Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
May 2008
Lisa Renee
Dear Family,
There is a tremendous amount of new activity emerging and the energies are wilder than any E-Ticket rollercoaster ride at Disneyland. (For those that remember the E Ticket!) Over the last months a new level of Starseed Awakening has appeared and made itself known to those that have stewardship or leadership agreements during the Ascension Cycle.
Many have been abruptly awakened into their next level of identity and stimulated to begin to comprehend their upcoming role on this planet, while others have been quietly reassigned. These reassignments may feel as though all on the horizon has shifted (as last month's Vantage Point newsletter described). Some may be in preparation for the shift where reality will change at the drop of a hat, if it has not already. We have started to get into the groove and to understand that our lives necessitate constant micro adjustments and change, that can and may happen at every moment. This is because we are experiencing collapsing fields of probable realities very quickly these days, as we move into simultaneous time field experience.
- Category: 2008
- Views: 22893
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
June 2008
Lisa Renee
Dear Family,
As we move into June and throughout the summer months, the energies will bring us many more opportunities to receive the direct clarity we have been waiting for that will distill our next movement forward. As we become better at maintaining the calm clear pool within our Still Point center, we will be able to crystallize our new direction, given the immense transformational changes we have recently undergone.
These changes are bringing such deep alchemy our very cells have shifted to accommodate an entirely new lens of perception. We are able to see with much more depth now. Personal revelations and Aha moments abound during this time. Those mysterious underlying energies that had been fueling abrupt changes in our life that were so puzzling a few weeks ago, are now actually starting to make some sense. The dust is beginning to settle so we can finally see above the clouds.
- Category: 2008
- Views: 19834
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
July 2008
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Over the past few months we have been undergoing a process of gradual particle acceleration. This particle acceleration is a natural dynamic of physics that exists at the quantum level. It is this exchange that creates a faster momentum pulsing between the fission and fusion that exists between the antiparticle and particle mass. To understand this level of our Ascension process, remember that we are merging our Particle magnetic female principle selves with our Anti-particle electric male principle selves into a merged non-charged field at the zero point. This merging of our particles into the Zero Point is an event that is happening at every level and layer of our hologram, at the personal level, Planetary level, Universal level and so forth.
- Category: 2008
- Views: 26425
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
August 2008
Lisa Renee
With the radical shift in the magnetic field structure as described in last month’s newsletter, the core architecture of our planet is changing. Thus, the core foundation of our very existence and how we experience ourselves is also being completely altered and changed.
Since March, we have undergone a rapid dissolution of our 3D personal physical identity that will continue to heighten throughout the end of summer. This is the phase of our Un-Identity. This shift within the planetary global brain is a new level of energetic initiation that has deeply accelerated a process of dismantling our physically based programming. Many of us are confused, as the personal reinforcers that had connected us to our identity are collapsing. Everything that has defined us previously as an individuated consciousness is shifting into a larger collective and group field awareness. We are in the first waves of this particular experience with many more of the population following in later evolution waves.
- Category: 2008
- Views: 22447
Suggested for You
The Fine Print
Starseed and Indigo, Welcome!
The Fine Print:
I. Divine Will is “Service to Other’s” orientation and is the New Plan and Law for the Changing of the Guard being positioned now.
II. It was never about “You”. You just thought so for awhile. Your body belongs to the Eternal God Source and is a vehicle for Christos Intelligence. You are the returning embodiment of the Christos Intelligence to the Earth as a part of the Reclamation of Christ Mission.
III. As a Vehicle of Christos Intelligence you will be required to do things your ego personality does not want to do. The path of self mastery is hard and steep. You will learn how to free and deliver Group Souls by releasing their bondage to the dark by the Power given in the Truth of the Light. You are an Emissary and Protector of the Divine Plan and Unity Logos, the Word of God.
IV. You are to learn how to perfect “Service to Others” orientation without imposing your personal will upon others. You are required to have no attachment to the outcome or to the result of your service. Self interest is now taken to the back seat in order to serve the greater whole to evolve into Group Consciousness.
Relationship Closure
As we go through our emotional clearing process, sometimes it’s very helpful to complete the following relationship closure exercise.
Relationship Closure
As we go through our emotional clearing process, sometimes it’s very helpful to complete the following relationship closure exercise. This exercise is very helpful in resolving crystallized patterns in the body by stating intentions and declarations that you are forgiving, releasing and closing this particular relationship that trauma, emotional fears or other abhorrent energies that were recorded as cellular memories in your energy field.
Any time we experience shock or trauma it creates a memory imprint or residue in our energy field. To fully resolve, heal and clear these issues, recorded as traumas, in our physical body and other energy body systems, we need to become aware of that trauma in bringing it to the surface and allowing it to be released fully and with intention. Generally, I have found this helps clear and release emotional blocks much more effectively, efficiently and rapidly.
For this exercise, you will need a pad of paper and a pen or pencil. So, as you are ready with your pen and your pad of paper, let’s begin the series of questions.
When you are ready, take a deep breath and quite your mind and allow yourself to prepare for this exercise.