Ascension Library
Ascension is a change in Spectrum of Frequency through Kundalini awakening and a change in the focus of our Consciousness.
Science of Ascension
Meditation helps to clear Negative Ego and the Pain Body which develops Consciousness.
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Dimensions are fixed groupings of energy within specific geometric arranged forms (space and time) and are built upon crystallized conscious units of sound and light called Morphogenetic Fields or manifestation templates of the 12 Tree Grid.
Krystal Aegis Section
Temple of Loving Kindness
Connect with your Heart and practice Loving Kindness every day!
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We are not turning back. The future of humanity, the future direction of the human species is at stake and the ante has been raised. We are in the best of times and the worst of times. There is no denying the level of uncertainty and the disorientation we are feeling while in the pinnacle of this planetary energetic chaos. This rapidly increasing chaos is a result of massive changes to the fundamental energetic architecture of the planet, and it is an entirely necessary process to facilitate evolution into the next cycle. This chaotic peak has radically increased the environmental transparency to view how dependent humans have become on the false programs of a mind controlled reality. These mind control programs have been propagated for 3D humans to believe that the physical world and our Ego is the center of the Universe. We are now being forced to learn a deeper Universal Truth about the true Nature of Reality and it can be very painful to realize. The Ego Nature is being destroyed in the Presence of the Supreme Nature of the Eternal Living Light. The Life Story is over as you knew it from your Ego, the 3D personality matrix. What you Thought It Was, Will Never Be. We are leaving the finite Ego Nature to Live within Cosmic Consciousness, our infinite Spiritual Nature. Our Infinite Consciousness only Lives in the Moment of Now.

 The behavioral imbalances, the mental disease, the broken systems, the disconnected boilerplates regurgitating from the automaton “machine” mentality, are apparent in the 3D environment EVERYWHERE. Without a rudder, without direction (which can only be accessed from the inner stabilization of your core essence) many feel utter confusion in the midst of this accelerating chaos. How we perceive and experience this point of time during the Ascension cycle is a matter of personal choice. Having clarity from within this massive confusion requires awareness of negative patterns and their attachments and then the focused discipline of your Ego mind to clear them. It is the time to remove all attachments to the external outcome and personal results. 

Many human beings are having trouble understanding the complexity of what they are undergoing and what they are actually “looking at” as their ego perception of reality is being dismantled now. Because most people misinterpret what is transpiring it can be very traumatic. It does not need to be this way and choice is offered. Mind control has been so powerfully effective on this planet that most people deny the existence of many things that are an actual waking walking reality around us every day. Such as the Extraterrestial species and UFO’s that are around us every day (and most of us have no idea why.) Such as the ancient artifacts of a helicopter and speed boat carved into a 5,000 year old Egyptian Temple (proving we were very advanced centuries ago.) Such as the fear method of the power elite creating continual “unseen” enemies in the media to direct public opinion favorable to giving up personal constitutional freedoms. Such as believing the government and economic structures (such as the financial institution bail out) were supposed to be of primary service to help the public stay in business or have a roof over their head. All of these examples, whether directly implicated with the Negative Alien Agenda (or Not) are commonly connected into one shared blaring fact – all of it is promoting anti-human agendas through deception and enslavement as acceptable social behavior. By staying asleep to these deceptions or by doing nothing - we continue to feed these control systems and keep them alive. 

Many people say, “What does any of this have to do with me living my life?” This has EVERYTHING to do with your personal life, whether you as a human being, your children and the future timelines will live in freedom and self determination of your own creative expression. Where you vibrate now is where you will vibrate to when you leave your body, this planet or transfigure into an Ascending orb. What you decide now will impact generations. Invest in the permanent part of yourself, get into your relationship with your inner core spirit. To get into the Core Spirit you will have to face the shadows of deep fear and self deception. Acknowledge it. See It. Then give it to God. Inflexible minds only continue to deny the existence of the dark forces in order to attempt to continue to cover up the true nature of reality. We must confront the outer deception in order to get to the inner truth, and ask the hard questions. Who is benefiting here? When will we wake up and actually “see” what we are looking at? In order to finally “see” the nature of this planetary reality one has to Let Go of All you Know. Free your Mind. 

Accept As It Is Now

Our 3D Ego Self and its distorted belief system will not continue to be reinforced anymore in the external environment. For those on the Ascension pathway, plotting, planning and strategizing for control over your future prospects is over. Your life force is in the hands of your Higher Self and you are learning how to communicate in the new language without the ego interference. Wherever you find yourself right NOW, there is a reason for it. Dissatisfaction, unhappiness and frustration in your life circumstances can only be shifted in the perception in the Now moment, there is no magical answer in the future to feed the unhappy ego. To overcome an unhappy ego you must surrender to and accept the circumstance As It Is Now. For many untrained people at this stage of evolutionary development, ego denial of the facts and blaming everything on the outside is still used as a coping mechanism. This promotes more resistance and more energetic backlash to feed the uncomfortable circumstances, prolonging the issue. We must stop the blame game and accept the responsibility for our life circumstances no matter where we find ourselves at. By way of living and breathing in a body on the planet tells you that you agreed to be here during this challenging time. Accept that responsibility by avoiding the ego’s blaming behaviors or victimizer patterns. The external environment for many people now is crumbling, at the job, relationship, health, money, possessions and social level. The walls, the ceiling and the floor are caving in and many people are in a deep panic about losing their perceived external reinforcement of security and safety. This of course is the great Illusion that must be dismantled in order to live consciously aligned to our core essence which holds the potential to infinite consciousness. There is no safety found in anything physical, the only safety is our connection to our inner core and true heart essence. If it is your time to be physically dismantled, breathe, surrender and accept it As It Is Now. Be as Still as possible. You are going to be alright. Things will then progress in your life much easier. 

Commit to living and expressing balance in your body, mind and emotions through spiritual connection and mental and emotional discipline of the ego. The Controllers have zero power over you when you are outside of their frequency reach by maintaining neutral balance. If you stay out of mental and emotional polarity (inferior and superior thoughtforms) it is very hard for them to manipulate or control you. The Controllers have no access to control Now Moment Consciousness and do not understand the self organization of God Force in Action. When you are capable to maintain and then embody energetic balance (through observer with no attachment to outcome) God Forces can access your being and bring resolution, reconciliation and peace to the most despairing of circumstances. Remember Fear closes the door to God Force while Balance (Peace and Love) Opens it. 


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Internal Structure of Ego

In order to understand the Internal Structures of Ego which we also refer to as “Houses of Ego”, it requires the awareness that there are three main layers the 1st Chakra of the Unconscious Mind, the 2nd Chakra of the Instinctual Mind and the 3rd Chakra of the Conscious Mind.The three layers of mind work together to serve the functions of the ego in all human beings. Each energetic layer has separate functions yet all three layers are interconnected and directly impact each other. As we learn about the layers in the internal structure of the ego, this clarifies the purpose of identifying what the ego is and how it operates within us. When we understand how Ego Filters operates inside our mind we are better equipped to heal the energetic imbalances stemming from the Negative Ego or Predator Mind.

Influences Shape Beliefs

Motivation influences perception, Perception influences beliefs, Beliefs influence actions.

  • Motivations
  • Perceptions
  • Beliefs
  • Actions

The three major motivation problems to overcome in the Buddhist tradition are greed, anger and delusion. If these constitute much of your motivation then your perceptions, beliefs and actions can be twisted. This may also be a helpful model to help with understanding ourselves better as well as the motivation of others around us.

If one seeks to improve the world, the requirement is to improve one’s consciousness in order to experience higher sentience and connection with life. As consciousness expands, so does the practice of compassionate actions.

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