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Gallbladder Clearing Meditation


June 2013 Meditation

Let us prepare for meditation.

Again, as we open, Beloved God, in Pure Love, please open all Channels of Light, clear all Light Fibers to be fully Connected and Resonant with the Living Light Code. We call upon our Group Avatar Godselves, our Guardian Families, the Aurora and Guardian Mentor Band of the Krystal Star Matrix aligned to the Law of One Mission, may we exchange together in the highest capacity of God's Infinite Light, Love and Power in Divine Right Order and Harmony.

Now each of us intend to connect to your Inner Core. Placing your hand on your Heart declare your intention to serve your God Source. My Declaration of Intention is to serve my Source. I commit to serve my Highest Power, fully completely and totally. I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free.

Activate your Inner Spirit and Core Shield from within your 12th Dimensional Shield, create the Hub Handshake with Unity Intelligence of the Krystal Star. In your own personal space do a boundary test from within your Shield pushing out your Shield energies through the GSF Code, I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free, extending outward into your entire personal space. Stay contained in your Personal Shield. Feel yourself nourished from within your own Light Source.

As we open our Group Krystal Field, Beloved's we open to extend, encompassing our Family through Axiatonial alignment. Please balance, center and stabilize the Inner Core. I am Unity. Please open all Spiritual links to be reconnected between the God Source, the Avatar Christ, the Monad, the Soul, the Etheric Nadis, into the mental Body, Brain, Central Nervous System, Spinal Cord, and into the Physical Bodies. As we ask for Amplifiers in our Group Session, we call upon the Double Diamond Sun Body, the Diamond Ball Krystala of the Krystal Rainbow. As we open our Group Field we also call in the Krystal Aegis Double Diamond Vortex into the full expansion of the Celestial Krystal Force. As again, we take in a deep breath flooding our Being with each breath of Crystalline cleansing light.

We ask our Beloved Family, as we grid our space entirely in the Eternal Light of God consecrated and dedicated to the purposes of the Eternal Light. We ask Holy Mother to open the Transharmonic Pillar and Transit Gate to manifest lockdown in our Group Field, encompassing and protecting our Group Krystal Field. We ask to include the Shadow Vortex for removal of all shadow elements or shadow debris within our Group Session and we ask to apply the Core Soul protection for any session visitors, displaced entities, clearings, removals or extractions that we perform within the content of our Group Session.

We hold the intention now to build strongly the Inner Foundation and Core of our Inner Spiritual Light presence, and to amplify and fortify our Body and Shield with the Krystal Aegis Breastplate. Bring to your Inner Vision the diamond shaped Breastplate that covers your entire midsection. The top of the Breastplate stops at your Chin, the lower Breastplate stops two inches beneath your Perineum, or undercarriage. The sides of the Breastplate extend two inches outward from your Elbow joint areas. In your Inner Vision see the Diamond Breastplate from the front vision of your Body, as well as the back vision of your entire Body, seeing the Breastplate as translucent Diamond Energy, which can be seen from the front, back and sides on your Core. In a semi-half circle on your Chest is seven encrusted gemstones emitting soft glowing lights. This Platinum Breastplate is the Krystal Aegis, which is the protector of the Krystal Diamond Heart and the Soul within the human Body.



Bring to your attention the gemstones. Each gemstone appears liquid light and you'll see it's individual colors a myriad of Rainbow Colors moving and flickering amongst the Rainbow Pastel Colors. These Rainbow Pastels are moving lights of frequency that source from the Krystal Diamond Light. They move in a specific pattern as a reaction to the consciousness when they are being observed. We call upon the Eye of God to oversee our reconnection to Christos embodiment and always through protecting our Krystal Heart through its Spiritual link into the Krystal Aegis.

Now first observe the first gemstone on your Diamond Breastplate on the left moving to the right. Put a loose gaze on the first gemstone on your left Chest area near your left Armpit. As you focus upon the gemstone think with your Inner Vision placed on the gemstone the sound tone "Ka". As you sound the tone "Ka" you may sense of flashing on and off of the pinkish Light Pink Code pattern. We are going through each gemstone to just activate your connection and awareness to each tone on the Breastplate.

Now move your attention to the second gemstone. In moving left to right put a loose gaze on the second gemstone on your left Chest area, and intend to activate this gemstone with your Inner Vision. Think with your Inner Vision placed on the second gemstone the sound tone "Ra". You may sense a flashing on and off and see a gold light in the pattern sound tone of "Ra".

Observe the third gemstone on your Diamond Breastplate. In left moving to right the loose case on the third gemstone on your left Chest area, the upper middle left Chest. Intend to activate the gemstone by focusing upon it with your Inner Vision. Think with your Inner Vision placed on the third gemstone the sound "Ya". You may sense of flashing on and off of the Light Green Code pattern of the sound tone of "Ya".

Now observe the fourth gemstone in your Diamond Breastplate. Put a loose gaze on the fourth gemstone in the exact center of your Chest at your thymus gland level. Intend to activate this gemstone by focusing upon it. Think with your Inner Vision placed on the fourth gemstone the sound "Sa". You may sense of flashing on and off of the Sapphire Diamond Light Code pattern of the sound tone of "Sa" .

Observe the fifth gemstone on your Diamond Breastplate. Putting a loose gaze on the fifth gemstone on the right side of your Chest area, intend to activate this gemstone. Think with your Inner Vision on the fifth gemstone the sound "Ta". You may sense a flashing on and off of a White Diamond Fire Pattern of the sound tone of “Ta”.

Now observe the sixth gemstone on your Diamond Breastplate. Moving to the right put a loose gaze on the sixth gemstone on the right side of your Chest. Intend to activate this gemstone. Think with your Inner Vision placed on the six gemstone the sound “Aa”. You may sense a flashing on and off and receive an Aqua Diamond Light Code pattern of the sound “Aa”.

Now observe the seventh and last gemstone on your Diamond Breastplate. Putting a loose gaze on the seventh gemstone on the far right Chest area and right Armpit. Intend to activate this gemstone by focusing upon it. Think with your Inner Vision placed on the seventh gemstone the sound “La”. You may sense of flashing on and off and see an Opalescent Light Fire with the moving Rainbow Light patterns of the sound tone of "La".

We are reconnecting with the Krystal Aegis Breastplate. Connecting to each of the gemstones and tones of light . Breathing in the Rainbow Colors of every hue, seeing the Rainbow Lights saturate your Shield and aura, allowing their color waves to run through your Body. Through the Krystal Aegis Breastplate allow the color wave to run through your Central Channel. As we unify each of the tones “Ka” "Ra" "Ya" "Sa" "Ta" “Aa” "La" – Krystala.

As you feel connected to your Krystal Aegis Breastplate, now bring a soft focus to your left side, the lateral Gallbladder Meridian.

We call Holy Mother Arc to join with us now in clearing, healing and release of any and all alien machinery implants, inorganic structures, warfare artifacts, or miasmatic blockages. We ask all of these structures as removed to be sent to the Exit Point in our Group Transit Gate and Shadow Vortex, to dispose of any debris or machinery. Through the Krystal stairway connected through the Krystal Aegis, please reconnect our Axiatonial Lines and the Gallbladder Meridian with the corrected pattern of Female God Principle on the left side of our entire energy and physical bodies. Please clear all distortions of the Aquarian Matrix and reset the meridians to the Christic Mathematical Blueprint.

Now bring your focus to the outside left corner of your left eye. This is the beginning of the Gallbladder Meridian. We are going to follow it slowly, moving down the left side of your Body.

Bring into mind the fourth gemstone from your Krystal Aegis Breastplate, the Sapphire Diamond Light and the sound tone of "Sa". Now place the Sapphire Diamond Light through the word Code "Sa" on top of the entry point to the Gallbladder Meridian at the outside corner of your left eye. As you see the Sapphire Light ignite, and pulsate throughout your entire left side Gallbladder Meridian. Allow the Sapphire Diamond Light to flash on and off a few times turning on the light in your entire left side Gallbladder Meridian. Flashing the Sapphire Blue Light with the word "Sa" feel the pulsation and push through the Sapphire Blue Light from the corner of your left eye pushing the Blue Light, the Sapphire Light, downward as a full release out of the left hand side of your Feet and Toes. As you take nice inhale breaths, feel yourself gaining strength building the momentum of the Sapphire Light of "Sa". As we are pushing the Sapphire Light Code and tone of "Sa" throughout your Gallbladder Meridian. All the while intend to bear down, push down the Sapphire Light so that the momentum will push debris out of your Gallbladder Meridian, releasing out through your Toes and Feet on the left hand side. In taking some nice deep breaths, allowing your Body to relax, intending to ignite and run the current of the Sapphire Diamond Light and tone of "Sa" through the entire left hand side of your Gallbladder Meridian. From the outside left corner of your left eye, moving down laterally and releasing out your Toe and Feet.

As you're focusing on the entire length of your Gallbladder Meridian on your left side, as if you are outside looking at your Body from the side view, see the Gallbladder Meridian completely filled with pulsing Sapphire Diamond Light.

Now bring your focus to the top of the Skull on the left hand side. From a short distance as you're looking at your Body from the side view, seeing the Sapphire Diamond Light of "Sa" flashing on and off throughout your entire Gallbladder Meridian, bring your direct focus to the top of your Skull on the left hand side. Now ask your Christ Self to reveal any in organic structure, entity or blockage that is located there. Observe a "yes" or "no" sensory pattern.

If you receive a "yes" there is a blockage there. Bring your focus upon the fourth gemstone of the “Sa” Code of Sapphire Diamond Light and place it's Sapphire Blue Ball of light directly onto the area of your top Skull on the left side. As you place the "Sa" Code on that area of your Skull in whatever visual or audio is best for you, either imagine the Sapphire Blue Ball on the actual area, or say the tone "Sa" over and over until you are complete with the release of the obstruction.

Now ask, is a transit required, "yes" or "no"? If you receive a "yes" intend to contain the object inside of the Sapphire Blue Ball. Pull out any remains and imprints of the structure and firmly instruct it with your mind, telling it to go into the Sapphire Blue Ball, Like a magnet, feel any object that is being removed, extracted immediately and magnetize itself inside the Sapphire Blue Ball. Hold it firmly contained inside the Blue Ball. Now firmly and quickly send it to the Guardian of the Transit Gate to dispose of the object, Breathe in and exhale sending it to the Transit Gate.

Beloved Guardians please cauterize and seal the area with Celestine Fire to purify, sanitize and nourish the area of extraction. You may feel a tingly and cooling effect upon the top Skull area.

Now bringing your focus on the entire side view length of your left side Gallbladder Meridian, now bring your smaller focus inside of your brain on the Pineal Gland, From a short distance looking at the side view of your entire Body, still see the Sapphire Diamond Light pulsing and flashing on and off throughout your entire left side Gallbladder Meridian, as you bring your direct focus to the inside of your brain and Pineal Gland. Now ask your Christ Self to reveal any inorganic structure, entity, blockage or cage that is located there. Observe a "yes" or "no" sensory pattern. If you receive a "yes" there is a blockage there. Bring into mind the sixth gemstone from your "Ka" Breastplate, the Aqua Diamond Light and the sound town of “Aa”. Place it's Aqua Blue Ball of Light directly onto the area of your Pineal Gland, the center of your brain. Placing the “Aa” Code on top of that area of your Pineal in whatever visual or audio way that is best for you, either imagine the Aqua Blue Ball in the area or say the tone word “Aa” over and over until you are complete with the release of the obstruction.

Is a transit required "yes" or "no"? If you receive a "yes" intend to contain the object inside the Aqua Blue Ball. Pull out all remains and imprints of the structure and firmly instruct it with your mind, telling it to go into the Aqua Blue Ball. Like a magnet, feel any object that is being removed or extracted immediately magnetize itself inside the Aqua Blue Ball. Hold it firmly contained inside the Aqua Blue Ball. Now firmly and quickly send it to the Guardian of the Transit Gate to dispose of the object breathing in and exhale.

Beloved Guardians please cauterize and seal the area with Celestine Fire to purify, sanitize and nourish the area of the Pineal Gland and extraction. You may feel a tingling or cooling effect upon these areas.

Now bring your focus back to the entire length, the side view of your Gallbladder Meridian on the left side. Now bring your smaller focus to the Carotid Artery on the left side of your Neck. The Carotid Artery are the arteries that supply the head and Neck with oxygenated blood and control blood pressure, as well as have relationships to your Thymus, Thyroid Gland, Trachea and your Heart rhythm.

From a short distance looking at your entire Body in side view, still see the Sapphire Diamond Light of "Sa" flashing on and off throughout your entire left side Gallbladder Meridian. Now focusing on the Carotid Artery on the left side of your Neck ask your Christ Self to reveal any in organic structure entity or blockage that is located there. Observe a "yes" or "no" sensory pattern. If you receive a "yes" there is a blockage there.

Bring into mind your fifth gemstone from your Krystal Aegis Breastplate, the White Diamond Light and sound tone of "Ta". Place its White Fireball of light directly onto the area of your Carotid Artery on the left side of your Neck. Placing the “Ta” Code on the top of that area on the left side of your Neck in whatever visual or audio way is best for you either imagine the White Diamond Fireball on the area or say the tone, word "Ta" over and over until you are complete with the release of this obstruction.

Is a transit required "yes" or "no"? If you receive a "yes" intend to contain the object inside the White Fireball. Pull out any remains, imprints and roots of the structure firmly instruct it with your mind, telling it to go into the White Fireball. Like a magnet, feel any object that is being removed or extracted immediately magnetize itself inside the White Fireball. Hold it firmly contained inside the White Fireball. Now firmly and quickly send it to the Guardian of the Transit Gate to dispose of the object. Breathe in and exhale.

Beloved Guardians please cauterize and seal the area was Celestine fire to purify, sanitize and nourish the area of extraction. You may feel a tingly or cooling effect upon the area the left side Neck.

Now return your focus to the entire length of your Gallbladder Meridian the side view of your left side. Now you bring your focus to the back of your Neck where the Skull rests atop the Spine. This is the C1-C2 Atlas and Axis alignment of the Spine. This also refers into the Hypothalamus and into the entire left Shoulder and Thoracic areas.

From a short distance looking at your entire Body side view still see the Sapphire Diamond Light flashing on and off throughout your entire Gallbladder Meridian. Bringing your focus and intention to the C1-C2 Atlas and Axis point where the Skull rests atop the Spine. Now ask your Christ Self to reveal any inorganic structure, entity or blockage that is located there. Observe a "yes" or "no" sensory pattern. If you receive a "yes" there is a blockage there.

Bring into mind the seventh gemstone from your Krystal Aegis Breastplate the Opalescent Firelight and the sound tone of "La". Place the Opalescent Fireball of that light directly onto the area of your C1-C2 Atlas and Axis where the Skull rests on top of Spine. Open up the Fireball so that it extends to include your entire left Shoulder. Also placing the "La" word or tone on top of this area in whatever visual or audio way is best for you, either imagine Opalescent Fireball on the area or say the word "La" over and over until you are complete with the release of this obstruction or blockage.

Is a transit required, "yes" or "no"? If you receive a "yes" intend to contain the object inside the Opalescent Fireball. Pull out all remains and imprints and roots of the structure and firmly instruct it with your mind telling it to go into the Opalescent Fireball. Like a magnet, feel any object that is being removed or extracted immediately magnetize itself inside the Opalescent Fireball. Hold it firmly contained there. Now quickly send it to the Guardian of the Transit Gate to dispose of the object. Breathing in and exhale.

Beloved Guardians please cauterize and seal the area of the C1-C2 Atlas and Axis with Celestine Fire. Please purify, sanitize and nourish realigning the area of extraction. You may feel a tingly or cooling effect upon the area at the Skull resting atop of the Spine.

We are now going to go back in our focus to the Hypothalamus. Hypothalamus is a gland inside your brain. Ask your Christ Self to reveal any inorganic structure, entity or blockage located in the Hypothalamus. Observe a "yes" or "no" sensory pattern. If you receive a "yes" there is a blockage there. Bring into mind the Opalescent Firelight and the sound tone of "La" and place the Opalescent Fireball of that light directly on to the Hypothalamus.

Is a transit required, "yes" or "no"? If you receive a "yes" intend to contain the object inside the Opalescent Fireball, magnetize itself inside the Fireball and hold it firmly contained. Now quickly send it to the Guardian of the Transit Gate to dispose of the object while breathing in and exhale.

Beloved Guardians please cauterize and seal the Hypothalamus area with Celestine Fire to purify, sanitize and nourish the area of extraction. You may feel a tingly effect upon this area.

Bring your focus on the entire length of your Gallbladder Meridian on the left side and then bring your smaller focus back again to the left side of your Neck, this time were focusing on the Lymphatics. The Lymphatic system is part of the Circulatory System comprising a network of conduits called Lymphatic Vessels that carry clear fluid called Lymph towards the Heart. Lymph is essentially recycled blood plasma. The Lymphatic organs play an important part in the health of the immune system so here we intend to strengthen the Lymphatics as a part of our Body's Immune System.

From a short distance looking at the side view of your entire Body, see the Sapphire Diamond Light "Sa" flashing on and off throughout your entire left side Gallbladder Meridian. Now bring your direct focus to the left side of your Neck and your Lymph. Ask your Christ Self to reveal any inorganic structure, entity or blockage located within the Lymph. Observe a "yes" or "no" sensory pattern. If you receive a "yes" there is a blockage there. Bring into mind the second gemstone from your Krystal Aegis Breastplate the Golden Light and sound tone of "Ra". Place it's Golden Firelight directly onto the area of your left side Neck and Lymph. In whatever visual or audio way is better for you imagine the Golden Light Ball on the area of the left side of your Neck or see the word "Ra" over and over until you are complete with the release of the obstruction or blockage.

Is a transit required, "yes" or "no"? If you receive a "yes" intend to contain the object inside the Golden Light Ball. Pull out any remains, imprints or roots of the structure and firmly instruct it with your mind, tell it to go into the Golden Light Ball. Like a magnet, feel any object that is being removed extracted immediately and magnetize itself inside the Golden Light Ball. Hold it contained inside. Now firmly and quickly send the Golden Light Ball to the Guardian to the Transit Gate to dispose of the object. Breathing in and exhale relaxing the Body.

Beloved Guardians please cauterize and seal the area with Celestine Fire to purify, sanitize and nourish the area of extraction through the Lymph. You may feel a tingling or cooling effect upon this area of your left side Neck.

Now bring your focus back to the entire length, the side view of your Gallbladder Meridian on the left side. Bring your focus now to your Heart, your left Lung and in the back of your left Knee. From a short distance looking at the side view of your Body still see the Sapphire Diamond Light pulsing throughout your entire left side Gallbladder Meridian. As you bring your direct focus to your Heart, your left Lung and the back of your left Knee. Now ask your Christ Self to reveal any inorganic structure, entity or blockage located there. Observe a "yes" or "no" sensory pattern. If you receive a “yes” there is a blockage there.

Bring into mind the third gemstone from your Krystal Aegis Breastplate the Light Green Light and sound tone of "Ya". Place the Light Green Fireball of that light directly onto the area of your Heart, your left Lung, now the back of the left Knee. In whatever visual or audio way that's best for you imagine the Light Green Light Ball on these areas or say the word tone "Ya" over and over until you are complete with the release of any obstruction or blockage.

Is a transit required, "yes" or "no"? If you receive a “yes” intend to contain the object inside the Light Green Ball. Pull out any remains roots and imprints of the structures firmly tell it with your mind to go into the Green Light Ball. Like a magnet, feel any object that is being removed, extracted immediately and magnetize itself inside the Green Light Ball. Hold it firmly contained inside the Green Ball. Now quickly send it to the Guardian of the Transit Gate to dispose of the object. Breathe in and exhale deeply.

Beloved Guardians please cauterize and seal the area with Celestine Fire, purify, sanitize and nourish the area of extraction as well as the Heart, the left Lung, and the back of the left Knee. You may feel cooling effect upon these areas.

Now bring your focus on the entire length of the Gallbladder Meridian on your left side. Bring your direct focus now to the rear left Buttocks, the rear left Thigh and now the top of the left Knee. From a short distance looking at the side view of your entire Body see the Sapphire Diamond Light flashing on and off pulsating through your entire left side Gallbladder Meridian. Now bring your direct focus to your rear left Buttock, your rear left Thigh, and the top of your left Knee. Now ask your Christ Self to reveal any inorganic structure, entity, or blockage that is located there. Observe a "yes" or "no" sensory pattern. If you receive a "yes" there is a blockage.

Bring to mind the first gemstone from your Krystal Aegis Breastplate the Light Pink Light and the sound tone of "Ka". Place the Light Pink Fireball of light directly onto the area of your rear left Buttock, rear left Thigh, and your entire left Knee. Imagine the Light Pink Light Ball on these areas, or say the work “Ka” over and over until your complete with the release of these obstructions.

Is a transit required, "yes" or "no"? If you receive a "yes" intend to contain the object inside the Light Pink Ball. Pull out any remains, roots or imprints of the structures and tell it with your mind to go into the Pink Light Ball. Like a magnet, feel any object that is being removed extracted immediately and magnetize itself inside the Pink Light Ball. Hold it firmly contained inside the Pink Light Ball. Now quickly send it to the Guardian of the Transit Gate to dispose of the object breathing in and exhale.

Beloved Guardians please cauterize and seal the area with Celestine Fire to purify, sanitize and nourish the area of extraction. You may feel a cooling effect upon these areas.

And taking a short break, focus allowing yourself to gently breathe in and out, breathing in the Rainbow Colors, every hue, the Aurora and Krystal Aegis lights and color waves running through your Body, running through your Central Channel.

Taking a nice inhale and exhale, bring a soft focus to your right side, the lateral Gallbladder Meridian on your right hand side. We call Holy Mother Arc to join us now in clearing, healing and release of any alien machinery, implants, inorganic structures, warfare artifacts, or miasmatic blockages. We ask all of these structures to be removed and sent to the Exit Point in our Group Transit Gate and Vortex to dispose of debris or machinery. Through the Krystal Stairway, we connect our Axiatonial Lines and Gallbladder Meridian with the corrected pattern of masculine God Principle on the right side of our entire energy and physical Body. Please clear all distortions of the Aquarian Matrix and reset the meridians to the Christic Mathematical Blueprint .

Bring your focus to the outside right corner of your right eye. This is the beginning of the Gallbladder Meridian on the right side. We're going to follow it slowly moving down the entire right side of your Body. Bring into mind the fourth gemstone from your Krystal Aegis Breastplate the Sapphire Diamond Light in the sound tone of "Sa". Place the Sapphire Diamond Light through the word Code "Sa" on top of the entry point to your Gallbladder Meridian at the outside corner of your right eye. See the Sapphire Diamond Light ignite and pulsate throughout your entire right side Gallbladder Meridian. Allow the Diamond Light to flash on and off a few times pulsating the light throughout your entire right side Gallbladder Meridian. As you flash and pulsate the Sapphire Light with the word "Sa" feel the pulsation and push through the Sapphire Blue Light from the corner of your right eye, pushing the light downward as a full release out of the right hand side Foot and Toes. With every inhale feel yourself gaining strength, building the momentum of the Sapphire Diamond Light of "Sa". And pushing the Sapphire Light Code throughout your Gallbladder Meridian, all the while intend to bear dow, push down the Sapphire Light so that momentum will push debris out of your Gallbladder Meridian releasing out the right side Toes and Feet.

Take a few deep breaths and relax after igniting the right side Gallbladder Meridian.

As you focus on the entire side view of your right hand Gallbladder Meridian, bring your focus to the entire length of the Gallbladder Meridian from about three feet above your Head moving sideways down and releasing a few feet beneath your right Foot. From a short distance looking at your Body side view again see the Sapphire Diamond Light flashing on and off throughout the entire Gallbladder Meridian. Bring your direct focus to the right hand side, the right hand corner of your eye, following the Gallbladder Meridian through your Skull, moving all the way down through your side, through the side of your Leg and IT band and releasing out of your right hand Foot and Toes.

Now ask your Christ Self to reveal any inorganic structure, entity or blockage that is located on the right hand side of your Gallbladder Meridian. Observe a "yes" or "no" sensory pattern. In moving your vision from the top outside corner if your right eye down the side of your Skull, underneath your Armpit moving down the side of your Hips, Thigh and Legs, releasing out the side of your Foot. If you receive a "yes" there is a blockage located at some point on the right hand side. Bring your focus upon the fourth gemstone, the Sapphire Diamond Light and place a concentrated energy of a Sapphire Diamond Blue Ball directly onto the area of your focus for clearing. Additionally you may place the “Sa” Code toning "Sa" on that area, imagining the Sapphire Blue Ball focused on the area, repeating the tone "Sa" over and over until you're complete with the release any obstruction on the right hand side of the Gallbladder Meridian.

Is a transit required "yes" or "no"? If you received a “yes” intend to contain the objects inside the Sapphire Blue Ball. And extend the Blue Ball to any size that is necessary to fully contain the objects. Pull out all remains, imprints and roots of any structure, firmly telling it to go into the Sapphire Blue Ball. Like a magnet, feel any object that is being removed, extracted immediately from the right hand side of your Gallbladder Meridian, and magnetize itself inside the Sapphire Blue Ball. Hold it firmly contained inside the Sapphire Blue Ball. Now firmly and quickly send it to the Guardian of the Transit Gate to dispose of the object. Breathe in and exhale, relaxing your Body.

Beloved Guardians please cauterize and seal the entire right hand side of the Gallbladder Meridian area was Celestine Fire to purify, sanitize and nourish the entire areas of extraction. You may feel a tingling or cooling effect upon your right hand side.

Now bring your focus to the Center Point about three feet above your Head, in your Central Vertical Channel. Beloveds bring in the Universal Aurora Harmonics through our Krystal Aegis Plate, through oscillating wave format from the point three feet above our head, entirely saturating the bodies, from top to bottom, bottom to top, inner to outer, left to right, right to left, and release from the Feet anything unneeded or unnecessary.

As you feel the waves and shower of the Universal Harmonics of Aurora, from the top of your Head moving through your Body and releasing at the bottom of your Feet. Following the movement of the oscillating waves, the frequencies push down, intending to send all debris out and away from your Body and into the Transit Gate or Shadow Vortex that is anchored by our Guardian Team.

We spin and align the merge of our physical centers and energetic layers to be perfectly synthesized into our highest Spiritual Bodies our Christos Body, with Harmony and Perfection.

Again as as you breathe in and out, sensing the breathing in of Rainbow Light, the exhaling of Rainbow Light, allow the color wave spectrum to run through your Body, through your Center, and now through your Deepest Heart.

Beloveds Thank You. We request the Eternal God Spirit to reconnect all Body Parts and Body Intelligence to the control of our Original God Spirit, the Eternal Light, as God Would Have It Be.

Through Harmony and Peace and Unification, we hold this Space in the name of Oneself, Godself, as the Witness in Oneness. This is sealed into the Light of Union and Wholeness, in Service to the Oneself, Godself. Beloveds take this through the Blueprints and Morphogenetic Field and Subtle Energies, through all Levels and Components of the Being. Seal the Body as consecrated to the Eternal Light of God Source, our Family of Oneness. STS sweep through all Time and Space.

As we come to a close with our session, we intend to disengage from the Group Field. Feel yourself stepping back into your Personal Shield strengthened and fortified. Be sure to drink a lot of water after this treatment.

And as we hold Gratitude in our Hearts, Beloveds, we Thank You for this opportunity. Our Infinite Stream of Love is with You in all ways. As we seal and end our session, we Dedicate it to the Light of Wholeness and Union. And so it is. Thank You so much, rest well.