Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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Art by Sequoia

September 2024
Virgo Solar Alchemy
Lisa Renee

Virgo Solar Alchemy

Note: Please be aware that increased censorship, shadow banning and the black listing of our website continues even more aggressively during the heightened spiritual warfare happening in the current terrain. We have been made aware of third-party cybersecurity businesses forming into the censorship industrial complex which blocks unapproved online content and we have been added to their growing list of forbidden websites on the internet that are discussing unapproved topics. As well as, search functions that are blocking access through skewed online search results that are designed to redirect the public away from our sites by sending them elsewhere. For years already, those that clone or copy our information onto other websites actually receive much more traffic than we do. This means that it is increasingly difficult for us to break through the many obstacles that are being put in place in which to shadow ban our websites, censor newsletters and interfere with our email list. We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience, but it should be understood that the mass censorship agenda is in full swing and is targeting all truth tellers and spiritual seekers, which result in some people not receiving our monthly news mail outs and having trouble accessing the Energetic Synthesis site. We thank you for your support over the many years and pray that one day with global disclosure, truth seekers and truth tellers, and those dedicated to the Christ-Christos-Sophia mission will cease to be relentlessly targeted and silenced in the public square. We pray for the truth to set humanity free, until then, calm we shall keep and carry on we must!  ~GSF, Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

There are specific historical timeline trigger events that are directly related to the seed or causal events of the main Galactic War histories involving humanity. The NAA war against humanity originated from the timelines of the Lyran and Orion Wars from the higher Harmonic Universe. When the Cradle of Lyra and several planets exploded this further destroyed the Andromedan Stargate, leaving humanity trapped in a fallen system. Those histories of Galactic warring eventually descended into many conflicts for power and control over the 3D Earth. The Belial Sons Luciferian Covenant and the Black Sun Program ultimately united to form the NAA artificial intelligence transhumanist-transgender programming that is enmeshed with the 911 Timeline Agenda that is actively playing out today, in the Timeline Wars.

Moving into Virgo Solar Alchemy, the 911 timeline window is magnified significantly during the 23rd anniversary of when the NAA staged an Adam Belial Wicker Man ritual in order to carry out a public ceremony announcing their New World Order plan with the culmination of the tragic events of September 11, 2001 in New York City. The destruction of the Twin Towers and human blood sacrifice of those killed at the World Trade Center, was intended to be the line drawn in the sand to show the NAA were proceeding with their full domination and slavery agenda of humanity and Earth. This event brought forward what became known as the 911 Timelines, the implementation of the false reality timelines in order to direct the planet into the AI Assimilation Timeline, which is the Fallen AI Timeline Loop system that the NAA fully control from within the Phantom Matrix.

Registering that the 911 Timeline window is being utilized for hijacking the collective consciousness for activating the Armageddon Software for a mock up World War III event, as we are now entering another stage of the planned breakdown of the infrastructure within western societies, which is made evident for those paying attention. This means that the energetic fields are getting more destabilized with the outer conflicts and influx of the dark forces of chaos which drastically increase the potentials of dark possession and negative attachments hitchhiking onto the unaware population, especially those settled within the regions of descending pockets. Until finally there is the tipping point which culminates in a series of major events being revealed to the public, events that have been designed for further destabilization within the transnational storefronts involved in global financial control, the majority remain unaware. When this level of malintent is revealed, it may bring on sudden destructive actions on United States and United Kingdom soil. These events will generate lighting strikes in the hearts of many in the population who remain unaware of the active spiritual warfare, along with the territorial war that is taking place on multiple fronts. The challenging news is that the world of lies as we have known it is coming to an end, while the positive news is that a new reality based upon the truth being disclosed to the masses is being born upon the ashes of the old corrupt system.

During the move into Virgo Solar Alchemy, it is positive to review the natural laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can participate with and meditate upon the natural elements of the Virgoan solar zodiacal influences to catalyze our highest spiritual potentials.

Stage 6 Virgo, September 16 to October 30

  • Alchemical Theme: Distillation, Purity
  • Element: Earth, Mutable
  • Geometric Form: Cube, 6 faces, 8 points, 12 edges, 2160 degrees
  • Planetary Correlations: Mercury and Jupiter
  • Alchemical Metals: Quicksilver, Tin
  • Embodied Correlations: The Celestial Mind. The 6D Indigo wave of the third layer of the Soul Matrix that is connected to the Pituitary Gland and Indigo Hara Center.
  • Virgo rules: abdominal region, large and small intestines, lower lobe of liver, spleen, duodenum, thymus secretions, peristalsis of the bowels, pancreas.

During Virgo Solar Alchemy, there is a continual process of purification of the internal energies which separate the unnecessary dross from the diamond within and are ultimately designed to remove the contaminants from our system. We are shaken to our inner core through a series of personalized events that are similar to lightning strikes that go deep in order to awaken the inner self, which acts as the catalyst to further purify ourselves from spiritual corruption and miasmatic toxins.

The goal is to acquire a concentration of the wholly natural essential substance of the core self and inner spirit, which is how the pure energetic consciousness is distilled within the human body. This is the process of accessing and obtaining that pure essence via the inner holy spirit, and distilling its holy spirit substance into our human body and then into the Earth. This is a phase of refinement within our internal energies and holy spirit activation that occurs in relationship to reuniting our multidimensional consciousness with our physical body.

Virgo constellation represents Mother Mary and the sacred feminine’s alchemical laws of purity, which requires some form of personal purification. Please keep in your awareness that humanity’s calendar, timekeeping mechanisms, historical records and sacred sciences such as astrology had been hijacked based upon the invaders lunar force control and false female magnetism. For those on the embodied sophianic heart path as a personal divine mission, the purification process to detoxify inorganic or artificial shadow forms out of the lightbody, will be extremely magnified during this time of Virgo.

On the consciousness evolution path, we enter the purification doorway of Virgo the virgin to isolate and separate the unnecessary dross and miasmatic debris of shadow selves and purge the assorted forms of anti-female forces. Those aberrant forces which were accumulated from the unhealed emotional pain of previous lifetimes surface to be witnessed in order to have the sacred space to remove these contaminants that may have corrupted our heart, soul and sexual organs. As we emotionally mature, we enter the portal of purification willingly in so to achieve spiritual wholeness, balance and health, as we know that our efforts in spiritual purification will lead us to a state of personal freedom, to ultimately achieve Cosmic Christos consciousness freedom and self-sovereignty.

The Spirit of Purity is one of the main Spirits of Christ that attract the moral powers of the Universe that are serving the natural laws of God in the form of expressed virtues, and these are emanations directly associated to the sacred divine feminine of the Triple Solar Marys, or the Solar Feminine Christ Sophia.

Law of Response and Golden Rule

  • Astrological Correspondence: Virgo – Mercury, Jupiter - Earth
  • Chakra and Sphere 6, Celestial Mind of Solar Body

This law means that when we genuinely seek guidance and help from the spiritual-energetic realms, and we pray or ask directly for that guidance and support, that we will always receive a response. It is our responsibility to learn how to listen to the whisper in the stillness of our heart for deciphering the direct response to our question, and allowing ourselves to be in beginner’s mind in order to receive the answer to our request over time. We must ask directly and state our request for help as clearly as possible, knowing how to ask the right questions of the Universe with sincere and loving vibrations. We must be careful to not let fear and anger overtake us, as we may be sent an imposter spirit or hostile entity to manipulate us by answering our questions with a matched lower vibration. When we do not feel an immediate answer, it is because our spiritual connection is weakened or it is related to timing and location, in which to properly receive the message. Be mindful of the spirit of patience as you may be learning to face spiritual lessons or solve life’s problems in ways that build the inner core self and increase self-confidence over time while on the gnostic path.

Remember to keep asking the question, reframing the inquiry with details of the question you learn along the way, while intending to open your heart and connect directly with God Source. Spirit and the consciousness realm communicate in feelings, emotions and animations, it guides us through our sensory feelings. When we feel lost in the darkness and chaos of this world, blinded by the fear or confusion of the negative ego, we can always ask for spiritual help and get a response. When we feel isolated and alone, or need to discern a situation more clearly with more information, ask and stay open minded. The light within us will ignite a spark allowing the ego to dissolve in the light, so we begin to hear the inner message within the light. Christ said, “Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Essentially this is the Law of Response.

Additionally, the Law of Response is interpreted as the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule is the most essential basis for the modern concept of human rights, in which each individual has a right to just treatment, and a reciprocal responsibility to ensure justice for others. The Golden Rule is an ethical code, or moral truth that essentially states, one should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself. It is commonly referred to as "do unto others". This concept describes a two-way relationship between one's self and others, that involves both sides equally and in a mutual benefit or win-win fashion. The Golden Rule is a principle of Oneness or Unity that can be explained from the perspective of psychology, philosophy, sociology, religion and spirituality. This is why it is such a powerful statement and principle to live one’s life by. It is a Universal Language that is actually a Universal Law, the Law of Response.

Indigo Hara and Celestial Mind Activation

During Virgo Solar Alchemy, the spiritual embodiment correlation is focused upon the Indigo Hara center, and this is the sixth dimensional inner crystal star portal where the higher consciousness from the second Harmonic Universe entered the soul matrix plane and incarnated here. The Indigo Hara holds the exact time and space that the higher consciousness family of the Soul Matrix came into the lower dimensions for manifestation, when the higher consciousness of the monadic matrix entered the soul matrix plane from the six-dimensional crystal star portal seal. All angelic humans have a lightbody anatomy with Hara Centers that have a crystal portal existing within them, the point in the timeline when the higher consciousness of that spiritual family actually entered that harmonic universe or dimensional plane of reality. The Indigo Hara holds the records for when the monadic identities came into the lower dimensional plane to become soul identities, as they came through the sixth dimensional inner crystal star portal of the Indigo Hara center which is located on the inner central vertical channel of our higher heart center.

Now in the human body, the Indigo Hara Center is located in the thymus gland and the Indigo Hara is the 6th dimensional layer that opens up into the 8th dimensional thymus complex for building and activating the permanent seed atom, where the sacred crystal heart starts building what's called the Blue Lotus Heart. During spiritual activation, this is when there's an expansion of the heart complex from the 4th dimensional astral heart which opens through the nadial complex. Then the thymus gland starts activating the higher heart center, connecting with the fire generated in the kidneys in which the Crystal Lotus heart, or a Crystal Rose heart, starts to blossom through the permanent seed atom of the thymus complex. The Indigo Hara Center is connected to the incarnating Indigos as they have the mission to build out this interconnection of the Blue Lotus Heart from within themselves, and this thymus complex is also important in regulating healthy metabolic functions, and helps to restore and support the balanced health of the entire glandular system.

Thus, the Indigo Hara is connected to the Soul Matrix frequencies for building out the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensional horizontal shields of timelines (aka Doradic Shield), and is directly connected to the Emerald Awakening within the higher heart complex, which further brings on the Amethyst Awakening running in the brain and crown chakra. The Indigo Hara and the Silver Hara link the Soul matrix with the Monadic matrix through the pineal and the pituitary glands, which then align with the thyroid and throat center, so that the soul and the monadic identities are interconnected or merged through sacred marriage. Within the Law of Gender principle in the Universal Time Matrix, the Soul matrix is considered to be the female principle and the Monad matrix as the masculine principle, so this spiritually evolves into hierogamic union between the Female Soul Principle and the Male Monadic Principle.

In honor of the shift into Virgo Solar Alchemy which governs the Law of Response, the Golden Rule and the 6D Celestial Mind, our offering is to revisit the previous newsletter themes of Banishing the Lies from December 2018.

Banishing the Lies

Dear Ascending Family,

In the age of social media and rampant propaganda, most of the public has been unable to separate honest and truthful representations from manufactured deceptions and lies.  For deception to work both sides have to participate, both deceiver and deceived have to play their roles. How do we wise up to see the lies, the spiritual betrayal, the reality distortions, the energy blocks and dark force attachments that are part of being deceived?  On a positive note, the embodiment principle of one the major chieftains of lies in the Belial gestalt [Bush, Sr.], recently left his body and is currently unable to transfer his consciousness into another earthly form as he had planned.

Within each of us resides the core inner spirit that gives us direct access to the honest truth. We all have the ability to clear out the false ego identities, shift out the many layers of false beliefs and Banish the Lies that have concealed the truth. As we face the layers of falsity, which have generated energy blockages and spread darkness into our minds and bodies, we bring the truth into our present awareness. By allowing ourselves to see the truth of what has caused this inner pain, we ultimately experience mental, emotional and spiritual freedom.

The now presence is connected to our deepest spiritual essence, which emanates the light throughout our consciousness layers. The presence of truth in the light releases the pain that was created by the darkness, effectively Banishing the Lies that have produced the suffering and torment.  Many of us have been seduced by the mainstream propaganda and the gaslighting used to sell these lies, and the world population has been buying them in every shape and size. This death culture version of 3D reality that is being sold to us is a sham, it is a lie rigged with psychological and emotional manipulation to keep humanity in spiritual bondage, through the repetition of the previous time cycles that began the NAA invasion, bringing on global human suffering and blood sacrifice.

On the path to liberation, in order to find true happiness and freedom we must see through the mass confusion and deceptions that are used to manipulate us in this world, effectively Banishing the Lies. To discover and find the truth, we must apply great effort to be fully engaged in our present moment awareness and dedicate ourselves to the path of truth seeking. In these tumultuous and transformative times, we must confront the lies and challenge those well-supported and well-funded beings, who intend to spread these lies even further in order to create harm. The Controllers intend to destroy human spiritual potential, and desire to fill this world with even more internal and external oppression, tyranny, destruction and darkness. Each of us must dedicate ourselves to find our highest expression while cultivating the deepest compassion, empathy and wisdom gained from our own direct experiences, so that we may be the example of living in harmony and alignment with the higher truth of the reality. We do not need to project holiness or perfection from preconceived notions, all that is required is that we have positive intentions and that we are committed to be completely honest, caring and kind with ourselves and with others. We do our best to speak truthfully, to represent and express our authentic selves, showing how we really feel and imbuing this deeper meaning into our communications and words. We make the choice to Banish the Lies from wrongly influencing our emotions and directing our motivations, perceptions, behaviors and actions, we align our consent and choose now to really know the whole truth.

We live in a consumer culture in which most of the public has been unable to separate honest and truthful representations from manufactured deceptions, scheming manipulations and blatant lies. Our individual ability to separate fact from fiction, to discern the difference between truth and lies embedded in the information that we are being exposed to through many different mediums, is undergoing an unprecedented threat. Human beings have been intentionally targeted at the subconscious layers to limit social intelligence with lower ego programming, that produces learned helplessness and blind reliance upon the falsity that powers up many of the 3D control structures.  When people are being repeatedly saturated in what appears to be random negative stimuli in the external, this translates into emotionally raw survival consciousness, the sensation in one’s life of constantly navigating through an onslaught of perceived and real threats. The unstable and harsh environment is designed to threaten both conscious and unconscious perceptions of personal security, which further cloud a person’s vision while travelling within a distorted version of reality. This distortion in perception leads many to look towards things in the outer world to use as an escape mechanism.  The majority are either handing power over to the controller structures in exchange for a false sense of personal security or giving up in an overwhelmed and exhausted apathy. In the Art of War, spreading misleading information laced with blatant lies, using gaslighting combined with ‘overwhelm and wear down’ tactics are masterfully employed by those seeking to maintain their powerful influence over those vulnerable to exploitation.   

Cultivation of Gullibility

Thus, the intended goal of social engineering is to exploit the subconscious and to shift emotional dependence onto those who have accumulated the most wealth and power. This makes them the dominant authorities with full control over allocating all resources available in this world, while creating many different subclasses of marginalized and oppressed people. Those that are poverty stricken and feel socially excluded are especially vulnerable to emotional exploitation, keeping them polarized on insignificant topics, and feeding into the promotion of lies due to the intentional cultivation of gullibility.

Until we have developed the capacity to profoundly know ourselves it is difficult to see the deeper and hidden motivations of others. When we lack self-awareness along with social awareness, it makes us much more gullible to others deceptions. Gullibility makes us pliable to reality hijack, believing the deceptions and lies that we have been told by those we perceive as an authority, with the covert agenda to hold onto the most wealth and power possible, at any cost. No one can remain unbiased when they can be bought and sold for a price. This lack of awareness about the nature of this 3D reality, further leads us into becoming cogs in divisive and harmful agendas, becoming the proponents that are being mind controlled to actually support the Controllers nefarious plans.

In the current terrain of masterful deceptions and lies being propagated by those desperate to hang onto the status quo and global power, the issue of gullibility in the masses is being heightened and exploited. It is the tendency to automatically believe that imposters and actors are telling us the truth at face value, that makes us easily persuaded into believing something that is entirely false. Many unethical and traumatized people on the world stage are addicted to power, and continue to role play a manufactured persona. However, it is the Live Action Role Player’s or LARP’s that are being used by the NAA-Controllers to reinforce our 3D belief systems or worldview by feeding us lies. Many people tend to believe these actors on the world stage as telling the truth or being trustworthy, irrespective of the long list of facts and hard evidence to the contrary. Most people are refusing to dig deeper into hard topics and ask the difficult questions that challenge their belief systems, following through to investigate the larger picture that connects all of the pieces in this vast puzzle. Yet, this dedication to finding the truth within the taboo and hard topics is exactly what is needed, now more than ever.

The Controllers are master manipulators that scope out the emotional characteristics and hidden subconscious desires in order to exploit the known vulnerabilities in their victims, through the spreading of vicious lies that are presented as facts. Tyrannical despots and authoritarian globalist leaders hide behind the strawman faces of a puppet-democracy, when they actually seek to simultaneously destroy its core humanitarian principles. By collecting massive amounts of personal data to profile their global audience, they are using surveillance along with a host of masterful deceptions to exploit the public emotionally. As difficult as it may be, we have to actually see that through targeted mind control they have been successful in manipulating many people to believe outright lies. Their goal is to continually distract by inciting violence and destructive conflicts within high profile interest groups, influencing gullibility in the masses. From behind the scenes, they polarize and confuse shaping narratives to assign their blame upon those groups of people who they see as threats and protecting others who remain faultless in those specific issues. Directing disinformation as it's reported through the mainstream media prompts even more divide and conquer tactics to incite anger and sow hatred among the vulnerable populations. This is psychological warfare plain and simple, much of which is based upon the spreading of lies and deliberate disinformation to keep the public massively confused and warring with each other.

The imperative of these times is to be willing to open compassionate dialogues on challenging topics, to commit to be mentally flexible in order to seek the higher truth in the matter, and to do the research that backs up one’s own opinions, whether or not it is popular or profitable. To sincerely seek the truth and put forth the effort to find it, is the only way to gain the clarity that is required to discern the many harmful agendas at play, finding the hidden motivations behind the intentional spreading of disinformation and lies. When we perceive the motivations behind the inverted façade, we can ask to seek the larger truth that is found in who or what actually benefits from those lies, and then we can begin to see what cost these lies actually extract from the human race.

Deceiver and the Deceived

Deceptions and lying are a form of communication that involves mutual parties. There are those that are acting as the deceiver imparting the false information, generally with a hidden agenda, and those receiving that information as factual, which is really a lie being processed into a distorted belief by those that are being deceived. Generally, in these complex deceptions there are power imbalances where a supposed authority, that has more power or money, is carrying out the deception in order to have a strategic advantage over those that they are deceiving. The deceiver intends to communicate false impressions or disinformation to those perceived as gullible, naïve or vulnerable, so they will base their future actions or decisions on it.

It is important to understand that the spreading of deceptions and lies involves both sides of the deceiver and deceived, both must participate in the lie in order to bring it into manifestationThe Controllers require the deceived to hand over their consent to the lies, in order to continue to perpetrate their fraud against the public, committing mass deceptions and directing mind control programming.

For those of us that have been deceived and manipulated by many liars, it becomes critical to awaken and comprehend our personal role in promoting the lies any further, and to make a concerted effort to elevate our behavior. Whether it was through our ignorance of that fact when it was revealed to be a lie, or through emotionally reacting to that information with ego defense mechanisms, like confirmation bias or learned helplessness. We choose consciously to do our best to avoid lying and spreading misinformation in the future. All of us have been lied to and deceived in this upside-down world in order to be exploited for consciousness slavery by human and non-human controllers. When we are able to recognize and acknowledge that this has happened to all of us on the earth, and that it is happening right now, it is a major stage of spiritual awakening and ultimately what is needed to reach critical mass in disclosure. In order to reach critical mass, we also must recognize and accept our participation in the grand deception and lies, known or unknown to us. Recognizing we have believed the disinformation we have been told by those around us, and that we have lived upon a planet in a war over consciousness that was intentionally hidden from us, which involved calculated exploitation and covert technological mind control.

Service to Self, Rewarding Predatory Liars

As a collective society we have been fed disinformation and conditioned towards believing in these mass deceptions and lies about the absolute nature of 3D material reality, as the only reality that matters in existence. With a material and consumer orientated reality based upon accumulation, people tend to default into Service to Self behaviors and death culture vibrations. As individuals, we also have been predominately conditioned by the cultural environment to respond to others around us with misleading information and dishonesty, in order to achieve personal goals or desires that are based solely on this consumer-material value system.  In the Service to Self value system, the socially engineered death culture rewards those who act as the impersonators, essentially as predatory liars and bad actors, people that intentionally deceive others that are more vulnerable for their own strategic advantage. In the current reality, if a human reinforces the controller agenda and plays Service to Self games, is a predatorial liar and disinformation agent to gain advantage over others, he or she will be greatly rewarded on the material plane. The only way to stop rewarding liars in one’s life is to see them in action and commit to banish the lies, possibly confronting or evicting the people and dark entities that continue to spread lies and disinformation in order to serve themselves.

Most people are conditioned to lie without comprehending the impact and result that the energetic vibration of lies and deception will generate in their lives. They do not want to see how the vibration of dishonesty ripples outward to impact many others, such as influencing the lives of their loved ones. While there are many reasons for lying most people lie for their own personal advantage, to gain financial or economic benefits, to escape and avoid confrontations with other people and to cover up mistakes that hide unflattering information. Yet most people want to believe they are generally honest and truthful, and may place limits around how much they are willing to lie to others, in a range of different social circumstances.  The more lies we are willing to tell others, the more we are lying to ourselves, until lying becomes natural and compulsive to the level there is no longer any emotional discomfort experienced when we are fully aware of and engaging in deceiving others.

When the masses are spoon fed deceptions and falsehoods by the Power Elite who have collected the wealth, celebrity, fame or status, the bigger lies spread can be made easier to swallow. The manufactured propaganda and celebrity are continually promoted in this way, in order to reaffirm our false beliefs about the 3D reality. The mind control conditioning is designed in such a way that if people are exposed to a factual and truthful representation, but it does not fit into their belief systems or worldview, the majority of the time they will completely ignore the information. There are mind control implants that work as mind slides, so the mind slides off the unapproved topic and just ignores the information as if it was never communicated, and then moves mental focus onto something else very quickly. Further, some people will tend to ridicule the information and even attack the messenger, if it’s being perceived as threatening to their ego-personality’s belief systems.

We cannot ignore the pile of lies upon lies around us anymore. Collectively there is a radical push piercing the veil through the astral walls of black magic that have been filled with spells of deception. As we banish the lies from our lives, we shatter the prettily packaged illusions and the content rises up to the surface consciousness, where we can finally see the larger pieces of truth. We stop participating in the rewarding of liars and punishing of those people that are actually being honest. The truth of disclosure lives inside all of us now, and it is in what you can finally perceive as the nature of reality that is actually the honest truth.

Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual warfare is the battle between the light that exists in the truth versus the darkness that exists in the lie. An accurate assessment of the reality is based upon knowing and perceiving the truth which increases the light, and it is also in seeing rightly the way things are being truly represented. Through compassionate witnessing, when we recognize the honest truth in the matter, no matter how unpleasant that truth may be, by seeing it as it is we are spreading the truth spirit and amplifying the light of higher consciousness around us.  In this way, we bring the light to the dark by seeing the honest truth, and illuminating the shadows by exposing them to the light.

The promoting and speaking of lies to manipulate others qualify as spiritual abuse, and will gradually ruin and ultimately destroy any kind of relationship, as well as distort the perception of the reality, destroying clarity and spiritual connection. When people lie, they distort the energy field both at the individual level and collectively. They distort the reality in those people who believe the lie they have been told, and thus continue to influence the false reality around them. Lying as spiritual abuse directly impacts the mind and how a person thinks. By trying to manipulate others into believing their lies, they are spreading darkness and therefore holding their thoughtforms captive in a web of deception, in the distorted version of a false reality. The NAA have used artificial intelligence technology to build the distorted reality based upon the lies they have spread, when we are caught up into believing these lies as truth, when the darkness of these lies fills our consciousness body, it ushers us into the AI timelines of the distorted reality.

Most people that are compulsive and habitual liars tend to have an assortment of addiction problems, addictions to things in the material world, negative ego thoughtforms or to actual drugs and alcohol. Addiction allows darkness to flood into the lightbody, which invites parasitic entities to access their physical body through a chemical doorway that is generated in the altered state of consciousness, brought about by taking the drug substances.

If the lying and spreading of darkness continues to build the web of deception in the distorted reality, the darkness encroaches upon the soul light, producing internal harm and sequential fracturing. Soul fracturing leads to parasitic entities, spirit attachments and demonic possessions that attach into the lightbody and then use the body for their own purposes. This harm to the lightbody will drastically impact the person spiritually, it interferes with the process of how they connect and relate to themselves, others and God, producing sensations of despair, misery and disconnection from life.

The promotion of lies and false beliefs generate a mass of confusion and stress that derails us from our higher expression and purpose, which ultimately is to fulfill a productive, contented and joyful life. It is possible to live in our soul purpose through Service to Others, even when we are engaged in spiritual warfare and living on a prison planet undergoing liberation.

Black Tree of Life, Artificial Tree of Life or Qlippoth

Most people have been continually brainwashed to disregard, ignore and dismiss the energetic reality of massive gestalts of collective consciousness and spiritual forces, as there are many different sentient levels of disembodied consciousness that exist as a quality, theme, and vibration of energy. Any of these spiritual forces or actual disembodied consciousnesses, can be conjured or evoked to seek a vibrational match in a human physical vessel to express itself through on the material plane. The trick of these low-level dark spiritual forces is to lie and manipulate the host human’s mind, to believe that these dark forces will actually be beneficial to them. This is a bold-faced lie embedded with black magic spell casting that hides the blatant spiritual abuse of a human being.

Conjuring demons and dark forces in ritual comes at a great spiritual-energetic cost, which will require payment, usually in blood or tragic death.  The person will be put through a labyrinth of personal pain and agony, as a result of what has been taken over time from the demonic or dark force. The hierarchy of dark forces have many unique vibrations, this can be the accumulated knowledge in a particular subject, and when that knowledge is coveted or glamourized by a human being, it can attract the attachment of such dark forces. Knowledge is power and we all need to develop our inner potentials to actualize our higher purpose, however when people cross the line into an addictive pursuit of mental power and intellectual knowledge above the heart and soul’s Gnosis, it can have negative consequences.

To gain access to this higher knowledge or power, or as a result, many Luciferian and Satanic cult families give up their own children and their children’s children, spilling their blood in ritual in order to gain material pleasures or dark sourced power on the material plane. These rituals are real and have dire consequences, where those addicted to power and greed are selling their soul for temporary gratification, placing themselves in the hands of otherworldly deceivers that intend to inflict agony upon humanity.

The spiritual deceivers can be called by many different names; demons, fallen angelic, jinn, shadow creatures, or actual dark extradimensional (NAA) beings. All of these entities are made up of a raw energy black substance that is organized upon a principle in the law of structure.  The law of structure exists in dimensions of time and space, and some of these instruction sets are energy structures that have been co-created between the anti-life spiritual forces and humans on the earth that have embodied these dark forces. This larger organizational structure is called the Black Tree of Life, or Qlippoth. The Black Tree of Life is exploited using alien machinery and artificial intelligence technology to manipulate timelines, and so it is also referred to as the Artificial Tree of Life.

These dark forces have also been proliferated by those who employ black magic rituals with the law of structure contained in the instruction set of the Kabbalistic Sephiroth, in which many satanic organizations have used the 10D base code as their governing principle in casting, conjuring and carrying out rituals. The Kabbalah tree of life represents the distorted 10D base code genetic blueprint of the Black Sun regressive lineages, many entities which source from the Draconian lines, and refugee races from the Maldek and Mars wars. Judaism's Kabbalah is based on the teachings given by the Yahweh Collective located on Saturn, which promotes Saturnian Blood Worship at the top levels of its pyramid of power. The Kabbalah brought through pieces of the Universal Melchizedek intelligence through the partial knowledge that was acquired and was held within the architecture of the Universal Tree of Life and the twelve holographic plates containing the language of light, the Universal creator code.

The anti-life forces of Luciferianism and Satanism chose to align only with the principles of materialism and negative ego, primarily following an ideology that glorifies Service to Self, Moral Nihilism, Survival of the Fittest-Strongest, and Eugenics. In order to advance their power and influence over others, they act upon their whims and desires to accumulate a life-style constructed upon instant self-gratification, hedonism and material pleasures. In order to gain this enormous wealth, power and privilege, this encompasses a life-style created upon the houses of ego, falsity, blood sacrifice of living things, and disdain of their fellow humans and the earth itself. Choosing to believe in their superiority over those they think are weak and stupid, they exist in a death culture that enforces predatorial parasitism of a living host, which is the planetary soul, and the living soul of earth’s original inhabitants.

From the depths of the darkest underbelly of dead energy and miasmatic sludge, in which a negative form and shadow selves were manifested from the Black Tree of Life or Qlippoth, exist many hierarchies of low-level dark spirits, a sentient layer of collective consciousness that exists in death, shadow and reversals.  

Everything is energy and herein is the truth of that dark consciousness which seeks to subjugate humanity into misery, agony and suffering, the darkest black energy aspects which encompass dead light, negative forms and thus, the World of Lies.

We continue into this next section in the Spirit of Truth, knowledge and re-education. I banish the lies of Belial from infiltrating this work, from my written and spoken words, in my authority in Christ. As we continue into the details of this newsletter, every time I say or utter the name of Belial, our intention is to continue to dismantle the structures, devices and timelines of Belial. I banish thee from seeding mal-intent and restore spiritual truth to this esoteric knowledge. 

Sons of Belial, the King of Liars and Confusion

The Sons of Belial are not only a massive gestalt of false light collective Luciferian consciousness that exist on the material plane, but also a part of the consortium of entities that make up the Negative Aliens. The Negative Alien that is embodying Luciferian principles, such as the Belial group, contacts and interfaces with its vibrational match or genetic line on the material plane, which is a human vessel embodying the same collective thoughtform vibration. These are mostly reptilian beings that have lost their connection to the Godhead by rejecting the natural laws, and in its place produced an artificial reality based on the Saturnian Kabballah Sephiroth and Black Tree of Life reversal architecture. As a result of the disconnection of the organic architecture that generates an open-source supply of life force energy, in an entropic system their DNA became increasingly corrupted and damaged. Through the enslavement history of the Seraphim consciousness that became trapped within the artificial realities in the Black Tree of Life (Qlippoth), these Fallen Angelics were also bound to play out the program of the Luciferian Rebellion as the Sons of Belial. And so, they played their dark consciousness part in creation as dictated by the corrupted planetary grid structures, and this damage in the timelines further created mass planetary DNA mutations, and the ongoing wars over genetics and bloodlines that are still enforced today.

This conflict was further capitalized on by off planet sources, such as the embodied reptilian entities, the Annunaki and Draconian hybrids and regressives who understood what was happening and many of these Negative Aliens joined forces to gain control over the earth resources. As a result, the Belial Sons are inherently parasitic and utilizing humanity and many other living beings as their food source to live on for thousands of years in their artificially created realities. They feed on blood sacrifices and negative emotional energy or loosh to avoid reincarnation, refusing entrapment in lower dimensions, to avoid the loss of identity that would occur in the natural death process that happens on earth from these genetic mutations. For these reasons, these groups used advanced artificial technology to open wormholes that were blended together into AI timelines, to create the power required to attempt to pull the earth body into the Black Hole System leading into the phantom matrix where they exist. If successful they could gain total control over the planet and humanity, also gaining access to the quantum energy and many of the earthly resources available. Many of these earth-based resources have been stolen, some in the form of human trafficking, covertly taken underground or to build colonies on other planets in our Solar System.

To collect and gather the life force energy of living things, they created layers upon layers of reversals, mind control transmissions and anti-life architecture in the planetary body, and many of these machines are structures that can be classified as black magic grids. They are sophisticated energy harvesting structures and alien devices that are engineered to collect, distribute and direct planetary life force and human soul energy from across the globe. This can be moved through the grid network and into a specific position, place or person(s) where they want that collective energy to be directed in order to fulfill some plan or anti-human agenda. One of the basic examples of their global black magic is directed in the planetary grid network through alien machinery used to control the money supply, as well as cast black magic deceptions in the minds of people to stay asleep, in a type of dream spell in order to continue to exploit them.  

For Controller humans, such as the dark cabal or those in the Power Elite group, in order to maintain their power, wealth and control over others resources, they engage in a variety of dark rituals that are used to communicate directly with these dark spirits, or the Negative Aliens themselves. An assortment of sacrifices and actions are carried out to pay the energy debt, and must be made as the consequence of exchanging with these dark forces for material power, who are the princes of lies, confusion and depravity. In ritual sacrifice, the dark entity that is conjured is invited to possess the human body or bind to it, in order to use its soul energy. However, to cast off this blood debt for a time, the Controllers kill innocent people in wars or public occult rituals masked as random killings, in order to spill the blood payment designated for these dark entities to feed upon, while also spreading fear in the population. Regardless of the blood sacrifices given, the dark entity may continue to use that human vessel to express a level of its gestalt consciousness, as there are endless amounts of these low-level dark spirits that exist in these underworld hierarchies. This could be a variety of dark entities that work through that same person intermittently, in order to carry out many harmful agendas, usually working against the person themselves, and influencing harmful energies in those around them. If humans refused to co-create with these dark spirits, many of them would cease to exist. The Sons of Belial are similar to mafia thugs that deceive you by making an offer that you can’t refuse, manipulating through emotional blackmail and pain to get a person to reject his or her inner spiritual nature. Pushing them through the descending cycle of repeating self-harm and depraved actions until eventually, the person is a dark possessed husk with every aspect of their mind and body fully under someone else’s control.

Luciferian Agenda to Open the Gate to Qlippoth

To gain knowledge over the planetary grid and templar gates one must understand gender principle, math, geometry, frequency and the consciousness qualities that animate the intrinsic architecture that holds the many layers that are contained in the blueprint of our world. If a group can perceive sections of the blueprint of the collective consciousness in the planetary body, and they are Service to Self, they will only perceive that reality through the frequency vibration of their Service to Self level of consciousness. As a result, with some access to the higher knowledge in the planetary body, that group can severely abuse power and easily subjugate others who do not have access to this same knowledge. Yet, there are limitations in the perception of knowledge that is based on the genetic material and the fundamental frequency that is embodied, as well as the position the observer has in the field. Each consciousness can only perceive and see with relative accuracy the range of vibration and frequencies that he or she has actually embodied into their own station of identity. Those ranges of higher spiritual frequencies in the highest dimensional blueprint that are not conducted or embodied, remain outside of one’s perception, and generally remain invisible to that consciousness or station of identity. Hence, that person will believe that those higher dimensions or the blueprint of frequencies are nonexistent, because they can’t perceive them.

In this way, many entities and even humans that are Service to Self can only perceive the Black Tree of Life, the Qlippoth, and as such they can use it to access a dark power source that can be conjured from black subtle forces and dead energy current. This is also called the Qlippoth current, it is the negative polarity, black force, miasma and dead light that exists in these darker realms. Some ritualists reject the Qlippoth current believing that what they are experiencing is actually light, however it is dead light or false light current that is embedded with lies, artificial machinery and many distortions in the creation.

Thus, the general purpose of black magic and dark ritual used by the Power Elite is to pervert the higher knowledge for personal material gain for only a select few, and to perpetrate harm and steal life force energy and resources that belong to others. Otherwise known as the master-slave archetypal role play. From this mind set, it is both the hidden Luciferian and Satanic agendas that desire to open the gate to the Qlippoth current. For them it is the Twilight forces that are gained to harness for their power and selfish motivations, to play the masters on the material plane.

As mentioned, when contacting and working with dark forces there are always severe debts to be paid, and for the dark ritualist, they are willing to give up their body to be possessed or utilized by these parasitic forces in exchange for some material power, knowledge or hedonistic pleasure without sustaining that energy requirement themselves. They give up single soul occupancy and invite a dark spirit into their body, one that has the knowledge or qualities they want to gain experience in. This means rather than work for something based on their own personal merit, talents, soul and energy source, instead they use ritual to take something from others in the external or from the dark entity, and use this for gaining higher knowledge through the lens of the dark forces, or for instant gratification that serves a selfish motive.

The Luciferians in the globalist cabal particularly revere the Belial consciousness and the related rituals that conjure him, as Belial is thought to be second to Lucifer and knowledge of Belial goes back to the Goetic legends of King Solomon in the Babylonian timelines. Belial may also be believed to be the lord-law on the earth, where by mastery of the earth and material plane can be sought through him. Additionally, some may believe the Gate of Belial opens into the Abyss, revealing many of the secret mysteries of the Universe to the ritualist, who then may embody Adam Belial’s power to rule on the material plane. The Gate of Belial is represented as Two Towers of White and Black, the Light and Dark Sentinels on the Kabalistic Tree, that meet in a vortex portal that opens into the Daath. Calling for Belial’s escort supposedly protects the ritualist from being destroyed by the forces of chaos that exist while travelling in the Abyss, to receive the Universal knowledge. In order to open this gate and enter the portal, one is required in ritual to use sigils sealed in personal blood (blood covenant), and to request Belial to enter the ritualist’s space, inviting this dark entity gestalt into their mind, body, and soul to acclimate them to the Qlippoth black force current. Then through invocation asking the Belial consciousness or Demon King to manifest and speak messages through the ritualists, revealing his mysteries and secrets. Belial is the highest initiator of the dark path to the Qlippoth in Draconian magic, hence known as the Demon King, and the manifestation generally appears as reptilian for obvious reasons when made aware of the NAA. Those aspiring to wield the material power given through the Belial entities that serve the NAA, conjure these forces to embody the living Demon King on the earth, through what’s known as Adam Belial.

Adam Belial, Wicker Man in Dark Ritual

The male sexual organs represent the material body of the earth’s creation in the numerology of Five (5) and this symbology is used in ritual to conjure Adam Belial. When the male body is circulating energy and connecting with all earthly elements, it is represented by the five-pointed star geometry, which is known as the pentagram. Within the Kabbalah in its principle of divine light and truth, the perfect and complete form of the five-pointed star is represented as Adam Kadmon. Adam Kadmon accesses the kingdoms of light, the dimensional realms inhabited with benevolent, loving, positive and truthful spirits. 

In the principle of darkness and lies, the adversary of the light, the material body is made in the male principle as Adam Belial, in which his will and wickedness is made into his material form to serve his selfish desires. Adam Belial accesses the kingdoms of darkness, dimensional realms inhabited with anti-life or evil spirits, demons, poisons, and also filled with negative form bodies, dead energy husks or shells.  His correspondences are imperfect human desires made into flesh and used for selfish gratification, to take possession of power, royalty and strength, in which to acquire the treasures of others riches and wealth. In this way he seeks to imitate the Divine Father, stealing his knowledge and using it against him and his creation, by directing confusion into the brains and minds of the people. Through this mind control he uses the False King of Tyranny archetype to carry out the oppression of God’s creation. Within the structure of the Belial principle, he can perceive what the crown chakra (planetary mind) desires to create, and continues to split the creation into gender reversals in order to work against its natural and organic manifestation. His female counterpart is connected to the spirit of whoredom, or prostitution, spreading sexual slavery, misogyny and sexual misery programming. In some ritual circles, the conjuring of the Adam Belial consciousness and dark spirits into a person desiring riches, wealth or knowledge of the hidden mysteries, requires sacrifice, one of which is related to the Wicker Man.

During the Gallic Wars, military campaigns waged by Julius Caesar, he documented that Celtic people in central Europe used large straw-wicker statues for sacrifices by burning it in effigy. An effigy is a representation of a specific person in the form of sculpture or some other three-dimensional medium. In current times, the wicker man has been symbolically referenced as a part of some neopagan ceremonies, without the human sacrifice, but burning the representation of a person. Although many people are not intentionally participating in the burning of a wicker man for satanic purposes, the wicker man has been used in satanic rituals for many ages, specifically for human sacrifice in order to conjure the dark spirits connected to the Adam Belial material principle.

For the satanic ritualist or conjurer of Adam Belial, the dark power they are looking to collect from others and embody is the anti-life reversal of the male Rod principle that exists in the organic Krystal architecture, the higher horizontal layers connecting directly into the Metatronic body in the 8D and 9D time matrix. Essentially the opening of the Daath would lead directly to the Black Star Abaddon as described in Revelation 9:11. Essentially, the ritual involves the hijack of the organic Solar body and Ruby Sun DNA of the Michael-Nephilim Consciousness, using pieces of the masculine solar body principle spark to ignite this process into the planetary field through artificial and organic 11:11 gateways. To be able to access these Gateways, they cannot sustain the life force energy inside themselves, so they use blood sacrifices to hijack the energy required to attempt to carry themselves into these higher dimensional planes and through Stargates. This Adam Belial principle operates as the gatekeeper to the Twin Towers that opens the portal, this represents the ultimate access that leads into the complete mysteries of Daath, that contains all of the hidden words of creation and mysterious knowledge that is held in all ten spheres of the Sephiroth. The Black Sun creation.

Apparently, it is believed when the ritualist opens the portal of Daath, the heart complex and physical heart chambers are filled with life force, which supposedly grows a soul from those sacrificed and harvested, on behalf of those who are soul-less. For those of us aware that the Sons of Belial are behind the New World Order and the 911 Timelines, it becomes clearer that humanity was held captive at a global scale, to witness the sophisticated orchestration of an Adam Belial Luciferian ritual that destroyed the Twin Towers and killed many innocent people for the purpose of blood sacrifice for the soul-less.

The Belial Program described is one faction of the NAA attempting to force the planet to serve the multiple invading species agenda, through imposing artificially replicated time fields, inverting the system and generating a false reality based upon masterful lies, deceptions and illusions. Those lies are sophisticated tactics used in psychological-emotional warfare that are being waged against the eternal life principle, authentic human beings, and this deception is considered a sacrament to their Luciferian religion. The deviant priest class of Luciferians believe that it is a holy thing to lie and deceive the weaker masses, in order to manipulate them to serve their agenda.

Humanity is being increasingly saturated with dark ritual symbolism in everyday life. The Power Elite globalists have permeated and infiltrated every control pillar of society to drown us in Luciferian and Satanic sigils and symbols, that are intended to cast black magic spells that transmit blatant lies to confuse the public. We cannot fear spiritual knowledge and the honest truth, or deny the fact that many of those in power practice dark rituals and blood sacrifice and flaunt this fact to all of us every day through the mainstream media.  

This is another example of why it is important to discern what we are actually looking at in the globalscape, looking for the deceptions being perpetrated and choosing to banish the lies, asking for truthful disclosure once and for all. As long as we believe in the lies that we are being told, and we hand over our consent to be deceived by the Power Elite and NAA, we are giving them permission to continue to wage their wars, perform blood sacrifice rituals and carry out their anti-human agendas.

Banishing the Lies of Belial

We have recently had a momentous event on the earth, in that the embodiment principle of one the major chieftains of the Adam Belial gestalt has left his body and is currently unable to transfer his consciousness into another earthly form as had been planned. It was this man that was used to be the physical embodiment of the Spiritual Chieftain of the Belial Group, The King of Corruption and Lies that has recently been banished from this world.

In this moment, we acknowledge the role of Belial and state that no longer shall he pass the gate, he is not welcome on earth or welcome to our sight, we evict this liar and deceiver from its influence in our lives, in our minds, in our bodies, and in our beliefs.

We stand for truth, the truth spirit, and ask that our portals of consciousness, as well as our entire multidimensional lightbody layers be cleansed and cleared of these mind control programs and their deceptions, so that we may continue to see, hear, feel and know the truth spirit within, that we may be of pure heart and be blessed to see rightly, accurately and in alignment to our highest expression in truth.

I command true spiritual law, all manipulated consent or karma is rendered null and void, through all timelines and stations of identity. Please return to rightful owner all of my spiritual lightbody, clearing shadow, negative elementals, soulless and engineered entities or clones, which have been used by Belial entities to manipulate my mind and genetic image. Beloved God, restore my spiritual vision to awaken fully and see the whole truth!

As we move through these turbulent times, remember the truth that violence is never the answer. To be the compassionate witness and spiritual revolutionary as the disclosure event is further unraveling, we must commit to practice nonviolence, finding compassion deep in our heart for all.

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa.

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