Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process

April 2006

Lisa Renee

The first quarter of this year has been quite dramatic with astrological configurations, eclipses, alignments and solar flares resulting in a plethora of energetic events impacting all of us. Almost daily I receive new detail about some celestial anomaly that has supposedly not occurred here on the Earth for hundreds or even thousands of years. 

The recent Solar Eclipse on March 29th marks yet another huge influx of energy that will catalyze humanities progress into one of the increasing polarity spirals. Our downward or upward spiral of personal evolution will be exponentially increased by these forces. For those more consciously interacting with these forces, it will be apparent this is propelling us to shape our soul destiny. This influx of energy is amplifying both spirals, creating an ever increasing polarity junction between these two possible realities.

Recently, so many items have surfaced that I barely know where to begin. This information is related to our Soul Group process over the next year, as it is taking us out of this particular Cycle of Preparation into a Cycle of Action.

Over the last several years there has been a gradual and naturally occurring delineation of the Worlds. This shifting began to change how we perceive and experience time and space in this dimensional plane. New potential timelines for our Planet were created and began expansion into higher dimensional planes. Multidimensional experiences became easier to attain as we began to shift our senses into perceiving and integrating these newly available energies. All of these new possibilities are intersecting and opening to us during this time cycle of Planetary Ascension. This is such an incredible time to be here, as the human being is accessing multidimensional potentials that have never existed in this density before!

This Cycle of Preparation has given us the time we needed to prepare our bodies and to make choices in how we will experience our own Planetary Ascension. This year as we feel accelerated to Put the Pedal to the Metal, our clarity of purpose will translate into a Cycle of Action, perpetually present in each moment of Now.

Accelerated Internal Pressure

The sequencing of these recent astrological events has applied so much additional pressure, tension and amplification to our emotional experience. We are experiencing more extreme emotional states across all possible spectrums. Finding ways to release and care for our self is important, in not allowing these emotional energies to overwhelm us. Remember the Ascension process is about 99% Emotional Purification.

In the intensity of change during these times, I really want us  to open a dialog with our Soul Group and share our experiences. How IS everyone doing? We need to check in with each other. Do you know your Ascension process is perfect for you and that you will be asked to share your experience to help guide others? It may be now or it may be in the future. It may come in communication, media, books, internet or simply speaking to your next door neighbor.

You ARE the Ascension guides being born to be the Light carriers of the future. You Are the Light of the Future Worlds. The light information you carry from your Ascension experience has an inexpressible value to the entirety of our Living Universal Matrix.

During the last months most of us experienced another level of emotional polarity integration. This integration is felt as intense internal energies seeking resolution within the depths of your core being. Some days it may feel like these energies work at cross purposes, creating inner conflict and resulting in yet more confusion in finding your soul path. Just when circumstances surface that look promising or begin to feel right to you, the rug is pulled out from underneath you, and what you thought was your direction is entirely unclear once again.

This sequence of events has put us into reflection and self inquiry many times over. Many of us are questioning everything and anything showing up in our path. What are we doing? Why are we here? Is this all really worth it? You are in deep self examination, so do remember to not take yourself too seriously.  We must relax into this. This is a heavy month of dismantling, change and adjustments so be flexible and keep breathing. The transformational forces will do the work for us if we can get out of the way and TRUST. This push and pull with the energies as we integrate can be rather exhausting at times. It is no wonder we are sleeping so much more than we used to.

Demarcation Point

Currently the perceived reality as a Third Dimensional (3D) Being, and the reality experienced as a Multi-dimensional (MD) Being have reached a new demarcation point. From this point onward we will be sharing the same Time and Space, but with different levels of souls experiencing even higher and more various dimensional energies.

The Old Energy paradigm will be observed from the current MD Human perspective without the same interaction or impact. We will continue to be separated from circumstances that are not vibrationally matched with our purposes, sometimes rather abruptly. Further, the things that are not a vibrational match such as food, people, places and clothing will become so intolerable to our being that the discomfort will force the change.  This delineation of space between the reality worlds will steadily increase and feel rather disorienting to us until we get the wing of it. This means learning to trust your process and become comfortable in the transformational chaos.  Many times I jokingly repeat to myself 'Toto, We are not in Kansas anymore'. Certainly this time has been such an experimental and learn as you go kind of process.

The 3D Human will not be consciously aware of the MD Human’s reality, unless it is their personal or soul choice to do so. As for all of us in making that personal or soul choice, it is the hidden biological signal to begin the DNA initiation and activation process. This DNA activation process is what allows the light accretion and neurological structures to access the broadcast of the higher frequency reality fields.

The capacity to be Multidimensional will remain dormant until activated, with the inability to perceive beyond the frequency fence of the 3D reality. As a MD Being you must remember that when you find yourself interacting with a 3D person, they are not being obstinate, rude or stubborn. They really do not feel, see, experience or perceive many of the things that you are now capable of. They have the inner potential, but it is not activated yet.  For most of us as we are expanding this realization can be quite a shock.

However, as we move forward from this time cycle, it will become exceedingly difficult for the 3D Human to jump across the chasm between these realities. The 3D Human will accelerate in their experience of matter densification, resulting in a markedly magnified and chaotic reality. Those that do make the choice to evolve within the future timeline window will be assigned to an Ascension sponsor. This may be in the physical or non physical realities. Many of us as a part of the First Wave Ascension soul group will be supporting and guiding these future Ascension participants, to cope with their steadily dissolving reality structures.

The Classroom Analogy

Let us use the analogy of participating in the Earth Classroom, a class that has consolidated all levels of education under one roof. This educational classroom facilitates the Earth kindergartner all the way to the highest level, Cosmic PhD. You choose your grade level based on your previously earned credits and the educational degree you have chosen to pursue. It is explained to you that you must have certain prerequisites to enroll or teach in the higher stages of the classroom.

Each new grade level is earned by teaching a class to the students that you most recently graduated from. As you interact with and teach your classroom of students, your students also become your teacher, to attain full mastery of that grade. You earn the credits and graduate to the next level as your students do.  One day, a certain point is reached where the educational scale becomes so imbalanced that some classrooms are missing teachers, some classrooms are missing students and there is discordance within the structure of learning. Even though students were honored to go at their own learning pace, too many were lagging behind in kindergarten class. There were very few students running ahead and able to teach them. The few running ahead felt pulled down by the ones behind. They were excited to get to the next classroom. The ones behind did not realize their purpose was to learn and graduate to the next class.

So the Founders of the Earth Classroom have to make a decision. They call it an experiment, as nothing like this has ever happened before to the classrooms.  It is decided the lower grades must graduate to a certain level by a certain time to restore harmony within the Classroom structures. The Founders ask new professors and fresh teachers from all over the cosmos if they will come to teach in the Earth Classroom. Many of these new teachers have never been to the Classroom before. Many agree to come now while others decide to come later. The Founders even recruit some of the students still needing to earn credits and grant them special dispensations to teach the other students. They set new rules to do everything they are able to allow everyone to pass through graduation, even grading on an easier curve.

However, the Founders make many decisions and must consider all in the best interest of the whole Earth Classroom. If the kindergarten students are not able to graduate by the deadline, other arrangements will have to be made for their learning process. Kindergarten will not be an available class after the deadline. So, everything in the Classroom accelerates very fast for increased learning and education. The Founders watch their Earth Classroom with much love and hope for all to graduate.  And away we go through the upward spiral of our learning and evolution to finally attain our new graduation level in the Earth Classroom.

Ascension Wave

This is our New Classroom. This is an incredibly important time in our evolutionary development and many of us will have our next level soul mission revealed to us upon reaching our Planetary Ascension this year. We are embarking on a wave of Planetary Ascension that is to be completed between Mid-Summer through to the Fall months. We usually ascend in waves within our soul grouping, as the group energetic fields reach a critical mass of frequency and their collective vibration attaches to the next level of frequency or a higher reality field of light.  

Upon completing our Planetary Ascension many of us will be contacted or receive impulses from our Star and Soul Families. This may happen in various ways such as lucid dreams, astral travel, physical apparitions or telepathic connections. It is extremely important at this time to be intuitively discerning and work on cultivating your ability to sense energetic forms. Your physical body and feeling nature will alert you to exactly what kind of connection this contact offers, whether for your soul empowerment or not.  You will feel uplifted, spiritually connected and in agreement with this contact. The nature of this contact and light transmission will be about our recruitment and willingness to be stewards in forthcoming opportunities for Planetary Leadership.

The Spiritual Hierarchies are aligning to Earth in such a way that E.T. contact is much more probable for a great many human beings. It is time to work on feeling comfortable with these possibilities and to avoid the negative charge or fear when sensing the presence of nonphysical beings. We need to expand beyond the social programming and fear propagated around nonphysical phenomena. As we become better informed about Multidimensional Mechanics, Ascension and the Universal Cosmology, we realize our infinite potential as eternal beings and our current purposes of evolution. There is nothing to fear.

In a separate series of articles I address the topic of “Psychic Self Defense” and I encourage you to get a basic understanding of techniques to discern the current energy dynamics impacting humans. At this time, it is simply suggested to learn to listen to your body and feeling senses, as this will be your primary navigation tool from this point onward. This is developing your inherent abilities of Higher Sensory Perception. If it does not feel right than it isn’t right. Learn to use your dominion to command any intruding force to leave immediately.  


With all the recent shifting and change, the paramount topic currently being expressed by the Guardians is a term they have been using with me: The Deployment. I found this a curious term to use and was not sure if I appreciated the context of its militaristic approach.

However, our Evolutionary Forces of Light wish to express a more comprehensive understanding of the nature of our Deployment into our next level planetary soul missions. This is the keynote of this year’s Cycle of Action into Manifestation. With this understanding we can relax that we have not missed a turn somewhere on our path, that may have led to feeling stagnated or thwarted. We are waiting for a particular timing and juncture in synchronization with many levels of unified forces to support our group effort.

Frequency Hubs

These intense few months of accelerated clearing were needed for the integration required, to access the higher reality fields that are now being exposed to the Earth. These higher reality fields are carried here in a concentrated energetic structure referred to as Frequency Hubs. They were anchored into this dimensional plane creating energetic portals in various demographic locations on the planet. These hubs were specifically placed on energetic planetary vortices in a type of concentric circle geometric pattern. They are similar in appearance to crop circles, a phenomena that we have become familiar with over the past few years. These hubs provide frequency to be stationed and stabilized in the planet’s grid, reducing interference while allowing accelerated frequency transmission to humans in an unprecedented format.

These energetic Frequency Hubs begin an entirely new level of Earth experience. These Hubs are an array of extremely concentrated high vibrating energies that also allow access to life forms never before present in this reality. One purpose of these new Frequency Hubs is to energetically sustain the Lightworkers, Indigos and various soul groups on the Ascension mission to expedite their next evolutionary level.

Soul Groups are beginning to assemble and recognize each other, to support the connection to the new Frequency Hubs and to further activate cellular memory. This year there are to be three main streams of souls emerging in what has been referred to as Indigo Typing.

The Guardians make reference in more detail to the Indigo Types and that each of these types have specific expertise in a certain area of the Ascension process. The Frequency Hubs better facilitate the frequency required for cellular activation to occur, to access this particular information in the Indigo’s emotional, heart centers and cognitive functioning. Many of these Indigo’s will be further activated and recruited for more visible roles in the world. This information will be further explained in next month’s newsletter.

In closing, rest assured that you will have no question about where you are going as your path will be revealed to you very directly. Divine order works on a Need to Know basis. We may not get every detail sorted out, however, we will move beyond the stagnation or limbo period we have experienced in this last cycle, The Cycle of Preparation. This year has an entirely new quality in the way our world will manifest. This year will be the year of reorganizing, replacement and getting you to your proper destination.

At this time there is incredible gratitude and expanded support for us in the multidimensional realms. We thank you for being a part of these incredible times, in the Earth’s Revolution to Evolution.

Until next time, stay in the luminosity of your Heart and Soul Path. We are here as One.

2006 Lisa Renee,

Suggested for You

  • What is Ascension?

    This is a primer to review the basic meaning and mechanics of the Ascension Cycle, and open dialogue to discuss the various awakening symptoms that many humans may encounter during the consciousness evolution process that is happening on planet earth
    . I have placed many articles and tools on the website that may help support improved awareness to further investigate and explore the impacts that Ascension has upon human beings, the planet and all consciousness. It is important to develop strong discernment of the energetic signatures that we come to interact with, while learning how to distinguish personal resonance in order to help guide us forward. Please only take in the information that feels right for your personal journey and discard the rest. 

    Humanity is undergoing a consciousness shift which requires a re-education of values and a change of priority in lifestyle. Much of the information on this website is a guideline to support people that are awakening and being guided towards stewardship or leadership roles in order to help others move through the consciousness shift that Ascension creates on the planet. It is also important to share awakening information with others in order to not feel fear from unusual consciousness experiences that occur commonly when integrating higher light-energy bodies. This information comes from my direct consciousness experiences with the Guardian Krystal Star Host and a kundalini awakening that began during the Grand Cross Alignment in August 1999. This was a very personal and frightening physical awakening process that dismantled my entire reality and ego in a very short period of time. During intense spiritual awakening phases, we undergo ego dismantling, and this is called the Dark Night of the Soul. I share my experiences to be of service to anyone that may benefit from this information. I have had many unusual, mystical manifestations appear in my life since my spontaneous kundalini release many years ago. Those of us undergoing the first wave of awakening are the Ascension Guides for the majority of humanity who have not yet experienced a direct spiritual awakening or have had enlightened extra-dimensional contact. This website is dedicated to the Starseeds, and those endeavoring to evolve as Guardian Stewards in order to help participate and build the required consciousness structures for this planet and humanity.

    Read more …

  • The Indigo Neurology

    At this time of accelerated evolution, it is required for some Indigo’s undergoing the Ascension process to be assisted with Etheric Surgery. Etheric Surgery is a new term for a new group of facilitators emerging to work on the multidimensional anatomy by supporting the Nadis system or other layers of the Auric Field.

    The Nadis System is the Electrical Nerval Plexus that receives and transmits the new frequencies being absorbed into the entire individual energy matrix and the cellular body. It acts as an energetic switchboard for the entire bio-energy field. The Nadis system is located at the etheric template layer of the energy bodies and may need to be upgraded in order to be more easily calibrated to the new energies introduced to the personal field. This rewiring will hold the new resonant frequencies in the individual's body with minimum discomfort. Etheric Surgery will be an emerging career of the future, as one of the many new healing modalities surfacing at this time of human transition during the Ascension Cycle.  

    In my session experiences, I have witnessed that the Indigo energetic field matrices are much more highly sensitized and developed.  Indigos appear to be pre-wired into naturally being in a developed state of Higher Sensory Perception and thus have multidimensional awareness. Indigos process information and data in the environmental energies much differently than most third dimensional humans.

    Their mode of information processing is not in a linear sequence but in a multidimensional state. They tend to read a page or book from the middle of the page or at the end of the book, not reading to absorb the material from the book cover to finish as do most humans. They can scan a large field of material and pluck out specific data that is of direct interest to them and discard the rest. They can have a huge scope and breadth to their ability to absorb various amounts of information. They are not interested in absorbing anything that is not pertinent to them or of interest to them, hence school studies of detailed minutia is a nightmare for most of these Indigo students. Their cognitive abilities are different and many times they are not recognized and supported within their creative genius. If their immense potential is not cultivated, they may be considered impaired by the third dimensional standards. However, they are highly advanced and require new methods of learning and accessing their creative potential and soul purpose. 

    Indigos have highly developed senses in different areas, acute hearing, sight or sensitivity to smell, sounds and food. This can also develop into allergic responses to many environmental synthetics, pollutants and preservatives in food. Anything inorganic is an insult to their nervous system and may become intolerable for them.  Also, many Indigo’s are fully telepathic. If they are exposed to certain qualities of energy fields not in resonance to their personal vibration, it can feel excruciating to them. I have found that many Adult Indigos over time, have self medicated their sensitivity with drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism to harsh energies. Since childhood, they were emotionally overwhelmed from the tremendous input and array of external energies. Many times unaware they were an empath and that they would absorb the feelings, thoughts and energies of people around them. Over time this phenomena would feel painfully dense for them. 

    Over the years, when I had an session practice, I have facilitated neurological structure upgrades at the energetic template level for Indigo’s. This is a type of etheric surgery that upgrades the nadis structures and the energetic blueprint for the nervous system to be calibrated into harmony with the current vibration level of the soul essence housing the body(ies). I have facilitated this for Adults and children. In most cases the client feels more comfortable in a variety of ways. Many times nutrients and supplements are also requested to support the physical body with its neurological structure. As the nerve synapses fire energetic frequency it can burn through the neurotransmitter supply and specific tissue salts and minerals. Once these nutrients are replaced the Indigo feels much less anxiety or as highly sensitized when exposed to discordant frequencies. 

    We are going through a cycle of massive acceleration of frequency activation. We need to prepare our bodies and use all tools given to us to make this as smooth as possible. I highly encourage, as you are guided, to utilize the tools and begin to inquire within what is needed for you personally. Ask to be guided to the right healers, for information, or direct healing from your Ascension Teams and Indigo Star Families.  

    I offer this as information that has been provided to me during many of my etheric healing sessions. At this time it is difficult to quantify scientifically, as this data has been compiled through cultivating an multidimensional awareness over the past few years of my personal Ascension process and doing thousands of sessions.  I genuinely hope this will help parents of Indigo Children and Adult Indigos alike to discern better their own multidimensional energy anatomy and find solutions to allow them more comfort during this special time on the planet.  

    I have provided many tools on this website and the community. These invocational commands are called the “Indigo Calibration Tool”. As you are guided, please facilitate for yourself as needed and for your Indigo children. You may need to develop a spiritual program and do them repeatedly as this assists the inner plane healers and Master Guides supporting our personal evolution to get more accurate and specific in fine tuning the neurological structure upgrades.

    Stay in the luminosity of your Heart and Soul Path! We are here as One!


    As a parent, you must ask permission from the Higher selves involved if you are in harmony to represent this healing for the child. Feel your answer, or muscle test. If the answer is no, you must wait or ask for direct lead as to what step is next. If there is an opening, request as the Parent to address your Childs Higher Self Spiritual Council. (HSC) I would suggest to complete this calibration when your child has just gone to sleep. Request your Higher Self Councils and your child’s HSC work together to the highest capacity of exchange in service to the Light. I also highly suggest working with creating the 12D Shield for yourself first (as Step one) and then placing one around your child. This would be Step two.

    You may use the language of your own request or to your specific Spiritual Authority that you feel attuned to. I greatly suggest that you must include that you are intending to align to the Agenda of the Guardian Races here to serve the Law of One and Christ Mission, because they are truth spirits and do not deceive or manipulate. Otherwise, it is possible that one can get those entities with different agendas sneaking in. Many of these Indigo-Crystal children are of extreme interest to ET races and so your intention and setting the field is very important. It is your responsibility to command the space in the Light and In Service to the highest experssion of God Source. When you set the space, one is commanding that nothing else outside that vibration of the truth spirit or God Source be allowed within your sacred space.

    Much love and blessings to you both,


    Parent-Child Indigo Calibration

    Parent Speaks for Child:

    We Ask The Guardians, God Selves, Evolution Support Teams, Starseed Identity Matrix, aligned to the Law of One Mission to work together for the highest capacity of exchange of God’s infinite light, love and power in divine right order and harmony.

    I place my child in the stewardship of which is dedicated to serve God’s blessing and grace and for him/her to be returned as their rightful ownership held in the Natural Laws of God in divine sovereignty, as God would have it be. I bless and sanctify my child to be blessed, protected and dedicated to the highest expression that serves the Eternal God Plan, in the authority of God, and name of the Christ. Please give me direct cognition of any action or non- action to be addressed as the parent of  ______  as I state my blessing and commitment to protect my child as a servant and vessel of God’s highest light and expression.

    (Imagine or Intend filling yourself/child with 12th Dimensional Liquid Silver light, the dimension where our 12 DNA strand AVATAR Blueprint exists.Spend a few moments feeling that fill your body.)

    Please Open the 12th Dimensional Vortex in into full expansion in the Cosmic Christ Force of Krystal Platinum Light, Grid this Space entirely in the 12th Dimensional Pale Silver Light. Set the Spin Accordingly, Calibrate, Anchor Lock and Seal in this Hologram.

    North South East West – Earth- Sky : We direct the Four Corners to Be Sealed in the Light of Unity and Oneness. We Are Impenetrable and Invincible. We ask the AURORA KRYSTAL FORCES OF LIGHT to Anchor this Space Sacred in Service to the Law of One of which We Serve.

    Ask our Higher Selves to check to see if any of the jewels, wings, energies and parts or bodies have been abducted, and return them NOW, and to invalidate the beings that did the abduction, healing and sealing your field from intrusion. We call back now all that is our self sovereign god power and right.

    Further Return all energies and essences that were stolen or misdirected from control or manipulation. I AM FREE NOW. I AM FREE NOW. I AM FREE NOW.

    Call in our personal ascension and evolution team to support.

    We Request The Core Fear Matrix Removal Program and Holographic Repatterning to the Christ Mind.

    We ask first for a general clearing of all fear-based programs that are hindering our spiritual growth.

    Remove all imbalanced energies, implants and their manipulation, all fear-based programs preventing us from completing our ascension.

    Please install the lattice work of light into our mind grid field and emotional field to remove all fear based programs.

    You may feel them moving out the top of your head. If you feel specific fears you know about yourself, request them to be removed and identify them specifically to the Christ Masters to remove. The more specific the better.

    We request that our Teams focus on my physical body and ask to remove any and all fear based programs lodged there.

    We Request that you clear and heal our etheric body and remove any fear-based programs that are blocking either of us or me.

    We request that you clear and heal our astral body and remove all fear-based programs and spiritual weeds from our astral, or emotional body

    We thank the Beloved Guardians and our Evolution Teams and genetic technicians for this healing and support.

    We call upon the Dispensation of the Sacred 777 to release any ancestral pattern in our genetic lineage contributing to any blockages preventing us from our soul and god realization. We claim in the Truth of our being fully revealed as Light. The divine inheritance that IS the Truth. Our Self Sovereign God Power and right!

    Request that the (Reptilian) tailbone implant/obstruction/manipulation to be removed by the Guardians or 12th Dimensional God Self and to restore the merkaba spin and rotation to its absolute perfect state of functioning. Command your Light to be All Received NOW. Open all energetic communication and pathways to be crystal clear with your etheric template body by axiatonal alignment to the highest dimensional harmonic frequencies. Ask your Root chakra and Sacral Chakra attunement and axiatonal lines be connected to the frequency hubs in divine harmony and right order.

    Anchor, activate, energize 12th Dimensional Blueprint, Divine Monadic Blueprint Body of Christ, As God would have it Be.

    Reweave and reconnect, synchronize with light, open all pathways of communication between the template bodies and the 12th dimensional body.

    Upgrade, Download, Recalibrate Etheric Nadis, and the Electro magnetic Battery Body to new connections. Reset and Synchronize to Timeline in this moment of Self.

    Reconnect and axiatonally align all etheric merdian Channels to the Frequency Hubs Axiatonal lines in order of priority as necessary. Align and open the handshake to the Home Soul Frequency through the Starseed Identity matrices in the hubs. Recalibrate, Synchronize and Reset.

    Anchor the All Biological Codes and Seed Crytals as needed for the Christos race. Activate the Silicate matrix in its divine order.

    Ask AURORA FORCES of ELEMENTAL COMMAND and THEIR FAMILY of Devas of healing specific to EMF field balancing to Recalibrate and align all electro magnetic devices and frequencies in your home/office/school to be in attunement with your divine essence vibration, your soul plan, and then calibrate it seamlessly to the NEW EARTH planetary life force through the FOUR FACES OF MAN.

    Ask for any axiatonal line or etheric nadial upgrades needed for the optimum functioning and comfort of your bio-energy field and for your child that is outside the scope of your request or understanding.

    Calibrate all connections to harmonize and synchronize seamlessly with your energetic field to this timeline. 

    Permanently, Totally and Completely.


    Parent states Intention of Guardianship :

    I harmonize and hold this space in the name of One Self God Self. As witness of One I seal this into the Light of Union and Wholeness in Service to the One Self. And So it Is.

    Please take this through the Outer Levels, Mind Grid, DNA, Karmic Contract, Core Soul Level and Beyond.

    From Beyond the Moment of Self to beyond and through the Earth, annihilate the Negatives generating harm at the Moment of Self, Past, Present and Future timelines.

    Through all dimensions and realities, all chakras and chakra complexes on all levels. Take this through the Morphogenetic Field and subtle energy systems all levels and components of the Being. Fully, Completely, Totally and Permanently. Anchor Lock and Seal through the Hologram. Anchor Lock and Seal through the Time Matrix.

    Beloveds, We thank you for this Opportunity. It is with great joy and reverence we are Home. Our Infinite Stream of Love is with you in  all ways.

    And So it is. We Seal and End this Session into the Light of Wholeness and Union. Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, for this eternal blessing of protection.