Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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Art by Sequoia

August 2024
Leo Solar Alchemy
Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

During annual August alignments of Leo, the planet undergoes what is called its Magnetic Peak cycle which generally transpires during the week of August 8th to August 15th, with August 12th being the pinnacle wave of magnetic force field transmission. This year’s Magnetic Peak cycle reaches another zenith for extreme levels of planetary electromagnetic amplification that radically shift what mainstream science would define as gravity and gravitational pull, because generally this is described as the resulting interaction between two masses. Generally, science thinks of gravity as the force which is generated by the curving of spacetime by all the objects in it, combined with the geodesic or straight motions of those objects through the spacetime. In the future, humanity will undergo several major scientific revelations to know that the true reality of gravitational forces has been intentionally hidden from them by the archontic controllers, due to the existence of zero gravity technologies and free energy devices. 

As the dark matter template instruction sets in the planetary matrix are being gradually corrected into Solar Zodiacal Calendar alignments, this phase transmits a massive tsunami of solar symbiosis waves during Leo Solar Alchemy that is occurring within Leo’s fixed alpha star Regulus, which anchors the corrected northern positions throughout the Cosmic Clock for aligning all of the Solar Calendar Positions. This is a critical development as the corrected northern position in Regulus begins to align all precessions of the equinoxes throughout the twelve Astrological Ages to become merged with the Cosmic Founder originations in the Reuche Pillars, that are designed to operate as Override Pillar Gates.

Regulus or Alpha Leonis is a white and ultramarine star being placed in the heart of the Elohei Triple Great Lion Networks, activating the Emerald Order Capstone Codes as the solar system’s crystalline grid is being rebuilt for activating the Cosmic Father’s emanation of King Arthur and his Emerald Dragon Eye within the twelve o’clock northern position of the Leo constellation. The corrected North Star principle directs the organic ascension time wave and unites the vertical axiatonal lines through Regulus with the horizontal axis of ley lines for activating diagonal diamond grids that run krystal waters into the chalice grail points in the planet. As a result, the Cosmic Mother can flow her presence through Elaysian sacred water elixirs, plasma flowerings and imprint the musical songs of the Christos Sophia within the chalice points to further activate the Founder Solar Dragon Rishi-Reisha templates and their offspring diamond suns. This recent activity has begun to trigger openings in several ancient interdimensional Founder Solar Dragon portal systems throughout the Asian Dragon grid networks, spanning into the Kunlun Mountains, Chengdu, China and other regions closely connected to the flow of the Yangtze River.

From Regulus, named as Little King with the Lion’s Heart, this is symbolically represented as the Crushing Foot of Cosmic Justice returning into our world at the end of the dark age which can bring on dramatic and unpredictable destructive events, along with the accumulated buildup of chaotic forces suddenly exploding and escalating into outer violence. Essentially, this is a warning for those who insist upon continually defying the natural laws of the Universe by choosing to manufacture wars and blood sacrifice killings to maintain their power and control at a grave cost to humanity. The controllers use deadly brute force and military grade psychological warfare in order to exert their belief in supremacy over the natural order and God, through their spiteful defiance destroying all that they cannot maintain control over while violently enforcing the satanic agendas of anti-life death culture.

We are living within the emotional powder keg of the NAA’s backed ruling class archontic strategies and the controlling tyrant’s desperation to divide and conquer the population in order to maintain their global authoritarian control, along with the trickle-down impact of extremely destructive actions, two-tiered lawlessness, viciously insane rhetoric, the use of exaggerated force within disputes that are being deeply felt throughout the microcosm of our personal lives and social interactions. We live during a time where there is an intentional weaponization of words and narratives used for enforcing aggressive censorship and the compelling of free speech that has rendered total confusion and a major bifurcation of reality between many people, as no one is immune to this confusing type of full spectrum disinformation, spin doctoring and gaslighting tactics that are being constantly delivered through a range of sophisticated mind control methods. To weaponize words and narratives is to gain complete control over how people think, what they believe to be true, and to control their perception in the process of delivering them disinformation and lies that are designed to weaken them and weaken their defenses when they are being brutally attacked by those in power.  

Thus, this is the time to preserve calm and inner peace, to exert some self-discipline for maintaining emotional clarity and spiritual maturity during great adversity and challenges, to not overly react and get entangled within the incoming tsunami of chaotic dark forces and others control-oriented tantrums. If we lose our temper and act out in anger, we can get easily pulled down into the crushing waves of these dark forces of chaos buried in the collective unconsciousness of the sleeping masses, that are ready to explode into the outer world from every direction.  The outer pressures surfacing in the truth seeking and spiritual communities along with every day social interactions are being set up for emotionally triggered victim-victimizer mind control games of divide and conquer, and are building tensions for explosive conflicts between groups. Do not take the bait.

This means the amplification of Leo Solar Alchemy and the related gravitational force field influences will be multiplied exponentially now, and to realize that our impulsive missteps and overreactive mistakes during this stage could cost us dearly, if and when we react and take things too far. It is suggested to remain cool headed, balanced and to stay emotionally centered, to not take anything personally, and to work on basic spiritual toolkits to neutralize fear, remaining grounded in the present moment of physical reality, while staying spiritually connected, and praying and meditating daily.

During the move into Leo Solar Alchemy, it is positive to review the natural laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can participate with and meditate upon the natural elements of the Leonine solar zodiacal influences to catalyze our highest spiritual potentials.

Stage 5 Leo, August 10 to September 15

  •  Alchemical Theme: Digestion, Conversion
  • Element: Fire
  • Elemental Form: Tetrahedron, 4 faces, 4 points, 6 edges & 720 degrees
  • Alchemical Metal: Gold
  • Primary Planetary Correlations: Sun, Maldek and Tara
  • Embodied Correlations: The Archetypal Mind. The center for the Soul matrix body is the 5D layer of the Lightbody which sets the patterns for our etheric body, as such it is called the Archetypal Body. During Soul embodiment the 5D archetypal body merges with the physical layers through the blue flame or blue chakra wave spectrum. When bringing the blue flame wave spectrum into the physical layers, the Soul becomes increasingly focused within the body, shifting consciousness into the Soul frequencies. When the Archetypal Body is activated, it acts as a Perceptual Bridge between the 3D layers and 5D Layers and this activates the Mentor function in the human lightbody.
  • Leo rules: heart, dorsal region of spine, spinal cord, aorta, superior and inferior vena cava, thymus.

During Leo Solar Alchemy, the purity of the sacred crystal heart’s connection to the eternal flame of solar light ignites the Inner Christos holy spirit to clear and remove all previous karmic agreements and quantum entanglements, miasmatic connections, feed lines, and their parasitic relationships that give power to the false white light and false ascension matrix (FAM).

In alchemy, digestion is a process in which gentle heat is applied to a substance over a period of several weeks to change the composition of newly combined elements. This is the absorption and assimilation process of the new substance or energetic elements that have shifted which were either removed or added into the body consciousness. Old emotional states or unnecessary energies have been eliminated, and chemically, as by the action of enzymes, new energies are converted into deeper assimilation into the body elemental. This is a process of digesting the changes in one’s transforming consciousness and shifting life experiences through gnosis, that are a result of the resolution and completion of old energetic patterns and unproductive emotional states.  As we accurately assess and digest more of what we can truthfully observe in the world, we are able to resolve previously unhealed conflicts of emotional pain which allows us to see the truth even more clearly. Digesting our reality as it is in the moment, allows us to eventually experience the greater acceptance of all things, when we respect the process and realize that there is a higher power at work in the world, we make better decisions.

Law of Suggestion aka Law of Attraction

  • Astrological Correspondence: Leo – Sun, Maldek (Asteroid Belt) - Fire
  • Chakra and Sphere 5, Archetypal Mind of Solar Body
  • Royal Star - Regulus

Essentially, this means we are the sum total of our accumulated thoughts and beliefs, what has been suggested to us through spoken words, our direct experiences and interpretations of life, the culture we are exposed to subconsciously, consciously and through the intelligence of our spiritual bodies. Suggestion is also the psychological process by which one person guides the thoughts, feelings or behavior of another person, such as in the parenting of children.

What is spoken, what is heard, what is seen and what is perceived from the ego-personality body filter, is the suggestion of what we become. This consciousness principle also explains the gathering of inner strength that is required to go beyond what has been spoken and heard, therefore what was accumulated over time and suggested to us from environmental conditioning, such as sourcing from the family of origin inherited beliefs and habits. How do we shift out from the accumulated results of the millions of suggestions sent out to us since birth? We must learn how to think and speak clearly by directing focused mental energy upon a positive idea or loving thoughtform, in order to magnify that spoken word or thoughtform substance into the manifested reality. Yet, holding Observer Point without attachment to how it actually manifests is the key theme. This may define the discipline and inner strength we find deep inside our heart-based conviction and personal integrity, the power that is required to examine our thought processes and motivations that have been inherited from others, and to choose to redirect the spoken words into more positive thoughts and loving behaviors that serve our highest expression. We constantly send out and receive energetic patterns of spoken words and heard suggestions which impact us mentally, emotionally and spiritually, as that content we are being exposed to within the environment is interactive with the sum total of our multidimensional consciousness experiences. This Natural Law has been abused by the controlling forces, as the people of earth are subjected to electronic harassment and mind control bombardment, which directly interferes with the spoken and heard suggestions on subliminal levels. This covert technological mind control agenda is designed to scramble our protein chains and DNA Signals, thus we generally receive more inorganic and artificial messages rather than the organic and authentic messages from the heart centered divine intelligence, until we begin to spiritually ascend and awaken.

When suggested thoughts have a powerful emotion associated with them, whether it is positive or negative, the strongest emotion will tend to rule how the thoughtform is realized into matter.

Strong emotional fear will always hold one back in their positive manifestation, as positive intentions are overridden by the weaker emotional desire directed to succeed in goals or expand consciousness. This is why the Controllers use complex layers of fear programming through subconscious and subliminal suggestion, as it blocks our conscious mind and personal will from manifesting coherent and clear energy into matter. To gain the reward of emotional clarity, we must tame the unruly nature of our personal instinctual desires and negative emotions, and direct the inner fire of our actions to serve personal enlightenment on the road to achieving consciousness freedom. It is only when we have opened our heart-mind interaction, by practicing loving kindness towards ourselves and others, that it cleanses our mental impurities and accumulation of inverted thoughts or fear-based suggestions. This is what is required to transcend the artificial suggestions that are being broadcasted into our mind, body and spirit, by reprogramming the fear-based suggestions into loving kindness, so we can achieve our personal goals by uniting with our spiritual blueprint which actualizes our spiritual mission in the world.

Through our energy centers or chakra centers, we receive the subtle energies from the solar light attracted through the quality of our thoughts and emotions, and we direct these energies into the external to co-create a harmonious and peaceful environment for ourselves and others. The purpose of our incarnation is to gradually embody the full actualization of our inner light source, a reflection of our inner Sun, but we must learn how to use our life force and energy resources properly and in alignment to our heart-based inspirations which uncover our authentic spiritual being. The more consciously we participate with directing our personal power in alignment to our higher purpose, in Service to Others, we steadily increase the likelihood of our ability to transmit the spiritual power of the solar light to recreate the peaceful state of the Garden of Eden to infuse our personal lives. Through the solar light, the Diamond Sun, we feel loving vibrations and gain immense spiritual power and strength, thus this consciousness principle is also connected to the building of our Lightbody, and is also referred to as the Law of Strength.

The Law of Suggestion used accurately builds the Law of Strength inside of our lightbody which is magnified by the importance of its true north position in the Universal Time Matrix. Following true north is the metaphor for following our crystal heart’s inner diamond sun that returns us back to the spiritual path that God has chosen for us. This Law manifests as the Guardian of the Northern direction in the Guardians of the Twelve Pillars that forms one side of the Four Cardinal Directions (N-S-E-W) that are measured in the Cosmic Time Cycle. This is why Regulus in Leo is referred to as the Guardian of the North, and is one of the set cardinal directions of the Four Royal Stars.

In honor of the shift into Leo Solar Alchemy which governs the Law of Suggestion and the 5D Archetypal Mind, our offering is to revisit the previous newsletter themes of Spiritual Maturity from July 2013.

Spiritual Maturity

Dear Ascending Family,

As we travel the spiritual ascension pathway and undergo the sequences of initiation into higher frequencies, the focus of our consciousness energy changes and therefore changes the focus of our mind, thoughts and emotions. Our world perception and sense of identity suddenly and dramatically shifts during bifurcation, leaving us feeling isolated from others, estranged from social groups or sequestered like a hermit. We begin to search for the true meaning or purpose behind that which is aligning us to make a change within into new value systems. Many of us will run the entire gamut of thoughts and emotions, from questioning our sanity to feeling lost or depressed, to moments of ecstatic feelings and a sense of profound spiritual connection. During the spiritual expansion and the integration phases of higher consciousness, this state of mental and emotional fluctuation is frequently common. The awakening process helps us to identify unhealthy or destructive patterns we play out because we do not want to suffer anymore from mental confusion and emotional pain, and thus seek to transform these behaviors into more healthy patterns. Ultimately the path of consciousness growth or spiritual ascension, leads the individual through the dark night of the soul in order to experience more peace, love and greater acceptance in which to finally discover a heart-based fulfillment with life.

Conversely, when consciousness is emotionally stunted or suppressed, the person will experience deep pain and suffering, and not understand the causes of their pain. The more traumatized the soul body, which fragments the heart complex and authentic emotional body, the more pain a person feels, and many times they are unable to understand why they feel this way. The more disconnected an individual is from their innate spiritual consciousness and heart energy, the more emotional pain, disease or disassociation that individual will experience.

As we expand our consciousness awareness through exercises of self-inquiry, we discover what is meaningful to us and begin to pay attention to the priorities in our lives. What is running us? Where do we have pain? Thus, we begin to be open to explore these inquiries and are then exposed to greater levels of life experiences that create resistance against our belief systems in order to gain further knowledge. Sometimes to find out where the destructive patterns are hiding inside the human being, the soul guides a wide array of intensely painful and polarizing life experiences for lessons and gaining wisdom. We are not able to heal inside us what we do not recognize or identify first as an emotionally painful or destructive pattern. The more destructive we are, the more spiritually weakened we become and this invites satanic or anti-life forces to manipulate our blind spots and generate parasitic attachments for spiritual possession. As we emotionally mature, we identify the destructive elements inside us that cause pain, then we can invite loving spiritual forces to help us evolve through our heart centered healing process. We are unable to evolve emotionally or spiritually when the mental body is rigid and the heart is shut down.

The awakening process of identifying the destructive pattern in our lives and then being willing to change or heal that pattern requires Spiritual Maturity. This path of the dark night of the soul is very common on earth now during the end of the ascension cycle, as the soul-heart is here to evolve beyond self-deception and gain self-knowledge, within an array of opposing world forces. These are the final stages of resolution and completion of the spiritual journey, the last dark consciousness learning cycle during Universal Ascension. This defines the evolutionary model on which consciousness energy is based, and is a governing energetic law that all human beings are subjected to while incarnated upon the earth. All things such as a species, entities or intelligent consciousness beings energetically evolve through space and time, they transform or digress to die off. There is no stopping the natural laws of evolution, referred to here as the Natural Laws of God. Not Social Darwinism, or the temporary manipulation of those energetic laws by controlling forces that are interested in power and control in which to achieve instant gratification by elevating themselves as False Gods, ultimately this abomination will not and does not last. When we repeatedly go against the Natural Laws and do not make corrections to anti-life reversals, the result is genetic deterioration, mental sickness and possible extinction of that species in the longer term.

This time will be a transformation of our personality that will push us into a spiritual adulthood or a state of Spiritual Maturity very quickly, whether we want to know or remain ignorant of the planetary ascension. In order to progress beyond the control and fear mechanism of the Archontic Deception, we must allow ourselves to receive the gradual integration of higher knowledge. This knowledge will take us away from the kiddie pool and diving into the deep end, which pierces the veils of reality and requires that we learn to be flexible and have healthy coping skills. We cannot learn healthy coping skills to deal with stress, like how to clear the negative ego or inoculate the sociopathic sickness of pathological minds, until we understand and feel how things work to gain spiritual tools. More and more we will be given the knowledge and the tools so we can identify that which controls the reality, through seeing the Archontic Deception used by both satanic and luciferian forces that express in humans and non-humans, and then learning how to remove its dark influence over our multidimensional being. This requires our spiritual participation and emotional maturity to accept the current climate and circumstances we may find ourselves. It requires patience and diligence to learn how to apply corrective ego behaviors that reinforce positive, healthy, balanced and life affirming mental attitudes. We are learning to feel again with our heart center as we reclaim our soul purpose and arise from the deep slumber of mental pain and confusion that drenched our inner spirit during the Dark Aeon.

One cannot vanquish destructive entities or satanic forces through the generation of more fear, hatred and making accusations. If we succumb to being terrorized by ego fears, we become a mirror of the same destructive forces, and feed into their structures of mind control to embed them even deeper. This shuts down the heart and shuts off the soul connection. This means we must become the Spiritual Adult in order to parent our inner child, especially when he or she is acting out fears or feeling trauma. The inner child is located in the physical body, and may not be happy to receive information that reminds it how scared it feels. Learning healthy parenting skills to create a well-adjusted individual will be beneficial whether you have children or not. The patience a parent needs to raise a child is the same training process a recovering ego addict requires to overcome the inner shadows of subconscious fears, pain and trauma in order to be truly free.

Leave Fear and Leave Dark Ignorance

This is the heightened phase of spiritual evolution that the Ascension family finds ourselves now, hovering at the crossroads of a new level of emotional maturity and spiritual adulthood. The natural laws do not stop the evolution process and if we do not learn how to adapt and evolve, we suffer in great pain from dark ignorance. Dark ignorance is defined as that which is only identified with the material world and the use of external organs for sensory perception. To remain ignorant is a choice that many people make both consciously and unconsciously because they are deeply afraid. Satanic forces as well as the NAA understand this mind control trauma behavior in humanity and exploit this weakness of the subconscious ego fears aggressively. If the masses remain terrorized by negative ego fears they will remain ignorant, therefore the masses are much easier to manipulate and control through fear-based threats, and manufacturing mass chaos, confusion and power conflicts.

This is the time to leave fear and leave ignorance in order to follow our soul. What do you need to do now to remove excessive fears from controlling you? Searching for spiritual knowledge, that which our inner soul and heart resonates with, is what will lead us away from the darkness, ignorance and suffering. Yet the biggest impediment to all humans on the quest for spiritual truth and knowledge is unresolved ego fear, religious mind control and emotional immaturity. If we are fear based and believe we are not worthy enough, we stunt our development thereby refusing access to deep self-knowledge. If we refuse to get out of the comfort of the kiddie pool, the superficial levels of life’s interactions mentally or emotionally, we remain too immature to grasp higher concepts of spiritual knowledge. This ignorance leaves most human beings dog paddling in circles through life, completely unable to make informed decisions about the future direction because they are being treated like farm animals by those in control. Self-awareness and spiritual knowledge ultimately reach the nexus point in one’s spiritual journey where the catalytic breakthrough beyond ignorance is required in order to progress, evolve and be free.

Stop Negative Ego and Stop Satanic Forces

This catalytic breakthrough is the integration of knowledge into embodied wisdom from direct experiences, which is when the ego personality integration can actually occur. The negative ego can be dissolved by the strength of the feeling heart connected to the soul matrix. At this point of spiritual development, the external circumstances are not total governors over our person. However, the process of negative ego integration will require Spiritual Maturity in order to fully accept emotional and spiritual freedom. If we can identify the characteristics of Spiritual Maturity in a world brimming with anti-human levels of mass pain, fear and negative ego dysfunction, we are then empowered to choose healthy behaviors making them a priority in our lives. We must be able to identify destructive patterns of negative ego fear from healthy patterns of heart centered spiritual love, in order to make an informed choice with strong personal discernment. Otherwise, we are not discerning in the quality or level of information we are being exposed to and allow ourselves to be externally influenced by charismatic abusers, predators and liars.

It is important to be able to identify negative ego abusers, liars, predators and sociopaths as people that have been traumatized by terrible pain, soul fragmentation and spiritual disconnection, and to realize they have a penchant for committing deceptions. Why would we trust resources and give value to the words spoken in the skewed theories of a person, group, family member or organization when they have demonstrated to be a repeated abuser, liar or predator? This is akin to returning to the same church to listen to sermons where the priest is known to molest altar boys. We have to understand these individuals are very sick, in pain and deeply disturbed. They are not fit to be leaders, near children, or managing the affairs that impact ANY other human being. This is the same as understanding a loving mother would never put her child in the care of a known sexual predator, common sense would tell her to not put her child at risk of abuse or torture. One can never trust a person who is severely ego fractured, soul fragmented and emotionally infantile no matter how charismatic they are, because they are generally liars in service to their egoic desires. A person in this condition actually needs loving compassion, therapeutic non-judgmental spiritual assistance, something that is not easily found in the 3D world during this stage. This is the general profile of ritually abused and mind-controlled individuals that are taught from birth to lie to outliers, and is the definition behind dark entity influences that are running possessed individuals that have been intentionally molded into several alternate personalities by the NAA through the spiritually abusive practices of satanic religion, which is commonplace today.  

Unfortunately, there are many charismatic liars promoting themselves in positions of authority as well as in the spiritual or consciousness realm, through predator-seducer egos and direct satanic manipulation. These people can appear to be exceptionally charming on the outside. To be able to see satanic manipulation and its NAA methods using Archontic Deception in tricking the masses, you have to understand its negative ego motivation, strategies and ideological reasons for exploiting humanity. To stop the dark from manipulating your energy through falsehoods and influencing your consciousness body, you have to stop it in its tracks and in all ways refuse its authority or control over your sovereign being in every way. To stop it one must identify it, locate it, and terminate it from accessing your mind, emotions, body and spirit. This takes deep conviction and personal strength to reclaim your spiritual power and reclaim your entire consciousness body in the authority of God and Christ. This is the call to Spiritual Maturity. This is each individual’s responsibility to command their personal space, which is designating one’s choice of spiritual-energetic authority. If no choice is made it will default at the individual’s consciousness frequency level, combined with the cellular record and genetic ancestry that has evolved into higher consciousness during the ascension cycle.

What is Spiritual Maturity?

Spiritual maturity is developed through the desire to know the authentic inner self or God Self, in combination with the concentrated discipline of the mental and emotional state, such as during meditation and when setting intentions to resolve and heal negative ego fears. Which when practiced consistently will generate a development in the heart center that provides a natural sense of the ethical standard of conducting one’s life. When we achieve energetic balance between internal forces and find inner harmony, we naturally become more harmonious with all of life. When we reach a point where we go can go beyond personal dramas, selfish motivations and care what’s happening to others on the earth, it is a byproduct of mental, emotional and spiritual maturity. Spiritual maturity is not religious or dogmatic, it has humanitarian objectives through coherent and balanced behaviors of spiritual understanding. At this level we become aware of the group consciousness of which we are apart and can see the larger planetary issues that are facing humanity currently and in the longer term. This is group consciousness awareness.

A spiritually mature person does not want to increase negative energy, suffering or cause any pain to anyone or anything. Spiritual Maturity is that which identifies the true self as an eternal spiritual-energetic being and recognizes that spiritual self-development is the direct cause to all that happens in the material world. Nothing manifests in the physical without a spiritual-energetic causation first. Becoming responsible in the awareness of where one puts focus, energy, and attention is the hallmark of spiritual maturity. Expansion of group consciousness and accumulating spiritual self-knowledge through all life experiences becomes the focus of attention. Allowing our body to be the will which inspires goodness, in service to the whole, and recognizing that all life is interconnected is a level of spiritual maturity. Integrating the Law of One Practices, Mastering Relationship Guidelines, ES Mental Body Tools, ES Core Triad Practices or the Noble Eightfold Path as a life style, are solid foundations for spiritual maturity development.

What are Balanced and Healthy Behaviors?

Why would we want to be ego balanced and emotionally healthy as a primary motivation? Beyond the drive to develop one’s true authentic self and actualize that spiritual self in the world, the motivation to be emotionally healthy usually stems from great personal suffering. When we are in energetic balance with ourselves, we are in balance with our spiritual self, our heart and we cease to have great personal turmoil or suffering that comes with playing out archetypes of drama. Shedding the archetypes of drama is how we become increasingly healthy and peaceful. When we are emotionally healthy and peaceful, we are able to access our higher spiritual self and heart intelligence easily. So, this is to comprehend that our natural spiritual-energetic state of multidimensional being is one of emotional balance, inner peace, health and connection with Life. This state is not dependent on the external outcomes and can be experienced even when others around you and the world are undergoing great turmoil. To improve peace in a largely dysfunctional world, we may require attitudinal behavior guidelines which help us to overcome the insanity of the Archontic Deception and their anti-life forces which abuse these mechanisms.

To understand the polarity of the world of forces on earth and identify how satanic force methods are used every day to destroy the feeling heart, empathy and the soul of human beings, let’s review both sides: spiritually healthy behaviors (GSF Behaviors), and spiritually abusive behaviors (Archontic Deception Behaviors). Spiritually healthy behaviors naturally connect one with God Source and Christ and are God-Sovereign-Free or GSF behaviors. Spiritually abusive behaviors disconnect you from God and Christ and are promoted in the Archontic Deception or AD behaviors.

The goal with the discernment guideline below is to identify and locate these spiritually abusive Archontic Deception behaviors functioning in yourself, in others and in any external organization in which you participate, and to transform them through our choice to practice GSF behaviors. All decisions one is able to make from an informed position by identifying AD behaviors in the present moment, will increase personal discernment of these forces and attune the energetic resonance of GSF behaviors in one’s life. The only thing any person can change is themselves, through their personal intent to choose heart-based responses and intelligent behaviors. Change starts within. Identify the Archontic Deception (AD) behavior and apply the GSF behavior antidote below it in order to transform them into spiritually healthy behaviors:

Behaviors Discernment Guideline:

Archontic Deception Behavior (AD)

  1. Disassociation and Narcissism
  2. Mental Rigidity
  3. Emotional Fracturing
  4. Carelessness
  5. Deceitful
  6. Dependence
  7. False Reality Delusions (aka Believing Lies)
  8. Divided Competition

God-Sovereign-Free Behavior (GSF)

  1. Empathy and Compassion
  2. Mental Openness
  3. Emotional Stability
  4. Responsibility
  5. Honesty
  6. Sovereignty
  7. Reality Assessment
  8. Unified Cooperation

(AD) Disassociation and Narcissism: We are disconnected from life through repeated traumas and abuse, which create split personalities that develop defense mechanisms, addictions and perversions to cope. The rampant ego defense mechanism caused from soul-heart damage is ego-based Narcissism. Dissociative behaviors cultivate sociopaths and psychopaths, many of which replicate feelings of expression because they can no longer feel emotions from spiritual disconnection. This weakness allows for easy satanic binding and mind control manipulation. There is no value placed on truth seeking. There is no care about life, causing pain and killing, sometimes the death culture is carried out with methodical delight or heartless efficiency.

Antidote: (GSF) Empathy and Compassion: We feel connection to life and have compassion for others that feel pain, because we can empathize and relate to sensory feelings and emotions. We care about what happens to Life, whether its earth, human beings, animals, nature, plants or trees. We realize that we are a part of something larger and have kindness for ourselves and others, as this end cycle is very challenging for many. With this compassionate understanding we do not allow intentional harm or self-martyrdom in our sphere of influence.

(AD) Mental Rigidity: We are conditioned to conform to an acceptable consensus of reality, through the power elite’s usage of controlled scientific and academic means, which will ridicule, persecute, crucify and potentially kill a person that dares to threaten their system of mind control, by weaponizing narratives for greater access to money or power. Through this enforced intimidation program, an enslaved human may mimic its hierarchy of oppressors, abusers and victimizers, carrying out the same abuse on those that are perceived to be underneath them or having a different belief system. Mental rigidity and the unwillingness to seek truth produces heart damage and intuitive sensory disconnection.

Antidote: (GSF) Mental Openness: We are able to consider and be open to many different ways of thinking, being, or life philosophy without feeling personally threatened, defensive or sarcastic. This is a state of non-judgment and willingness to explore ideas. We do not shun others with different points of view, as discoveries and new learning opportunities are valued as desirable and hence, supported in self and others. Mental flexibility for gaining greater intelligence and creative problem solving is available for the mutual beneficial exchanging of ideas. Mental openness allows intuitive development and increased higher sensory perception, as well as the possibility to unite with others.

(AD) Emotional Fracturing: We live as a slave to our instinctual feelings, addictions and desires that control our actions and behaviors, as if being whip lashed by a screaming banshee. We have little instinctual control over our emotional state which leads to instant reactions of hysteria, dramas, accusations and betrayals in our relationships. We are very unhappy if we do not get instant gratification and are generally chronically self-entitled. The constant emotional rollercoaster of internal anxiety leads us to self-soothe, where addictions are used to calm the nervous system or escape the painful reality. All addictions lead to satanic manipulation or possessions. Emotional fracturing is soul fracturing.

Antidote: (GSF) Emotional Stability: We accept emotional states as impermanent and like a beautiful painting we can choose to accept emotions as a wide spectrum of color. In pain or joy we can apply learning and appreciate that we have empathic feelings, senses and wide emotional spectrums. When feeling pain or disappointment we have no need to lash out and harm others. We are aware of our influence on others and can allow feeling emotions without over identifying with that state to points of overwhelm. Through emotional balance and soul healing, we do not allow any mental fixation, obsession or influential substance such as drugs, food, sex, or shopping to overtake us or keep us dependent on others through states of emotional codependence.

(AD) Carelessness: We are selective in our commitments by only doing the least required without quality or care, and are responsible only to that which has self-serving motivations that give a reward. We feel little responsibility for how others may feel through our careless actions or how we impact others because we are negligent, selfish and careless of anyone’s feelings, only thinking about ourselves. Like an unruly teenager, we emit energetic garbage or litter the environment without a second thought. Not knowing our boundaries or limits we spew emotional debris or hubris on others at will, not registering the consequences of actions while conveniently blaming others for our problems.

Antidote: (GSF) Responsibility: We are accountable to our actions and accept responsibility for our words, commitments and personal energies. We are realistic and dependable, only committing to that which we are capable of and are genuinely sincere in our use of words in honest conversations. We are aware of how our language and behavior may impact others, the environment and act humbly. We are conscientious in everything that has our energy stamp and recognize how to create quality in our lives and within value exchanges. Quality and higher frequency output is a byproduct of taking energetic responsibility.

(AD) Deceitful: Without care for other’s emotions and driven by strong instinctual drives, one is deceitful and able to lie easily in order to manipulate, trick and control others in order to get what they want. Lies of omission or spin doctoring words, using double-talk or saying outright lies in order to project a false reality to get whatever the goals are from selfish motivations that come at cost to others. Ego defense mechanisms in a deceitful person usually give them justifications to lie to others, as they are either self-righteous or serving a cause where everyone lies. This is delusional behavior. This defines the ultimate corruption of the soul along with the destruction of life force that is the demon seed of satanism.

Antidote: (GSF) Honesty: The ability to be honest with ourselves, honest in the assessment of others, honest in the circumstances of reality through the disciplined commitment to achieve coherence and emotional clarity. Stating and representing the true conditions of circumstances, speaking with compassion, and as neutrally and harmlessly as possible. We know that honesty is always the true pathway in our direct relationship with God that leads us towards truth seeking, spiritual maturity and emotional freedom.

(AD) Dependence: To instigate fear, self-doubt and cultivate ignorance in the population is to create dependence upon some external authority through bullying methods involving coercion, spiritual oppression, psychological abuse, poverty and extreme duress placed upon the person or group. Dependence is usually intended in order to steal energetic or physical resources from another, without them knowing the theft is occurring, and to keep total control over them through ignorance and tyrannical oppression. Dependence issues are based in power conflicts and always create vampiric energy cords between the parties involved.

Antidote: (GSF) Autonomy or Sovereignty: To achieve the strong foundation within the core spiritual self and become confident in facing life decisions for making informed choices, cultivating a self-governed, emotionally mature and spiritually motivated individual. With personal autonomy we do not need to manipulate or control others. Within the world context, autonomy is the capacity of a clear minded individual to make an informed un-coerced decision for their best interest. God Source engenders the knowledge and growth to support spiritual sovereignty when in aligned partnership with Divine Will and Service to Others. God is your partner in Love and true parent in Life.

(AD) False Reality Delusions: The projected sense of external reality is formed into the personal mental perceptions based on disinformation, victim-victimizer programming, religions and deceptions mixed with half-truths that are pumped out into the media, educational and social outlets for mass consumption. Through the promotion of lies and dumbing down the population, by not telling the true story and pushing weaponized narratives, the public perception can be controlled to meet the various Archontic Deception agendas by the controlling factions. As a result, most humans live in a false reality of lies mired in self-delusions that are based upon the environmental shaping of the controller’s megaphone of trauma-based mind control programming.

Antidote: (GSF) Reality Assessment: To be able to assess the current environmental conditions realistically for situational awareness and being honest with ourselves in order to make informed choices without needing to control the outcome or engage in power conflicts. To discern conditions based on internal resonances and due diligence, and not through making external snap judgments or carelessly parroting the mass acceptance of confirmation bias and convenience of pleasant lies. In the spiritual context, to seek truth by feeling or reading the energy signatures honestly in order to integrate its intelligent information with the external circumstances and personal intuition, so that a balanced and informed decision can be made.

(AD) Divided Competition: Divide and Conquer strategies are executed to keep control, power and resources flowing to only specified individuals of the preferred bloodlines or power elite FKOT organizations adhering to the NAA anti-human agendas that believe they are entitled and superior to others. The competition is divided within organizations to create power conflicts and betrayal, as the egomaniac workplace psychopath plunges knives into the backs of his colleagues to climb the ladder of rank or success. For these betrayals, lies, cover ups, and secrecy, these predators are heftily rewarded with lots of cash and power over the underlings or followers. The Illuminati factions, NAA, big tech, finance, pharma, military, and human trafficking and sexual slavery are all at the top of the Archontic Deception controller system, which operate divide and conquer tactics to keep groups separated from each other. Divided competition forces compartmentalization of hierarchal ranking and many humans are required to sell their soul to the highest bidder to rise the corporate rungs of the success ladder.

Antidote: (GSF) Unified Cooperation: Recognizing the interdependence between all living things with the desire to engender cooperation between groups and all living systems. Cooperation is valued in order to unify the whole in energetically beneficial exchanges for creating integrative holistic systems. Cooperation becomes the natural behavior to align groups synchronistically in a naturally self-organizing system, arranged upon a core spiritual mission or humanitarian philosophy. Unified cooperation is only successful in environments of truth seeking, honesty and transparency where self-interest is sublimated for caring about the overall health of the larger group interest. In commitment to heart-based transparency and non-judgment, group trust can be formed and bonded to achieve larger goals.

Archontic Deception Strategy for increasing Archontic Deception Behaviors

Now that we have generated core behavioral markers to define and identify Archontic Deception (AD) behaviors and their antidote GSF behaviors, we can study them. This is required so that we can learn how these AD behaviors are desired by the controller to infect the masses and then cultivated as environmental influences that enforce these as Archontic Deception value systems throughout society, which are designed to perpetuate the death culture ideology under all of the Archontic controller systems through how they operate.

It is important to be aware of and identify these negative behavioral markers when we are exposed to them, so that we can remain informed about how we choose to interact with these structures and learn how to protect ourselves. These Archontic Deception (AD) behavioral markers are used to hijack and usurp people and large powerful organizations, many of which may start out with positive humanitarian intentions. If the organizational leaders are not morally strong enough, don't have clarity about how these Archontic Deception Strategies infiltrate and operate, are threatened with death or physical injury to their loved ones, or they are infected with these same AD behaviors, their organizational objective will collapse into an inverted system based on deceptions and a foundation built upon lies.

The top controller global organizational structures in the Controller Pillars of Society are generating inverted systems to support the Archontic Deception strategies to enslave humanity, and this further develops and perpetuates these spiritually abusive behavioral qualities throughout humanity. We are so conditioned to believe in the lies hidden behind the facades of these inversions that are being generated in the mind control programming that we are generally desensitized and unable to recognize these Archontic Deception behaviors when they are operating right in front of us. It is time to see these Archontic Deception spiritually abusive behaviors and their destructive patterns, and the deceptions being perpetuated as the first step in the spiritual transformation and the purging of dark shadows of control. Learn to recognize exactly what you are looking at in the media landscape and trust your inner feelings, do not run away from unpleasant truths when they are being uncovered. Question everything, in your own personal world when interacting with these inverted systems, call it out for what it is from a neutral and non-judgmental consciousness state and intend to change it internally to express GSF behaviors.

Archontic Deception (AD) System Strategies

To be able to understand the sociopathic sick mind of Archontic Deception or AD systems, one would need to better understand the general attitude of an Archontic Deception AD infected human or nonhuman (NAA). If a technologically advanced extradimensional race decided to implement a gradual takeover of the planet and its inhabitants in which to use them as a slave system, what strategy would it use? First, they would look to how they could maximize the efficiency of the invasion process and reduce the expenditure of the resources that they would have to generate themselves. To achieve this goal the secretive infiltration of the core societal organizational structures on the planet such as the religious, medical, financial and legal systems would be ideal to shape the anti-human Archontic Deception value systems that generate the falsified reality belief systems they want to control.

Through the engineering of a labyrinth of self–enforced enslavement policies based upon fear and intimidation to spread like a virus among the earth inhabitants, they would use only minimal off planet resources by piggy backing upon and siphoning off all of the earth’s wealth and human resources to serve off planet entities. The people on earth would effectively by enforcing their own enslavement by accepting tyrannical laws based on false reality delusions, as well as enslaving their own global human family, giving up their personal rights, handing over their hard-earned resources, and forfeiting the future for their children. This method of AI based mind control is very effective for takeover and invasion with minimal resistance or revolt by the inhabitants who are unaware that they are being invaded, and that the stolen resources are being taken to continue to enforce the genocidal agendas being carried out by the off-planet factions directing the top of the controller pyramid.

AD Strategy 1: Divide and Conquer – Divide and conquer of the inhabitants of earth by generating secret societies hiding the preferred bloodlines controlled by the NAA that are heavily rewarded with earthy power, and by infiltrating and establishing Archontic Deception programs and psychopathic behaviors among their influencers. By establishing bloodline spiritual relationships in the ruling classes, these humans are indoctrinated at birth to believe their elite status through their special ET bloodline and that their god of choice will protect them and their families by worshipping the demons of luciferian or satanic ideology. To be an apostate of their ruling class, telling the secrets are punishable by torture or death. The main tools for Divide and Conquer of humanity are generating war, economic terrorism, blood sacrifice, sexual abuse, mind control and SRA, victim-victimizer classifications and to steal physical and energetic resources, generating all its combined power to feed back into a centralized system of control or the One World Order, the Technological Totalitarianism of Transhuman-Transgender dystopian nightmares.

AD Strategy 2: Victim-Victimizer - Indoctrination into the Archontic Deception behaviors and their supporting organizations will require trauma-based mind control in constant repetition in which to repeat the regurgitation of propaganda and dogma, along with the bullying methods of intimidation and violence to self-enforce those systems from human to human. This indoctrination must start at birth and be entrained by childhood for maximum conformity to accept the Archontic Deception behaviors of psychological abuse along with the loss of personal dignity and autonomy as a way of life. The goal is to start as early as possible to superimpose these Archontic Behaviors on babies and children by abusing them. Introduction to the victim-victimizer abuser pattern as a mind control structure is implemented everywhere possible and as early as possible. When the baby or child is victimized by abusers, they grow up as adults that inflict the same abuse upon their victims, thereby switching their roles interchangeably. The indoctrinated and repeated patterns of trauma and abuse are cycled throughout humanity and many are medicated with mind altering and neurologically harming pharmaceuticals through the educational system of indoctrination. The more advanced levels of the V-V program include Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), which is much more common than any sane person would like to know about.

AD Strategy 3: Sexual Abuse and Misery – Sexual abuse and sexual misery are preferred by Archontic Deception because it serves many purposes for torturing human beings and fracturing their mind into total submission and consciousness enslavement. The sexual energies can be stolen and used by the black magician or the sexual predator as a reward system to carry out the abuses of AD behaviors. Vaginal or anal rape can yield access into soul energies that are siphoned and then bound from the human soul to a demonic entity that has possessed another in order to commit the act of rape. The controller knows that raping children is the most productive way to steal soul energy and create soul damage in the child, which grows to become an adult with traumatic injuries that form into dissociative, split or narcissistic personalities. Many raped children suffer with soul bindings to demonic and satanic entities that torment them into adulthood, entity attachments can be human and nonhuman. The most common soul binding used in child rape and genital mutilation in SRA is the demonic altar of Moloch. The dissatisfaction with sexuality and dysfunctional fears that are generated within sexual relations create misery, pain and torment for many humans on the earth. If this misery is not spiritually healed through male and female principle integration, it erupts into deviations, perversions and fetishes, which are further satanically controlled through whatever means of sexual addictions. This abuse disconnects the person from their soul, and the great void of pain generates overwhelming addictions, many times surfacing within the sexual energies of the person who is desperate for relief from personal anxiety or pain. In many cases this pain creates a double life or duplicity, the person appears normal in their day job, and yet behind the scenes is addicted to deviant sexual behavior as an outlet for unhealed trauma and internalized anxiety.

AD Strategy 4: Child Abuse and Child Sacrifice: The advanced level of Archontic Deception behaviors is in the realm of the Satanic Ritual Abusers (SRA) of satanic cult families and this level is a sophisticated and globally organized caste system run by the Satanic priesthood and off world NAA. These people and entities actually value the killing of children for power and control and believe in the necessity of pedophilia and child sacrifice killings if they can get away with it without prosecution. Their pathological and sick mind cultivated by the invaders is they believe that the blood of a child is the purest and that they can extract vital essence and power from the child blood sacrifice. When they want more power for material success or something to gain, or there is something to cleanse from unwanted energies, they believe to cleanse it with an innocent child’s blood. Most commonly they will abduct a child or a satanic family will give up their child to be sacrificed during satanic ritual holidays. Orphanages are frequently pillaged for this reason. This hidden globally organized crime against humanity is the most unbelievable to the sane mind and loving heart, yet we must know this exists in huge numbers and wake up to protect the children of the earth from this depraved sickness. Most commonly children of extremely destitute people are used this way in blood ritual, or will be used as a sexual slave or prostitute to serve a satanic group of individuals. Child genital mutilation, child sex slavery, child porn, live sex with children on the internet is a booming billion-dollar business. This is highly disturbing as we can see no one in government and media will highlight news stories about this horrifying global issue of child trafficking. We have to ask who is benefiting from having sex with our children? It’s not human.

AD Strategy 5: Misogyny: The Archontic Deception behavior is designed to promote hatred of the female principle in women as well as in the minds of men on the planet, in any way possible. The solar female principle of intelligent energy is the spiritual principle and intuitive access into the higher soul bodies. To access the soul-spirit, one must access the heart center through the divine feminine principle, whether embodied as a male or female. From the electromagnetic energy level and aura, all human beings are comprised of both male and female principle energies. The NAA have weaponized this knowledge against humanity through the inversion of this lightbody principle through the transgender agenda. The female energies have been crucified on the earth to stop generating the spiritual energies of the solar female principle advancement in the current Archontic Deception systems. The Archontic Deception controllers believe in the patriarchal domination and have varying degrees in the way they express misogyny to manipulate the masses. Across the world, misogyny is especially baked into the third world religious ideology, treating women as sex objects or breeders, believing women are of inferior intelligence, believing women have to be beaten down to show whose boss, honor killings of raped women, wearing burkas punishable by death are all examples. One may note that the majority of all serial killers, rapists, child pornographers, financiers, world rulers, secret societies are run by males, although in recent times with the aggressive mass mind control, this is changing and more women are behind sexual crimes.  When we look to the token females displayed in world power, they are actually not authentic female energies, but just taking orders from the satanic system of control. They are women being propped up in the patriarchy devoid of the divine female principle energy, that have been indoctrinated into carrying out the Archontic Deception behaviors for their NAA overlords. It must be understood that the NAA absolutely despise the Holy Mother and the solar feminine principle, and seek to replace her through transgender and transhuman agendas.

The Big Five Archontic Deception (AD) Strategies to generate more Archontic Deception Ego Behaviors in the human public are:

  1. Divide and Conquer
  2. Victim/Victimizer
  3. Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misery
  4. Child Abuse and Child Sacrifice
  5. Misogyny

The Core AD Behaviors generated in humanity from the above AD Strategies:

  1. Disassociation and Narcissism
  2. Mental Rigidity
  3. Emotional Fracturing
  4. Carelessness
  5. Deceitful
  6. Dependence
  7. False Reality Delusions (aka Believing Lies)
  8. Divided Competition

Archontic Deception (AD) Ideology

As we understand the ego drives of AD behaviors and we can see the AD strategies that are being employed throughout the core organizational structures of the planet to normalize these same abusive behaviors in humanity, the next question is why?

We can return to repeating historical events. This is the same question as asking where did Hitler’s Nazi theories arrive from, and how was he was able to kill so many humans in just four short years? The Black Sun Nazi’s had direct help carrying out the negative timeline for the Negative Alien Agenda, backed by the satanic off world military, the Black Sun forces of Orion and Secret Space programs. The Black Sun entities are interested in patriarchal hierarchy, total global dominion with biotechnology, advanced technological psychological warfare, and siphoning resources and human-planetary soul energies. They want to achieve complete domination by enslaving the people of the earth to serve their anti-human agenda exclusively, as is outlined clearly with the 2030 Agenda.

They have infiltrated global human society through the one percent who sold the rest of the humans out, who are receiving all the power, resources-money and rulership to carry out heinous crimes against humanity. These controller groups have been conditioned to anti-human behaviors of the death culture, to act as predators in order to carry out the task at hand, while developing external charisma to seduce the public running cover with lies through the forked tongue of the NAA devil. Many of us know who those bloodlines or illuminati are as they exist in power today. They would not be in high power positions if they did not serve the NAA timelines for invasion, whether directly in communication with these same satanic forces or blinded by negative ego or dark ignorance. The role of these False Kings of Tyranny (FKOT) is to perpetuate the Archontic Deception strategies and infect these spiritually abusive behaviors in humanity, so the off-planet controllers can easily control the surface population and remain in control over earth.

If humanity is disconnected from their true sense of inner spiritual power, their higher spiritual-energetic intelligence, they are sitting ducks waiting to be exploited by expert military strategists. Humanity is traumatized within a massive spiritual identity crisis of erased past history and most are unaware of this fact. There are advanced technological extra dimensional beings that take advantage of the human predicament by infiltrating weakened humans with fear, hatred, chaos and deception for carrying out divide and conquer. The point of this article is to stop chasing our tails in unending circular debates, recklessly accusing other human beings from dark ignorance with unfounded accusations, running character defamation campaigns that serve the NAA and begin to identify the source of the real issues behind the crimes made against humanity, the horrifying slavery and the onslaught of spiritual abuses being carried out on earth.

The truth will set us free and it is time for us to wake up as a united people supporting the human race.

We must acquire some mental discipline and stop with the uninformed spewing of baseless accusations or threats, which are generally unfounded and imaginary, and are constantly made upon people like myself doing my best in telling the truth, as I have directly experienced it, and to instead open our eyes to the real threats made to humanity. Get educated on the larger anti-human agendas, take responsibility for your actions, gain some emotional maturity and make informed decisions for yourself. The real threat are the enslavement methods of Archontic Deception strategies generating Archontic Deception spiritually abusive behaviors and humans allowing themselves to be used as dark pawns and useful idiots in a larger story of covering up heinous crimes against humanity that they are not aware of. Become awake and aware to the real circumstances we are facing and stop condemning your spiritual neighbor with a different perspective, especially those doing their best to speak the truth they know and are doing the best they can under the current spiritual warfare. Instead of spreading character assassination dramas, indulging in petty gossip or grievances throughout the spiritual community, we should gain some spiritual maturity and be focusing our group efforts upon the greater awareness for the need of dismantling the Archontic Deception structures, such as:

  • Global and Intergalactic Human trafficking, Organ harvesting, Child slavery
  • Child Abuse, Child Porn, Blood Sacrifice and Adrenochrome farming
  • Mass Satanic Ritual Abuse, MKUltra tactics for trauma-based mass mind control
  • Vicious targeting and abuse towards Women’s spaces, birthing and Mothering
  • Chemtrails, Techno-Chemical Human Experimentation, Genetic Modification agendas
  • ET Nondisclosure, Conspiracy Facts and Government Cover ups, Above the Law Legal System
  • Shadow Military hiding Black Operations, SSP’s and ET invasion agendas (NAA)
  • Genetic Modification of Foods, Pharmaceuticals and Bio-weapons
  • Covert Slow-kill methods implemented for mass human genocide
  • Staying Awake to deflect Mass Media Mind Control Propaganda and Gaslighting
  • Comprehending the Objectives of Mainstream Satanism, the Satanic and Luciferian religions
  • Organized Religion masking SRA, Pedophilia, Political agendas and Archontic behaviors
  • Medical Tyranny being enforced as the Worldwide Medical Religion for OWO
  • Transhuman and Transgender Agenda to control breeding and suppress human DNA
  • Alien implants, Alien hybridization, Parasites, the Moloch Tanks and structures of SRA
  • The Secret Space program anti-humans at the top running the Anti-Christ Pyramid of Global Control

Remember to choose your authority and command your space as a God-Sovereign-Free being. Through the reclamation of the Christos mission upon the earth, I am committed in every fiber of my being. I leave you with this thought. Who is your authority? One must be aligned to the authority one chooses and it starts with your behavior and social interactions every day. Lip service and a few jedi mind tricks with an online audience captured for spiritual entertainment is not enough. One must become a spiritual adult and behave and conduct their life AS their chosen higher spiritual authority in the natural laws of God, which has informed us is the Law of One. May we come to know the core inner strength, spiritual protection, ethical conduct, unconditional love and peace of God returning to the earth.

Until next stay in the luminosity of your Avatar heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

Lisa Renee

Suggested for You


    These articles are an Introduction to the Ascension material in our library to help you begin to develop a context on your personal Ascension Journey. Along with the Guardians, my mission is to support humanity through its evolution with education, awareness and by discussing the impact of the energy shifts upon the planet, human beings and human consciousness. 

    Our objective is to better comprehend the changes we undergo in our life and understand the symptoms we may experience of our physical and energy body's “Ascension” (the awakening process) and to explore various tools for healing and clearing ourselves as smoothly and easily as possible. From this empowered place, one can release the fear and confusion we all experience having to be dismantled from the mental programs placed upon us from the egotistic material world, and begin to feel supported throughout our spiritual awakening process.

    Click on the links to the left or right to read various articles of interest that I feel are of primary importance at this time. 

  • Spirits of Christ

    All human beings are responsible for their thoughts, deeds, actions and behaviors, all of these are direct choices made by each person in the moment and will have direct Energetic Consequences. Whatever quality of energies we prepare our body to be resonant with or hold as spiritual conduit, whether it is positive forces or negative forces, is what we allow ourselves to have consent with. Whatever kind of force we are in consent with (whether we know this or not), is the Frequency that our body and Consciousness is subjected to in Universal Law. The quality of spiritual force will have corresponding dimensional laws which govern the actions of that quality of that spirit. Negative forces are in the lower dimensions and create servitude and bondage to time, while positive forces of the Spirits of Christ are in the highest dimensions and create sovereignty and freedom for the Soul and spirit.

    As it is understood there are demonic spirits that live in the internal structures of ego (which cause harm to our mind and body) one would be motivated to learn how to create the internal houses for the Spirits of Christ. As the Universal Law of Structure states; we can build our house in so that the spirit we design it for can reside. This is what it means to create a House for Christ and to purify ourselves for the Spirit of Christ. The Spirits of Christ requires a House in which to dwell inside our mind and body. The goal for spiritual protection is to dismantle the Houses of Ego, evict the demonic and predator forces, and replace them with the Houses of Christ.

    State your authority and intention to be of service to God (See Law of Consent) and to build a strong relationship with one’s Inner Spiritual Light and Christos. As you devote your attention and focus on the quality of the Spirits of Christ, the Houses for Christ grow stronger. Where we focus our energy and attention its energetic form materializes. Thus, greatly increasing one’s relationship to God and experiencing energetic balance which returns us into feelings of self-love, peace and happiness.

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