure and desperate to maintain their wealth and power, they fall prey to their personal addictions and indulgences which lead to their rapid spiritual decline, which exacerbates even more unethical and criminal behaviors. 

The entire current economic system is based on mass marketing the psychology of consumption and buying excess amounts of products by triggering poverty consciousness and materialism in people. It doesn’t matter what you buy or how you buy it, the corporations just want everyone to buy, even if you don’t have the money and have to beg, borrow or steal to keep buying their products.

Materialistic indoctrination comes in many shades of intensity that are revealed within a person’s belief system and unconscious behaviors. When a person has made materialistic goals their primary objective, it is easy to observe how that materialism evolves into thought obsessions that wholly dominate their perceptions, attitudes and behaviors in the external world. Materialism is to place one’s primary values upon material possessions and physical comfort, making them much more important than anything else, therefore discounting the importance of focusing upon spiritual, ethical or humanitarian values. The Controllers continually shape the global society into the general worldview of purely materialistic assumptions, that what we can see in matter is all that exists, thus, there is nothing else beyond matter. If we believe materialism is the only true nature of reality, we are easily led to think that the pursuit of material things is more important than anything else. If a person believes that getting material things equates to their personal survival, they will do anything, say anything, and potentially hurt anything, in order to get what they believe they need to survive or to feel happy.

If the meaning of life is about materialism, why should I even try to live a moral or ethical life? It is very easy to corrupt and fragment the mind and soul of a materialistic individual that is obsessed with selfish greed and the pursuit of monetary wealth in an extremely corrupt system. Therefore, this selfish thought form is targeted into the minds of humanity to spread corruption, greed and poverty consciousness in the human mind and heart, which is ultimately harmful to all people.

The Illusion of the Rule of Law

The Rule of Law is the legal principle that the law should govern a nation of people equally, rather than be governed by arbitrary decisions made by those with selfish interests to gain, such as individuals that influence society, are in public office or are government officials.  Rule of law implies that every citizen no matter what their position, rank or wealth is subject to the law including the lawmakers, bankers, intelligence agencies, and politicians themselves. If we consider an intelligent debate about how materialism and consumerism have become the primary world religion at a terrible cost to those less privileged, it is easy to see the conflict of interest that occurs when the pursuit of profit and materialistic consumerism is pitted against the Rule of Law. When a society is based upon promoting the materialistic consumer culture at any cost, without regard for the value of human life or life on earth, massive corruption, bribery and criminality is the immediate result. All one has to do is follow the trail of massive amounts of money, payoffs, criminal actions and excess toxic dumping to note the lack of accountability to the law. It is a common sense equation that is clearly evident to anyone who cares to actually look at what is happening on the world stage. There is no Rule of Law, yet the illusion is created by mass media deceptive propaganda, promoting the belief system that we are all subjected to the laws that are supposed to be designed to protect us and protect the earth resources.

As a race of people that are purposely hypnotized by survival and poverty consciousness we look to those assigned with authority and with the supposed expertise to protect us, when in the larger scheme they are actually a part of the structure that want to kill us off. The medical system does not want us healthy and well, as they profit when we’re sick. The educational system does not want us to know our real history or how to think independently, as their grants come from maintaining the NAA rolled out version of the past. The banking system does not want us to be out of debt or interest obligation, as we can be easily controlled when we are drowning in debt. The media and press do not want to actually pursue journalistic truth, but instead report news as sponsored consumer advertisement spots. Religion doesn’t want us talking to God without an intermediary and provides a long list of do's and don’ts, because we could shame ourselves and go to hell. The point is the masses are not told the truth in any way, shape or form. We endure complex webs of gaslighting to invalidate our inner guidance and interfere with what our heart based intuition tells us. The laws are designed for those at the highest echelons of power who run the black magic money system and rule the economy, by pushing through and manipulating the most cash flow in both legal and illegal ways. The reality is that too many people are making money by destroying what we have by monetizing human suffering and supporting rampant criminal actions. The world economy has become based on processing the massive proceeds that are the result of criminal actions that increase human poverty, violence and slavery, rather than doing the ethical work necessary to provide a humanitarian based economy that shares the return of equity by investing in the people.

Legalized Theft

Most people can feel that something is not right with the world economy and monetary system. It is clear that very few people receive massive profits and unimaginable wealth, while the majority of people endure increasing financial struggles and poverty. Every society on earth has created some form of currency for value exchange, but it is the everyday working people that make that currency actually have value. Through our time, energy, ideas and talent the expenditure of our energy is what converts into some form of value exchange that is represented by currency. However, what we work for is valued to pay off mounting ceilings of massive debt that were placed there by the Power Elite bankers, to keep the average working person and their children indentured servants.  The American base currency system is established on increasing deficit spending or growing massive debt, which at some point will reach its tipping point and collapse the current economic system. The strain of the economic collapse that is based on the fraudulent money system is not something to fear, as we realize it will be necessary for the shift in consciousness to occur. This time in 2017, can be an opportunity for trustworthy people to rise to leadership to help lay the groundwork to co-create a global humanitarian based economic system that truly supports and invests in its citizens. We need more leaders that are not motivated by large amounts of cabal money or materialism, but sincerely understand that the creation of personal wealth starts with development of the inner sustaining self. We must invest in people first. From this important foundation a new global currency or monetary fund will need to be circulated, that is not in the hands of those that have been responsible for the legalized theft over the last hundred years.

The Power Elite own the world’s largest banks and are also the shareholders that own the Federal Reserve, which funnels wealth from the working population to the government and then back to the banking sector at a large profit. The Federal Reserve is not a federal agency or related to the central government, as it has corporate stockholders that receive dividends. The Federal Reserve is a private corporation with owners.  This is a fraudulent system that causes great disparity between the rich and the working class, it is a form of currency enslavement used to steal the prosperity away from the people. The debt based currency system empowers and benefits those who created legalized theft in the guise of an economic system. A system designed to transfer all of the purchasing power to the banks and the government, while leaving the working people with the burdens of debt.  The purpose is to confiscate the accumulative wealth of the people and communities, and funnel it back to those in centralizing power, during cycles of controlled economic depression. This is when the bankers take their cut of the cash supply and take ownership and control over many different companies and assets that are forced into short sale. It is the local communities that suffer when resources are sucked out of neighborhoods and back into the centralized power system of a few massive corporate conglomerates.

We are the greatest threat to the survival of this corrupt monetary system and an informed and aware public is what can dismantle this fraudulent system, when we know how it works. This system relies on the fact that most people do not understand how our monetary system works. However, we also must understand the people behind this fraudulent system are using black magic principles to keep the currency circulating in power. The black magic system driving the currency is backed up by the NAA who want to keep the human race bound as indentured servants and slaves by any means necessary.

Black Magic Money

Most people are not aware that the US dollar and the paper it’s printed on, is printed with hidden esoteric symbols that energetically connect into the 4D and 11D Stargate, and the ancient Egyptian timelines from the point of the alien invasion 5,500 years ago. This is to pay homage to the Luciferian Belial Suns, claiming them in the monetary system as the progenitors or owners of the human race. It signifies the prophecy or promise that at the end of the time cycle, they will return to earth to reclaim their subjects to take them to another planet. The 11D Stargate is in the United Kingdom and is where the centralized global financial control exists, hence its relevance connecting to the meaning coded into paper money.

Many of the symbols that are printed on several versions of currency are credited to be masonic symbols, and that is also correct. However, the Masonic Lodges combined many of these symbols and the magical formulas from the later Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) teachings of Aleister Crowley. The paper money printed for one dollar currency is a unit of magical energy that in effect is animated into a magical talisman. Among the world currencies the American dollar was set up to dominate the world market financially, by activating the units of magical energy that were set up and organized by those intending to dominate the global wealth via magical connections made with the Thothian grids, or Black Magic Grids. That information was collated into an organized black magic system at the turn of the century by Aleister Crowley. According to remote session intelligence collected and Guardian mentorship, Aleister Crowley is a key figure in cooperating with the NAA, starting from Grey Alien contact with an entity called Aiwass made in Cairo, Egypt in April 1904.

Thothian-Annunaki language that is based on Enochian language of the Original Creational God Code was given to Crowley at the turn of the century in order for him to be the human embodiment that was necessary to bring this black magic language into the physical earth realms, which continued the Atlantian brotherhood war and its Atlantian Conspiracy into this reality system. Crowley was manipulated through his own massive ego, patriarchal superiority, greed, egomaniacal selfishness and sexual deviance to install a vast circulatory system of Ley Lines of control for NAA interests. This is synonymous with the base structure used by satanic forces, which run the reversal energies into black magic grids. He was groomed in the United Kingdom (the location of the last of the lost Atlantian colonies from 11,500 years ago) with the government heads mentoring him to be in special operation for the Black Sun Program and the Sons of Belial forces, which were trained by the British Secret Service. He was a primary operative used for directing psychological spiritual warfare for the purpose of mind controlling Hitler for the Black Sun Programs and received much earthly power for his cooperation, on multiple dimensions. He was one of the first intelligence operatives that set a precedence for black operations to develop psionic abilities mixed with black magic in order to kill targets remotely.

Thus, Crowley was used to install and help run a series of portals and grid networks that allowed the Draco to get access into the planetary field and this system of collective consciousness black magic grids, is what has been controlling the United States money supply since 1912. The members of the Federal Reserve Board and those running the black magic money system are essentially sorcerers. They have set up legal ways to conjure wealth out of nothing and decide how to distribute it at will, to control the global economy according to their desires. Over time the reversals in the money supply accumulated into increasing chaotic and negative patterns that activated Egyptian Money Curses. Many of us have seen what intense greed and love of money can do to a person, as they turn into a shadow creature. The manipulation of black magic in the money supply and conjuring the world of forces for Service to Self purposes without regard for the consent or consequence on others, was designed to increase world slavery and bring in the anti-Christ forces. Thus, at the higher games of power and control required to accumulate massive wealth, it’s easy to get possessed by these dark forces and then perform a necessary role that helps the NAA serve their genocidal agendas.

Money Curses

Every time we touch money or exchange money we have been dealing with Egyptian Curses and anti-human Black Magic, that is designed as a consciousness trap in materialism. We have been born into a debt based structure that has been enslaved by something ancient that has been hidden from everybody, yet is everywhere, and we can’t get away from it, because it interwoven into all the pillars of society. Currently humans do not have many alternatives in fully detaching ourselves from the necessity of paying for our basic human needs, so the first step in empowering ourselves is to understand exactly what this debt based currency is designed for and refuse to be in consent with its origins.

The Egyptian overlays that represent the full scale alien invasion that began humanities false written history is encoded into the value of the debt currency. It is embedded in the stock market, running the banking system, and entangled in everything that we have to pay for, rent, bills, all of the obligation of debt that directs us energetically into the exact point of our enslavement that began with an Egyptian Curse. The primary energy force that is harvested from human beings to maintain power in these small groups of Power Elite behind the main governing financial structures, are drawing upon a regular source of magical power from the NAA invasion and Egyptian timelines. By doing that they circulate more karmic exhaust and more black magic curse, the more people feed into the monetary enslavement structure.

Thus, the global currency is designed to gather massive wealth toward those who use the Service to Self and Anti-Christ pattern, while repelling it away from those who are truly in Service to Others and Krystic. However, it is important to note that this control system is not nearly as powerful since 2012, and much of the black magic currency is not as strong in repelling as they lose control over earth territory. Once we understand the money system and how it works, we can become freed from its black magic and negative effects, without being infiltrated by its design. First, we have to give up all fear based motivations that serve materialism and money as our god, and put our full trust in our spiritual service and relationship with the natural laws of God. When we lead from our heart, we know that as a byproduct of our dedicated service in natural law, we are provided for and can build prosperity. We were not naturally born into poverty consciousness we were programmed to be a slave and accept poverty consciousness. Our spiritual self comes first, and we must live true to ourselves in order to free ourselves from the fear of death and the slavery program in poverty consciousness.

The Importance of Fair Value Exchange

As we evolve into the new paradigm and begin to update the meaning behind currency exchange and payment systems, we are in a transition towards evolving a new economic model. We are going to need to begin to practice that model in our day to day lives in order to apply it effectively. It is unlikely that the concept of currency will cease to exist in our lifetime on the earth, so we need to think about a type of currency that honors and cares for humanity, adds incentives for personal merit, virtues, expertise and ethical qualities, while supporting the earth and placing the highest value upon life. Behind the scenes there are alternative currencies in play for ensuring global stabilization of the nations’ economies, yet the infighting within the cabals is raging over the perceived loss of territory and power.

Money or currency represents something of value, both at energetic levels and tangible levels. The paper or coin has no value outside of what it represents to that society. Money or currency translates into some tangible creation, service or achievement that the recipient of the money has generated in a value exchange through directing their own personal time and energy. Money represents the accumulated value of services and contributions that help to ensure the entire wellbeing of the community. We must spread that value and service to others, in order to keep circulating the money-energy to exchange with others that also contribute to the overall wellbeing of the community in their own ways. When we value human beings and what they contribute, the value is embedded in the work, service or product that is exchanged. The money received should represent the fair value exchange of that work.  Money received represents the value of your work, time, energy, talents and contribution and when you spend that money, you are letting go of the value created and honoring the value another person has created. We exchange our value for another person’s value and that circulates exchanges of energy between people and systems of energy.  In order to function in fairness, ethical conduct and trustworthiness is critical in assuring there is a fair distribution of resources between all parties involved that is based upon the time and effort made. Equity in a system means that there is a direct link between the value associated with one person’s actions and the value associated with another person’s actions. All people are component parts of the entire system of energy that is equally valued for their contribution, and this is needed to function well. Communities or systems of energy in organizations rely on collaboration, cooperation, and fair value exchange, in order to thrive as a community resource and remain available to those who value and participate with it. 

In the current debt based monetary system, most people do not have value for themselves. They have no value or appreciation for others or their hard work, or the time and effort it takes in directing energy and effort towards something being created. When people do not hold value for energy or for others time and efforts, through self-entitlement or lack of value in themselves they become energy vampires that siphon energy and stop the flow of circulation. Any system of energy, such as an organization that has too many people that are energy vampires or refuse to contribute, and that group does not hold value for the services or does not want to engage in a fair value exchange, the overall energy drain can kill the organization. The organization or service becomes unsupportable with too many people that refuse to circulate a fair value exchange.  This is why it’s critical to weed out energy vampires, and re-educate them beyond poverty consciousness to learn how to be competent enough to become a productive member of the community.

As humans learn to develop emotional competency, they develop self-worth and can then value other people’s time, energy and efforts in order to contribute. This energetic concept is crucial to understand in any organization. In the current 3D mind set, giving people free things that they have no value for is disastrous, it drains precious resources and is extremely wasteful and unproductive. The key component for humanity to learn in this economic shift is to appreciate human life and natural resources, while learning how to offer fair value exchanges that contribute to the whole community. To shift the economic model, we have to listen to what people need and not give them things they have no value or use for. Many of the politicians in power are totally out of touch with what people really need in order to have an increased quality of life. When we orientate ourselves to be of service to the whole and we cultivate our talents and act authentically, caring for others and applying effort to improve ourselves, it is a natural byproduct to manifest more prosperity and happiness.

Flourishing in the New Energy

As we may be dismantled from the old anti-life structures that have pervaded the economic system, to be successful going forward we have to transform our personal values in the ways we have exchanged our energy and our currency. We have the opportunity to realign currency with what we truly value, and to direct it in ways that support life force, peace and prosperity. Even if we have pennies to our name, we have to value ourselves and others without resentment or bitterness. We have to learn the strength and discipline in maintaining fearlessness in the now moment, and not hoard things from fears of poverty consciousness. This experience of feeling financially insecure, although it can feel terrifying, teaches us to learn how to be inner directed and cultivate our spiritual connection to lead us forward, first and foremost. If we master this uncertain state by maintaining peace and calm, we can listen to guidance and be led in the right direction. Patience is required as delayed gratification teaches the ego that it is not in control anymore.

The creation of new currency formats will be explored and developed much more progressively during this phase of transition. The recent changes in the new energy architecture since the end of 2012, will finally support balanced energy exchange for those human beings that sincerely support goods and services with intentional humanitarian values. We have to better understand the corruption and satanic ritual used to control the world money supply and consciously override its control over us. Learning to bless ourselves and bless money, while changing our values about money is a potent way to begin to positively change the distribution of money supply that we have right now.

There are some common ground rules to understand going forward, in learning that you will be provided for when you commit to serve your spiritual values through a Service to Others orientation. Even when it may look dismal and impossible on the external.  Sometimes you may feel that you are in a dead end job so you can spend your free time developing your inner knowledge and clarity of self. Getting past poverty consciousness fears and clearing feelings of dependency on materialism may take some time. Becoming aware of where there are weak spots, where there is poverty consciousness, is the first step in learning to strengthen yourself to face these fears and go beyond them. If you are in a forced hiatus in earning revenue, reflect on how you can create value exchange with humans that value life force. Refocus and revalue all poverty thought forms as not your own, but as reptilian mind control in order to engineer a slave race. Override those thoughts with feelings and inspirations of freedom, creativity and untapped human potentials as inner sustaining life force expressing through your mind, body and spirit.

Here are some guidelines to remember in creating value exchange currency in the new energy architecture:

  • Intend to establish a clear value exchange and purpose in all professional and personal relationships.
  • Honor all transactions you make as win-win scenarios, rather than winner-loser.
  • Be fearless with parting with currency or money in every transaction, even if it's bills.
  • Develop better communication skill and open the dialogue for absolute clarity with exchanges and expectations that may be discussed beforehand, between parties involved.
  • Payment given is intentionally exchanged at full 100% value of currency transacted. Do not devalue who you are paying or the service and goods you are paying for.
  • Set the intention to receive currency from only those who truly value you and your service.
  • Bless and sanctify all resources that you have with an appreciation for Life. Be grateful.
  • If a payment is received with negative energy or devaluation, bless the transaction at 100% value and release the negativity cords between the parties exchanged.

The way exchanges based on poverty consciousness were commonly made in the past such as vampirism deals, selling your soul for money, deceit or manipulation to suck something out of another is not tolerated. Dressing up a product you do not believe in or doing work that is not aligned to your personal or spiritual development will be felt as dead energy. If we do not address the dead energy, we may have energetic consequences to that decision. Achieving a healthy self-esteem and personal worth by aligning ourselves to soul worthy goals and inspirations is our daily practice of revaluing our personal priorities. The good news is that we do have every support in the Universe to help us make these profound shifts into a supportive and loving outcome. We must understand that we are being asked to raise the bar. This year is going to increase the intensity to transform the old order and this will target the economic structure and money supply. Do not let this scare you, stay awake as we walk through the Dark Night on the planet, knowing this is a necessary part of the transformation.  Revalue your priorities and revalue yourself.

When it gets Tough, Focus on the Four Pillars

2017 is going to be an intense year and it may get rougher in the world-scape. As a result, we may need to grow a thicker skin but retain our heart softness with practicing compassion and empathy. Given all the various challenges we face today as a part of the human race, it is clear we have no real control over the external, the larger environment or the outcome. This means we must change all of our priorities to value the internal and intrinsic parts of ourselves, as the most critical parts to preserve and to feel happiness. This means a lot of what we can control is how we think and what we move towards. Most of our happiness relies on our personal attitudes. No matter who we are and what level of spiritual development we have, all humans can relate to these pillars in order to remember how we each can find happiness, while seeing or experiencing personal or global turmoil.

The Four Pillars for being Happy:

EXPANSION: Focus on personal growth towards spiritual authenticity and having a variation of life experiences to create that expansion.

CONNECTION: Having meaningful human relationships and cultivating deep connections in our life.

GRATITUDE: Practice appreciation and gratitude for what you have every day.

SERVICE: Being of Service and making contributions to the larger whole, making a difference.

Happiness and gratitude are attitudes that we all can create more of every day. There are many things that we are facing in the world today and in our own lives that are challenging and painful. This fact does not have to change one’s ability to feel happy every day of our life, even while seeing the larger picture. As we become more expanded in our personal growth we begin to experience the feelings of connection with all of life, and we then can choose to be grateful that we can make a difference through our intentional service to the whole.

Slow and Steady and Easy

It will be up to each of us to use our wisdom and discernment and really feel where new levels of change can be made in our lives.  It feels like there will be more opportunities in this next year to make value exchanges that increase the quality and value of our life, even while it may feel like a tumultuous time in our life.  We have support and we have the ability to increase value in ways that we did not before.  Even though it may not look that way on the outside, we do have more life force available to use now.  Having gratitude for what we have, helps to multiply the value that we bring to our lives and is a part of exchanging and bringing more value to it.

We will have to discipline ourselves not to fall prey to the pundits that the world is crumbling.  There will be a lot of noise and distraction.  Do not fall prey to the service to self hypnosis. Service to Others is becoming more anchored as the Law of Structure at the end of 2017.  Realize there is enough for everyone and integrate this understanding into how you look at things.  Whatever we are doing to create income, knowing where the tentacles and consciousness traps are will help us avoid the pitfalls of drama and fear.  Following the Law of One and Service to Others allows the Universe to return those resources to us, where it cannot if we are caught in consciousness traps.  As we uphold personal value and spiritual integrity, and collaborate with spiritual forces in the coming year, try not to place any conditions on how any of it plays out.  It never looks like what we expect and the most aligned options often come at the 11th hour.

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. May we pray together for Peace on Earth in 2017. I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa

Suggested for You

  • Non-Attachment

    There are a great many learning opportunities that help us gain self-mastery in the material world distractions. The most important lesson is becoming aware of these distractions, then to override them from controlling your personal force of will and Consciousness. This is the process of non-attachment. The ultimate dismantling is the release of all Attachments, including the attachment feelings to being attached. It may be helpful to identify, locate and release attachments that bind or limit your consciousness.

    • Practice focusing your Consciousness on the eternal parts and meditate with the knowing that consciousness exists without your body.
    • Attune to the specific distractions that keep you attached to the 3D material world. Note the distractions of attachment. Identify them and tell each one specifically that you are handing these attachments over to be released by your higher consciousness self. Affirm that you release all attachments to the force of your higher consciousness.
    • Ask your Higher Consciousness to locate any Consciousness Traps and to bring them to your attention. Ask to release your attachments to the consciousness traps and that you intend, with consent and authority to be released and Freed.
    • I am God! I am Sovereign! I am Free!

    Read more …

  • The Indigo Neurology

    At this time of accelerated evolution, it is required for some Indigo’s undergoing the Ascension process to be assisted with Etheric Surgery. Etheric Surgery is a new term for a new group of facilitators emerging to work on the multidimensional anatomy by supporting the Nadis system or other layers of the Auric Field.

    The Nadis System is the Electrical Nerval Plexus that receives and transmits the new frequencies being absorbed into the entire individual energy matrix and the cellular body. It acts as an energetic switchboard for the entire bio-energy field. The Nadis system is located at the etheric template layer of the energy bodies and may need to be upgraded in order to be more easily calibrated to the new energies introduced to the personal field. This rewiring will hold the new resonant frequencies in the individual's body with minimum discomfort. Etheric Surgery will be an emerging career of the future, as one of the many new healing modalities surfacing at this time of human transition during the Ascension Cycle.  

    In my session experiences, I have witnessed that the Indigo energetic field matrices are much more highly sensitized and developed.  Indigos appear to be pre-wired into naturally being in a developed state of Higher Sensory Perception and thus have multidimensional awareness. Indigos process information and data in the environmental energies much differently than most third dimensional humans.

    Their mode of information processing is not in a linear sequence but in a multidimensional state. They tend to read a page or book from the middle of the page or at the end of the book, not reading to absorb the material from the book cover to finish as do most humans. They can scan a large field of material and pluck out specific data that is of direct interest to them and discard the rest. They can have a huge scope and breadth to their ability to absorb various amounts of information. They are not interested in absorbing anything that is not pertinent to them or of interest to them, hence school studies of detailed minutia is a nightmare for most of these Indigo students. Their cognitive abilities are different and many times they are not recognized and supported within their creative genius. If their immense potential is not cultivated, they may be considered impaired by the third dimensional standards. However, they are highly advanced and require new methods of learning and accessing their creative potential and soul purpose. 

    Indigos have highly developed senses in different areas, acute hearing, sight or sensitivity to smell, sounds and food. This can also develop into allergic responses to many environmental synthetics, pollutants and preservatives in food. Anything inorganic is an insult to their nervous system and may become intolerable for them.  Also, many Indigo’s are fully telepathic. If they are exposed to certain qualities of energy fields not in resonance to their personal vibration, it can feel excruciating to them. I have found that many Adult Indigos over time, have self medicated their sensitivity with drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism to harsh energies. Since childhood, they were emotionally overwhelmed from the tremendous input and array of external energies. Many times unaware they were an empath and that they would absorb the feelings, thoughts and energies of people around them. Over time this phenomena would feel painfully dense for them. 

    Over the years, when I had an session practice, I have facilitated neurological structure upgrades at the energetic template level for Indigo’s. This is a type of etheric surgery that upgrades the nadis structures and the energetic blueprint for the nervous system to be calibrated into harmony with the current vibration level of the soul essence housing the body(ies). I have facilitated this for Adults and children. In most cases the client feels more comfortable in a variety of ways. Many times nutrients and supplements are also requested to support the physical body with its neurological structure. As the nerve synapses fire energetic frequency it can burn through the neurotransmitter supply and specific tissue salts and minerals. Once these nutrients are replaced the Indigo feels much less anxiety or as highly sensitized when exposed to discordant frequencies. 

    We are going through a cycle of massive acceleration of frequency activation. We need to prepare our bodies and use all tools given to us to make this as smooth as possible. I highly encourage, as you are guided, to utilize the tools and begin to inquire within what is needed for you personally. Ask to be guided to the right healers, for information, or direct healing from your Ascension Teams and Indigo Star Families.  

    I offer this as information that has been provided to me during many of my etheric healing sessions. At this time it is difficult to quantify scientifically, as this data has been compiled through cultivating an multidimensional awareness over the past few years of my personal Ascension process and doing thousands of sessions.  I genuinely hope this will help parents of Indigo Children and Adult Indigos alike to discern better their own multidimensional energy anatomy and find solutions to allow them more comfort during this special time on the planet.  

    I have provided many tools on this website and the community. These invocational commands are called the “Indigo Calibration Tool”. As you are guided, please facilitate for yourself as needed and for your Indigo children. You may need to develop a spiritual program and do them repeatedly as this assists the inner plane healers and Master Guides supporting our personal evolution to get more accurate and specific in fine tuning the neurological structure upgrades.

    Stay in the luminosity of your Heart and Soul Path! We are here as One!


    As a parent, you must ask permission from the Higher selves involved if you are in harmony to represent this healing for the child. Feel your answer, or muscle test. If the answer is no, you must wait or ask for direct lead as to what step is next. If there is an opening, request as the Parent to address your Childs Higher Self Spiritual Council. (HSC) I would suggest to complete this calibration when your child has just gone to sleep. Request your Higher Self Councils and your child’s HSC work together to the highest capacity of exchange in service to the Light. I also highly suggest working with creating the 12D Shield for yourself first (as Step one) and then placing one around your child. This would be Step two.

    You may use the language of your own request or to your specific Spiritual Authority that you feel attuned to. I greatly suggest that you must include that you are intending to align to the Agenda of the Guardian Races here to serve the Law of One and Christ Mission, because they are truth spirits and do not deceive or manipulate. Otherwise, it is possible that one can get those entities with different agendas sneaking in. Many of these Indigo-Crystal children are of extreme interest to ET races and so your intention and setting the field is very important. It is your responsibility to command the space in the Light and In Service to the highest experssion of God Source. When you set the space, one is commanding that nothing else outside that vibration of the truth spirit or God Source be allowed within your sacred space.

    Much love and blessings to you both,


    Parent-Child Indigo Calibration

    Parent Speaks for Child:

    We Ask The Guardians, God Selves, Evolution Support Teams, Starseed Identity Matrix, aligned to the Law of One Mission to work together for the highest capacity of exchange of God’s infinite light, love and power in divine right order and harmony.

    I place my child in the stewardship of which is dedicated to serve God’s blessing and grace and for him/her to be returned as their rightful ownership held in the Natural Laws of God in divine sovereignty, as God would have it be. I bless and sanctify my child to be blessed, protected and dedicated to the highest expression that serves the Eternal God Plan, in the authority of God, and name of the Christ. Please give me direct cognition of any action or non- action to be addressed as the parent of  ______  as I state my blessing and commitment to protect my child as a servant and vessel of God’s highest light and expression.

    (Imagine or Intend filling yourself/child with 12th Dimensional Liquid Silver light, the dimension where our 12 DNA strand AVATAR Blueprint exists.Spend a few moments feeling that fill your body.)

    Please Open the 12th Dimensional Vortex in into full expansion in the Cosmic Christ Force of Krystal Platinum Light, Grid this Space entirely in the 12th Dimensional Pale Silver Light. Set the Spin Accordingly, Calibrate, Anchor Lock and Seal in this Hologram.

    North South East West – Earth- Sky : We direct the Four Corners to Be Sealed in the Light of Unity and Oneness. We Are Impenetrable and Invincible. We ask the AURORA KRYSTAL FORCES OF LIGHT to Anchor this Space Sacred in Service to the Law of One of which We Serve.

    Ask our Higher Selves to check to see if any of the jewels, wings, energies and parts or bodies have been abducted, and return them NOW, and to invalidate the beings that did the abduction, healing and sealing your field from intrusion. We call back now all that is our self sovereign god power and right.

    Further Return all energies and essences that were stolen or misdirected from control or manipulation. I AM FREE NOW. I AM FREE NOW. I AM FREE NOW.

    Call in our personal ascension and evolution team to support.

    We Request The Core Fear Matrix Removal Program and Holographic Repatterning to the Christ Mind.

    We ask first for a general clearing of all fear-based programs that are hindering our spiritual growth.

    Remove all imbalanced energies, implants and their manipulation, all fear-based programs preventing us from completing our ascension.

    Please install the lattice work of light into our mind grid field and emotional field to remove all fear based programs.

    You may feel them moving out the top of your head. If you feel specific fears you know about yourself, request them to be removed and identify them specifically to the Christ Masters to remove. The more specific the better.

    We request that our Teams focus on my physical body and ask to remove any and all fear based programs lodged there.

    We Request that you clear and heal our etheric body and remove any fear-based programs that are blocking either of us or me.

    We request that you clear and heal our astral body and remove all fear-based programs and spiritual weeds from our astral, or emotional body

    We thank the Beloved Guardians and our Evolution Teams and genetic technicians for this healing and support.

    We call upon the Dispensation of the Sacred 777 to release any ancestral pattern in our genetic lineage contributing to any blockages preventing us from our soul and god realization. We claim in the Truth of our being fully revealed as Light. The divine inheritance that IS the Truth. Our Self Sovereign God Power and right!

    Request that the (Reptilian) tailbone implant/obstruction/manipulation to be removed by the Guardians or 12th Dimensional God Self and to restore the merkaba spin and rotation to its absolute perfect state of functioning. Command your Light to be All Received NOW. Open all energetic communication and pathways to be crystal clear with your etheric template body by axiatonal alignment to the highest dimensional harmonic frequencies. Ask your Root chakra and Sacral Chakra attunement and axiatonal lines be connected to the frequency hubs in divine harmony and right order.

    Anchor, activate, energize 12th Dimensional Blueprint, Divine Monadic Blueprint Body of Christ, As God would have it Be.

    Reweave and reconnect, synchronize with light, open all pathways of communication between the template bodies and the 12th dimensional body.

    Upgrade, Download, Recalibrate Etheric Nadis, and the Electro magnetic Battery Body to new connections. Reset and Synchronize to Timeline in this moment of Self.

    Reconnect and axiatonally align all etheric merdian Channels to the Frequency Hubs Axiatonal lines in order of priority as necessary. Align and open the handshake to the Home Soul Frequency through the Starseed Identity matrices in the hubs. Recalibrate, Synchronize and Reset.

    Anchor the All Biological Codes and Seed Crytals as needed for the Christos race. Activate the Silicate matrix in its divine order.

    Ask AURORA FORCES of ELEMENTAL COMMAND and THEIR FAMILY of Devas of healing specific to EMF field balancing to Recalibrate and align all electro magnetic devices and frequencies in your home/office/school to be in attunement with your divine essence vibration, your soul plan, and then calibrate it seamlessly to the NEW EARTH planetary life force through the FOUR FACES OF MAN.

    Ask for any axiatonal line or etheric nadial upgrades needed for the optimum functioning and comfort of your bio-energy field and for your child that is outside the scope of your request or understanding.

    Calibrate all connections to harmonize and synchronize seamlessly with your energetic field to this timeline. 

    Permanently, Totally and Completely.


    Parent states Intention of Guardianship :

    I harmonize and hold this space in the name of One Self God Self. As witness of One I seal this into the Light of Union and Wholeness in Service to the One Self. And So it Is.

    Please take this through the Outer Levels, Mind Grid, DNA, Karmic Contract, Core Soul Level and Beyond.

    From Beyond the Moment of Self to beyond and through the Earth, annihilate the Negatives generating harm at the Moment of Self, Past, Present and Future timelines.

    Through all dimensions and realities, all chakras and chakra complexes on all levels. Take this through the Morphogenetic Field and subtle energy systems all levels and components of the Being. Fully, Completely, Totally and Permanently. Anchor Lock and Seal through the Hologram. Anchor Lock and Seal through the Time Matrix.

    Beloveds, We thank you for this Opportunity. It is with great joy and reverence we are Home. Our Infinite Stream of Love is with you in  all ways.

    And So it is. We Seal and End this Session into the Light of Wholeness and Union. Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, for this eternal blessing of protection.