Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
August 2005
Lisa Renee
Welcome to the first installment of a new series, Lifting Your Veil. The purpose of this monthly series will be to explore and to better understand the symptoms we may experience in our physical and energy bodies during Ascension. To describe this awakening process in more detail as we live through it and to explore various tools for clearing ourselves as smoothly and easily as possible. This article will review the meaning and mechanics of Ascension and discuss the various symptoms that we as humans may encounter in our evolution process. We will share and investigate these symptoms and in future installments explore the impacts these have upon human beings, our planet and consciousness.
- Category: 2005
- Views: 43323
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
September 2005
Lisa Renee
Last month we addressed the meaning of Ascension and why we as humans are experiencing various awakening symptoms at this time. Last month many of us were working with the incredible activation forces through the 8:8 portal energies and consequently, many of us went through a myriad of transmutational symptoms. Many of us felt physically ill and had many people around us feeling sick, getting sick and last minute hospital emergency room trips. This is a time of profound cellular reorganization and many of us are physically dropping density to shed these lower emotional patterns and old genetic patterns, through our physical selves by manifesting a particular illness.
- Category: 2005
- Views: 32675
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
October 2005
Lisa Renee
As I awoke today I felt a sense of urgency, anxiety and even panic. My heart was beating fast. I looked outside to see a beautiful orange morning sun with its streaming rays highlighting the clouds of the storm just passed. I became aware that my cellular body was vibrating with a knowingness of something inexpressible, some level of new energetic information holding such vastness that it felt all-encompassing. I looked outside the window again to see this magnificent view on the horizon as if it would reassure that part within me that everything is okay, everything is peaceful. All things will be all right. I was somewhat bewildered at this cellular response of deep anxiety, when I genuinely could feel in my heart that I had so much to be grateful for. I spent the morning breathing in the sensation of peace and cultivating greater acceptance and gratitude for all of the wonderful things showing up in my life.
- Category: 2005
- Views: 28816
Lifting Your Veil Series: Surviving the Ascension Process
November 2005
Lisa Renee
Welcome dear family to the end of 2005. This has been a year of Choices and Decisions, which lay the groundwork for our future selves in very profound ways. In preparation we have been making choices and decisions to support living more fully in our personal soul integrity. Over the past few months, we have asked many questions of ourselves and of our lives here. What do we want? Where do we want to stay? Who will come with us? Do we really want to Be here?
Currently we have met certain milestones on our journey in which the answers to our questions have created an accelerated pressure, pushing us through the transitional doorway. Naturally many of us are experiencing a plethora of symptoms and life altering changes as we are processed through the Universal Interchange Hub to our new destinations. The sheer force of this change has many of us wondering what reality we are experiencing, as we have awakened to new spaces, times, faces and places. It can all be so dizzying.
- Category: 2005
- Views: 23496
Suggested for You
Ascension Tools
These are beginner exercises, clearing techniques, and focusing tools that are a part of the ES Ascension Toolkit to help you learn foundation exercises to better develop self mastery skills. At this time it is especially important to begin to be aware of your personal energies and where you place your attention and focus. It is also important to comprehend the world of forces we interact with every day and what you choose to invite into your auric field or not. It is suggested to practice the use of the 12 D shield daily and to learn to protect your bodies energies through sustaining inner life force. You will find the 12 D shield technique audios and videos freely throughout this website.Along with the Guardians, my mission is to support humanity through its evolution with education, awareness and by discussing the impact of the energy shifts upon the planet, human beings and human consciousness.
Our objective is to better comprehend the changes we undergo in our life and understand the symptoms we may experience of our physical and energy body's “Ascension” (the awakening process) and to explore various tools for healing and clearing ourselves as smoothly and easily as possible. From this empowered place, one can release the fear and confusion we all experience having to be dismantled from the mental programs placed upon us from the egotistic material world, and begin to feel supported throughout our spiritual awakening process.
Click on the links to the left and pay attention to your inner guidance to lead you to the tools you may need. These are the core foundation tools that I feel are of primary importance at this time.
Nature and The Elemental Kingdom
This month we are exploring Nature spirits and the Elemental Kingdom. In May we discussed the Devic Kingdom and nature spirits that comprise the M.A.P. healing teams. This will explore further more of the hierarchies that exist in these realms. Last week I met a new friend that is a medical intuitive and she does similar healing work as I do. She described to me as a child listening to the orchestral movements of nature, how the blades of grass would sing to her, how the trees moved in beautiful melodies and that walking outside was like sitting in the middle of a beautiful Symphony. This inspired me to write in more detail about the nature spirits and elementals. Most of us humans have been disconnected from sensing this exquisite level of reality, one that is teaming with consciousness, life and beauty. The Earth and her kingdom’s are very much alive and interconnected with all life forms and human beings. They are very much impacted by humanities evolution and all are simultaneously evolving with us. When working with the nature realms and the earth kingdoms, it is suggested to learn how to 12D shield your personal aura and learn to create 12D session space first. When one is holding a loving but neutral polarity, being of service to the nature realms is productive ad amplified through a clear exchange of intention to serve the highest expression in divine will for all parties involved.
Nature Devas
There are many types of Devas both working at subhuman and superhuman levels. Each group of Devas has specific work and methods to attain their goals and evolutionary purposes. The evolution of Devas is speeding up in synchronization with evolution of the human family. As humans learn to work more closely with the Devic evolution, they will learn how to heal and control their etheric bodies to a greater degree. They hold the patterns that underlie all living and growing things on the planet. That includes the mineral, plants, and animal kingdom's as well as the elements of fire, air, earth and water. Human bodies are governed by nature spirits where they are the spiritual equivalent of the cell, organisms and microorganisms that work together to make organs, tissues and glands function properly. Devas and nature spirits must be distinguished from each other.