Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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Bali lilly

Lifting Your Veil Series: Surviving the Ascension Process

December 2005

Lisa Renee

As we are entering into an atmosphere of rapidly shifting energies in the count down from the 11:11:11 portals to the 12:12 gateway, there is yet another fact to consider. Today the Sun is aligning with the core of the Milky Way, the Galactic Center in our home galaxy. This alignment to the Galactic Center will create powerful influences through the end of the year to accelerate our spiritual housecleaning, as we are gearing up for our new roles in 2006. We are in a phase of administrative cleanup where we are getting all of our ducks in a row, crossing our T’s and dotting the I’s, before closing out old accounts. There is no new movement forward while we are clearing old debris and getting our affairs in order, to prepare for the coming year.

As we traverse this astrological alignment to the Galactic Center the Sun acts like a condenser, resonating with the larger galaxy and redistributing its energy to us. The overall effect is very intense like a cosmic storm from which there is no refuge. We will need to let this energy surge through us and around us while being as open, expanded and conductive as possible.

What is the Galactic Center?

Our Sun is part of a massive spiral of stars in space, which feature a bulge in the center. At the core of this bulge is something called a supermassive black hole. This black hole shares the same location as Sagittarius A, a complex radio source also located at the core of our galaxy. The ancient Mayans paid a lot of attention to the Galactic Center in their astronomical and astrological calculations in creating their time calendar. The long-term view of the Earth-Sun alignment to this point are the main factors behind the 2012 phenomenon, also known as the Ascension Cycle. As this rapid acceleration occurs in the natural time cycles of the planet’s evolutionary process, the Earth’s magnetic grids shift. This simultaneously results in rapid shifts in the human being’s DNA instruction set and consequently, the ability to perceive and experience higher dimensions of consciousness. This period of time will bring a lot of unexpected twists and turns.

Stand Still

Right now, during this brief period of transition as we prepare to enter the New World in 2006, much more is happening than it appears.  It may seem like many of us are bottoming out in regard to our old roles and our old means of financial and other support.  It is the darkness before the dawn, so to speak.  Survival issues, career and money are at the forefront for many of us. We are getting retooled and reorganized with no new options on the horizon yet. It may feel like a time of desperation. However, this is temporary and necessary to get us in alignment to our new destination, coming soon.

We are literally being put into new positions and places in preparation for this new level of our authentic selves emerging into 2006. We are emerging into our new identity, as a Part II in the book of our lives. The first part of our book, Part I is now closing. This current time of decisions is laying groundwork at the highest level, for our destiny path. In this next year, many will be anchored so deeply into the new reality that nothing will dislodge or move us from our soul destiny. All the changes, plans and phases for creating this New Reality have begun, so in many ways it’s a done deal.

When the energies stop suddenly, many times it is because things are being discussed by all of the collective souls and spiritual hierarchy before we move forward. There is no question that things are progressing according to divine plan and everything is right where it should be.

According to each person's special gifts and talents, according to what each has chosen in regard to being here on the planet during the ascension, we will each find a perfect niche that fits us like nothing else. Know that we will be totally supported by Spirit so that we will be able to fulfill our new roles. We will be taken care of, as we are the wayshowers and teachers of the new energies for the New World.

During this time of transition, during the next few weeks it is best to relax and keep a low profile. Concentrate on your upcoming role and what your special contribution will be in this next year. Near instant manifestations will occur and things will change at the drop of a hat. Prepare for the unexpected and for great blessings of change.

Things do change so quickly already, that it may feel near impossible to make any plans. I know when someone asks me about an event a month away I practically cringe. Once we think that a circumstance is settled in, then suddenly poof it’s gone. The whole situation changes and a new situation arrives, along with another adjustment period.  Then that situation changes as well. We are certainly learning to live in the moment of Now. This is intended as training for us to be present in the moment at all times. This way we can create from a clear palette in any given moment.

Again, I must emphasize you did not make a wrong turn somewhere. Relax and prepare yourself for some amazing changes in 2006. Dream and imagine the optimum for yourself always.

Until then stay in the luminosity of your Heart and Soul Path, We Are here as One!

Lisa Renee

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