Breathing Exercise (Pranayama) - Alternate Nostril (Anuloma Viloma)
One round of Anuloma Viloma is made up of six steps, as shown below. Start by practicing three rounds and build up slowly to twenty rounds, extending the count within the given ratio.
- Category: Clear Negative Ego
Untrustworthy Behaviors of Egotism, Narcissism, Psychopathy
Dear ES Community,
I would like to expand on untrustworthy behaviors modeled in people with weak moral character, to comprehend the relationship between low moral character and the Negative Ego, through its main filters; egotism, Narcissism and Psychopathy. The purpose of promoting egotism and narcissism (i.e. alpha male/female reinforcement in society) as a positive traits is purposed to maintain low moral character and unethical standards as acceptable characteristic behavior in human beings. When this low moral character is accepted in society and reinforced by people around us, we are desensitized to what is being unconsciously shaped as a value system that we give to ourselves and in how we perceive the world. Unconsciously we may promote these values to people around us, which becomes a self-enforced enslaving reality that spreads like a viral infection. This is an Archontic Deception (AD) Strategy to generate weak moral character through promoting narcissistic and psychopathic behavior which is easily used to enforce principles of control and Tyranny. When we are informed to be able to see this strategy working, we can stop feeding into it and we can change its course of direction.
Comprehension of Archontic Deception Systems
To be able to understand the sociopathic sick mind of AD systems, one would need to better understand the general attitude of an AD infected human or nonhuman (NAA). We will note that Archontic Deception Behaviors are related to defining the presence of the Negative Ego and other related dysfunctional psychological behaviors and coping mechanisms that are described to define psychological states of; egotism, narcissism and psychopathy.
- Category: Clear Negative Ego
Gaslighting is a form of psychological-emotional abuse that Controlling types of personalities use to which a victim is manipulated into doubting and discrediting their own memories, perceptions, experiences and sanity.Sociopaths and Narcissists frequently use gaslighting tactics, on individuals or to control larger groups of people to their personal advantage. Gaslighting is also used commonly in the mass media, as a form of controlling the dissemination of information given to the public, such as intended for political control, or to control the perception of the public to be favorable in moving in the direction of supporting specific agendas. It is a mass psychological tool that spins half-truths and deceptions in order to manipulate information and factual data in ways that obfuscate the whole picture. Controllers and tyrants, whether they are personal family members or active in public affairs, want to remain in control and their agenda is more important to them than anyone else’s. Thus, they seek to suppress or remove any information they feel is threatening to their agenda, and stop it from being made public knowledge. These people are duplicitous, and they show different faces to different people, in order to get whatever they want, and usually they could care less about the cost that will have to other people. When people do not have the whole picture of events, and they are being deceived and manipulated with only limited access to the truth contained in circumstances, it obfuscates their ability to make informed, clear and well thought out decisions. No person can be truly self-determining and make positive choices in their life direction, if they are reliant on people that are lying and deceiving them with false information. This is a critical reason to discern liars and manipulators, and get them out from influencing our life decisions, stop giving them access to our most intimate and vulnerable aspects. All people need to earn our trust by demonstrating trustworthiness. We can unconditionally love people that are deceivers and manipulators, even as some may be biological family members, but we need to become 100% clear that we never allow that person to exert any type of control over us, by setting strong boundaries. It does not matter who they are and what their position in life is, or that they have doctorates and titles, or they are blood relations. If they demonstrate these negative behaviors, if they become abusive when you reveal your true self to them, stay awake and alert, observe everything and be wary of them.
- Category: Clear Negative Ego
Abbreviation - STS
In certain stages of newly developing consciousness, in order to promote the forward growth of the individual soul-spirit throughout many dimensionalized identities, the Service to Self or negative polarization is necessary and a natural part of the mechanics of creation when seeding a new race consciousness.(see Root Races)
At the development stage of the first three layers of the mind, the Three Layers of Ego, a third dimensional human being is purely Service to Self. The 3rd Chakra or Solar Plexus is the Conscious Mind matrix to which the spiritual being may learn how to manifest via the projection of lower thought substance in order to navigate in the material realms. This results in developing consciousness to learn how to individualize through the Ego/Personality to manifest individual experiences and experience a spectrum of emotional-sensory states. Many lower vibrations or Spectrum of Frequency that may include mental thoughts of anger or fear, may be helpful states in spiritual progression and consciousness development throughout the many life stream experiences.
However, what has happened on planet earth during this last dark cycle is not merely a Service to Self negative polarization of free will and chosen states of consciousness of the soul. Through Negative Aliens invasion of the planet earth through the genetic alteration of human and planetary DNA, installation of Alien Machinery to install frequency fences and NET, the NAA to implant humanity with Mind Control Alien Implants is a bio-warfare strategy to control the planet, humanity and the soul through directing Holographic Inserts which alter, modify and damage DNA.
What has occurred to humanity is not a simple result of choices made to Service to Self. The NAA objective is an intended annihilation of the human species original DNA and obliteration from existence by erasing the historical record from this Universe.
Lack of Empathy
Altruism or Humanitarianism is the behavior of Service to Others that has a capacity to feel empathy and compassion for others and is aimed at benefiting another person, group or the planet. Egotism is a behavior that is acted out for personal gain or Service to Self. As the destructive habits of the Negative Egoform into entrained brain patterns of Narcissism, then potentially Psychopathy, the person digresses into primal behavior which has no experience of higher emotional states along with a Lack of Empathy and a lack of remorse.
- Category: Clear Negative Ego
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Biology of Kundalini
Dear Ascension Family,
I thought it appropriate to share kundalini resources as we go through this evolutionary phase. Many times my physical body is undergoing a very intense kundalini release with activated ascension symptom response and it has phases that it lasts for a long time at peak levels. Attempting to find nourishment is extremely difficult to frustrating, and I do not generally feel the ecstatic bliss states or vital energy. I am dealing with day to day commitments while my kundalini is burning out toxins and whatever else it is finding deep in the cellular material. Since western city life does not really support kundalini awakening or have any awareness about it, we have a challenge in that we are here to integrate into this contemporary society all the while with intense kundalini activations, transpiring simultaneously. This is one of the greatest challenges as an ascending human to find the balance in our lives as we are ascending. I am sure this is why so many of us undergoing kundalini activation isolate themselves, as the energy it takes to answer a simple question from other people, such as, how are you? What are you doing? can become a mind boggling proposition!