Lifting Your Veil Series: Surviving the Ascension Process
December 2005
Lisa Renee
As we are entering into an atmosphere of rapidly shifting energies in the count down from the 11:11:11 portals to the 12:12 gateway, there is yet another fact to consider. Today the Sun is aligning with the core of the Milky Way, the Galactic Center in our home galaxy. This alignment to the Galactic Center will create powerful influences through the end of the year to accelerate our spiritual housecleaning, as we are gearing up for our new roles in 2006. We are in a phase of administrative cleanup where we are getting all of our ducks in a row, crossing our T’s and dotting the I’s, before closing out old accounts. There is no new movement forward while we are clearing old debris and getting our affairs in order, to prepare for the coming year.
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Indigo Races
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
May 2006
Lisa Renee
Last month we talked about the Deployment of the various soul groups that are beginning to activate and assemble in order to participate in the next level of our individual and collective soul plan. I will refer to these soul groups as the Indigo Races or Starseeds. Please note that the Indigo Races are a part of the Starseed Family but are not the only race belonging to the Starseed family. This article will discuss the three main streams of souls emerging to more actively participate in their Ascension soul contracts this year. These soul groups will be described in what has been referred to by the Guardians as Indigo Typing.