Ascension Classes
These classes are fundamental to Ascension Theory and building the context to comprehend the nature of the changing physics governing our reality, as well as the spiritual awakening process that all planet earth inhabitants are undergoing now.
See Ascension Classes
Clearing Treatments
Here are some basic spiritual housekeeping tools to explore and experiment with. Everyone is unique and must learn what works the best for them in a variety of circumstances.
See Clearing Treatments
Krystal Aegis
Sometimes we need some help getting ourselves back to clarity and balance. Krystal Aegis (KA) is a Self study Guardian support program to clear out negative energies. KA Meditations are in the Shop.
Krystal Aegis Section
Psychic Self Defense
Psychic Self Defense describes the various phenomena related to psychic attack or energetic drain. See the PSD Classes in the Shop.
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Surpassing the Glass Ceiling

There are many possible new realities being birthed during this time in order to allow the maximum openings for all beings to heal genetically.
Soothing Meditations -Birds in the RainSoothing Meditations -Birds in the Rain

July 2009 Ascension Themes : SURPASSING THE GLASS CEILING - There are many possible new realities being birthed during this time in order to allow the maximum openings for all beings to heal genetically. This allows the capacity to experience expanded consciousness and therefore making available higher evolutionary choices. This is the benevolence of the Universe through the grace of the God Source attempting to harmonize all levels of the consciousness within this creational experience. Many dimensional reality spaces or parallel realities have recently collapsed or have been closed down.

 Includes three audio mp3 files. 

  1. Ascension Class recording (mp3): SURPASSING THE GLASS CEILING - There are many possible new realities being birthed during this time in order to allow the maximum openings for all beings to heal genetically. This allows the capacity to experience expanded consciousness and therefore making available higher evolutionary choices. This is the benevolence of the Universe through the grace of the God Source attempting to harmonize all levels of the consciousness within this creational experience. Many dimensional reality spaces (parallel realities) have recently collapsed or have been closed down. This means that the consciousness existing within that time and space has had to be moved and transported to another time continuum. Some of us have been very busy providing or directing the portal openings in order to support this movement. This is an Interdimensional project shared by groups existing in multiple dimensional layers. This will continue to grow as more of us will become aware of helping in the spiritual retrieval and merging back to god process. Much of this level of consciousness being retrieved has been bound energetically to grids, trapped in dimensional spaces unable to evolve or embody any further. (Time 59:50)
  2. Ascension Q&A recording (mp3): This is the recording of Lisa Renee's Q&A with participating members of the class. (Time 53:59)
  3. Ascension Meditation recording (mp3): Negative Form Removal - Remove the Negative Form Clearing Meditation designed for daily and regular use. A community staple clearing tool. A request for the complete removal of all Negative Forms, Mind Control programs, lower formed energies or misqualified vibrations. Removes manipulation, rituals, spells, curses or symbols, energetic parasites, negative mass consciousness energy. A fabulous auric field cleanser and suggested regular spiritual house cleaning tool to build the strength of your emotional body integrity. TAGS: core soul protection package, mind control programs, energetic parasites, auric field, spiritual house cleaning. (Time 20:40)

Please Note: The first recording is general discussion, second is Q&A and third is our monthly meditation treatment. Please download these files (which are mp3 audio format) to your computer.

Download Files Included

Negative Form Removal
