Ascension Classes
These classes are fundamental to Ascension Theory and building the context to comprehend the nature of the changing physics governing our reality, as well as the spiritual awakening process that all planet earth inhabitants are undergoing now.
See Ascension Classes
Clearing Treatments
Here are some basic spiritual housekeeping tools to explore and experiment with. Everyone is unique and must learn what works the best for them in a variety of circumstances.
See Clearing Treatments
Krystal Aegis
Sometimes we need some help getting ourselves back to clarity and balance. Krystal Aegis (KA) is a Self study Guardian support program to clear out negative energies. KA Meditations are in the Shop.
Krystal Aegis Section
Psychic Self Defense
Psychic Self Defense describes the various phenomena related to psychic attack or energetic drain. See the PSD Classes in the Shop.
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Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire

The Cosmic Mother placed a complete replica of herself in a Triple Solar White Diamond Elohei.
Divine Lady of Eire


Upon confirmation of your payment, you will receive an email (please make sure you enter your email correctly) with your purchase confirmation and links to 3 downloads:

1. ES Ascension Class – September 2023 Pt.1

Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire, Part I

The Cosmic Mother placed a complete replica of herself in a Triple Solar White Diamond Elohei dragon body along with her Edenic paradisian codes from the God Worlds designated for the Earth’s ascension, and concealed them inside the Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire. The lands, natural kingdoms and sacred sites of Ireland would forever hold her consecrated sounds of silver flamed Eiras, sacred musical tones from the God Worlds. One day she would return to Éire and reclaim what is hers from the anti-Christ vandals that invaded our home during the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion many thousands of years ago. The Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire interconnects directly with the Cosmic Emerald Heart principle in our Universe and beyond, where direct communication can be made with the 48D Emerald Order God World Creation.

Thus, as humanity reaches the end of the dark era, the clarion call for the Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire to ignite at the Hill of Tara and fulfill her sacred purpose and spiritual duty for the entire planet is now upon us. Through the paradisian codes of prefall-Earth in her Aurora colors hidden deep within the Éire landscapes, running rainbow silvery currents through the sacred sites and geomatic features, we discover the Holy Mother Sophia’s special gifts hidden there for all of humanity, that carry exceptional spiritual characteristics which differentiate the Emerald Isle from any other landmass in the world. (1:17:45 minutes)

2. ES Ascension Class – September 2023 Pt.2

Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire, Part II

To better comprehend the landscape of the magical Emerald Isle, and why there are so many different names for assorted Triple Gods and Triple Goddesses with different characteristics said to be inhabiting the lands, we must consider the existence of Geomantic Entities and Collective Egregores in the planetary grid created for different landmasses. Because Eire was designed with a divine purpose that is sacred to fulfill the cosmic order of the Emerald Order and Cosmic Mother, the lands of Ireland have retained much more of their animating elementals, natural folk-spirits and collective egregores that are designed to retain the consciousness records, language, culture and divine blueprint that holds the spiritual purpose of Ireland. Thus, Ireland and the northernmost remote areas of the United Kingdom house a variety of organic spiritual beings that used to inhabit the entire planetary grid network as a working hierarchy, and were being directed by Solar Angels.

As humanity lost their spiritual nature and became disconnected from the planet, along with the changes with the moon and damaged grid areas caused by major cities or war-torn lands, these areas became barren of their original spiritual counterparts. (46:26 minutes)

3. ES Ascension Meditation – September 2023

Cosmic Emerald Heart in Hill of Tara: In this meditation we connect with the Eiras sound flame within our Emerald Crystal Heart and then reunite with the Cosmic Emerald Heart gateway located in the Hill of Tara.

This is an advanced meditation so please proceed with deep love and respect for your body. To proceed with this mediation, it is suggested to ask your higher self if you are ready to continue with this activation in the form of asking Yes or No.

Your inner world is the cosmos while your outer world is your physical body. Your physical body holds the microcosm pattern in the macrocosm pattern of the Cosmic Emerald Heart. As you go deep within, see an emerald glow emanating from the deep space that exists inside of your heart. Intend to move closer and closer to a glowing Emerald light in deep space, in order to see the detail of your Emerald crystal.

See a double-terminated Emerald crystal floating within your heart space. The crystal is pointed north and south position. You may notice that it is slowly rotating. As you look deeply at the Emerald crystal, imagine you can see a small white cube existing inside of a small black cube, which represents the void of space. This is the electromagnetic portal access inside of your heart complex between the white holes and black holes that make up stargates and portal systems of your consciousness can travel and explore in the universe. For some this cube will have already dissolved and merged into space, so bring your attention upon deep space, imagining the starry night dark firmament as the inner landscape which is filled with a massive pallet of twinkling sun star networks or constellations. Bring your direct attention Above your head and register that above the right shoulder is the appearance of the constellation of Ursa major, and above your head on the left shoulder is the constellation of the Seven Sisters or Pleiades. Feel this as the Christos Sophia hierogamic unification of Holy Mother and Holy Father protecting and guiding you through your personal spiritual journey. (40:32 minutes)

Download Files Included

Ascension Class Recording September 2023 Pt.1


Ascension Class Recording September 2023 Pt.2


Ascension Meditation Recording September 2023
