The structure of the macrocosmic Universal Tree of Life is replicated within the microcosmic personal tree of life, the music of spherical vibrational frequency. We may see the multidimensional reality represented in the Universal Time Matrix. Individual human anatomy (physcial, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies) manifest upon and within the multidimensional layers of vibrational frequency as instructed by the core manifestation body template, the Tree of Life. Every aspect of Universal Creation and its life spiral are designed and instructed through these blueprint structures which contain multiple arrangements and layers of vibrational Spectrum of Frequency. Learning to travel consciously through the vibrational quality of the Tree of Life, is to travel through the multiple dimensions of time and is the personal pathway to achieve spiritual sovereignty and energetic freedom. This is referred to as GSF.
Ascending the Tree of Life
As we make progress in clearing energetic blockages into increased self-awareness and self-realization, we ascend upward on the branches of the Tree of Life which hold consciousness experiences in time. These timelines are in the many branches which hold instruction sets traveling between and within the dimensional spheres located in the Tree of Life. This is how we gain self-knowledge as a multidimensional and spiritual being; we travel through the spheres of time held in the holographic layers of the Tree of Life.It is this spiritual journey of gaining self-knowledge traveling through the Tree of Life which is used to persecute and terrorize the human race through victim-bullying archetypes. This False King of Tyranny archetype (False Father) uses intimidation tactics of bullying and victimization to enforce oppression through circulating spiritual fears in the masses. This massive mind control program used through the patriarchal domination agenda is called the Victim-Victimizersoftware. If we are weakened by fear, confusion, intimidation and bullying tactics, we can easily be served up into the chomping teeth of the Victim-Victimizer mind control programs. When we are fearful we disconnect from our inner spirit, closing down our heart, and we accelerate our servitude to the mind and/or bondage to the outer spirits of materialism through energetic fragmentation. This fragmentation is designed to destroy our real inner relationship to our God parent by enforcing external terrorism, misogyny and Armageddon scenarios. This religious rhetoric tells us we are doing something wrong that offends or separates us from our real Father and Mother. (Father Arc and Mother Arc) The mind control abuse generated from these false parent archetypes further promotes these distortions into beliefs spread throughout our biological family of origin. We are capable to heal these distortions if we are willing to move beyond fear, insecurity and low self-esteem. Each of us has the choice (readiness to go beyond fear) as to how rapidly we want to ascend the branches of knowledge on the Tree of Life. Each branch takes us into life experiences that are designed by consciousness to directly experience self-realization, spiritual actualization in so we may ultimately comprehend the trinity of God force; Love, Wisdom and Power. (GSF)
- Category: Multi-Dimensional
Within the creational mechanics of the holographic structure which manifests the Harmonic Universes there are two timelines per dimensional octave. So within our Harmonic Universe,( see the Universal Time Matrix ), making up the reality of 3D earth, within the three dimensions (1-3D), we have six timelines. When we energetically evolve and move up in octave, being initiated into higher frequencies, we are exposed to more dimensional octaves, therefore more potential timelines. Within these dimensions of future timelines are “stations of identity”, commonly called “soul”, “oversoul”, “higher self”, which comprise body parts or whole spiritual bodies of our forgotten selves. These are spiritual energetic bodies that hold our consciousness intelligence matrices, our mind matrices, that make up our spiritual identity, and of which we are designed to reclaim these spiritual-energetic pieces during these “timeline collapses” which transpire during the Ascension cycle. This is why those on the spiritual ascension path continually experience their energetic healing by meeting the cellular memories that surface at different stages of evolution in the multiple timelines. Being able to tune into these various timelines and sense events or identities that exist in those timelines, is one definition of becoming multidimensional.
We have to move through the series of timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth. Like a tri-athlete running and jumping over the hurdles, we connect with our lost aspects to merge with these time fields, whereby reclaiming and collecting our spiritual bodies, clearing Negative Forms and Clones to make it to the "planetary ascension" finish line. What is being accomplished during the spiritual ascension process, especially now with Guardian GSF Ascension Timeline, is that humanity has to move through all the Artificial Machinery, the inorganic time fields (negative alien timelines with their inorganic and artificial Hologram Inserts that program their false selfish enslavement agendas NAA). As we clear false and inorganic architecture from suppressing and impairing our consciousness, we are extracting the alien enslavement programming, Alien Implants and Mind Control in order to embody our true inner Christos spirit and return to the Zero Point Field, the heart of the God Gateway leading into the seven higher universes.
- Category: Multi-Dimensional
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world. This has shifted the way the original human race blueprint relays its intelligent information into the collective consciousness fields of earth. When the collective fields shift in this way, it means there has been a frequency shift in the collective agreement that impacts the overall consciousness evolution on the planet, therefore, the Timelines Shift.
As current Timelines Shift, this also shifts the coordinate location and energetic contents of the past and future timelines existing on the earth plane, all at the same time. There are powerful infusions of plasmic light and new time codes that are filtering onto the earth, as we pass through The Silver Gate. An intersection point exists between two circuit paths, the path of the Sun and Galactic Equator, which opens a gateway in-between the Taurus and Gemini constellations. As the Suntransits through Gemini, the transmission of its zodiac principle greatly influences the earth body, and therefore influences the behavior in the collective consciousness of humanity. Currently, the pressures are high to synthesize the pairs of opposite that exist in the world of forces, to evolve beyond the lower density black substance that has been buried in the collective consciousness fields of the earth. A lot of that black substance has been manifested into timelines from embedded alien architecture, which imitate the Mother’s creation principle, and is what the dark entities tend to hijack. The building up of pressure in between these opposing forces and groups is reaching its peak, which is bifurcating or splitting apart timelines. This is greatly amplified in the collective fields, especially during the Summer Solstice through mid-July, as planetary Timelines Shift.
- Category: Multi-Dimensional
Dimensions are fixed groupings of energy within specific geometric arranged forms (space and time) and are built upon crystallized conscious units of sound and light called Morphogenetic Fields or manifestation templates of the 12 Tree Grid. Using the instruction sets from Morphogenetic Fields, dimensions are composed of stationary points of the vibration of sound and light, which together form a fabric of tone and into which smaller morphogenetic fields are woven. From each fixed point of sound vibration and within each dimension of manifestation field, an electrical current of Consciousness emerges. There is layer upon layer upon layer of morphogenetic fields and dimensional reality systems. A dimension is a full frequency band: repeating sequences of waves flashing on and off (particle/anti-particle universe) and it’s what we’re existing in space with.
• 12 Dimensions of our Universe (also known as Planetary Lightbodies).
• Each Dimension corresponds with a Dimensional Layer of our body, a strand of DNAand a Fire Letters that will sequentially increase as we absorb frequencies from the next dimension and expand our Consciousness.
• Each Chakra on our lightbody corresponds to a Lightbody layer both existing (personal and planetary).
• 13, 14, 15 represent the Trans-Harmonic Universe, outside of space and time and holder of the Holy Trinitized Form of Mother, Father and Christed Son whom exist as One.
Cosmology of Dimensions
So, our actual goal is to connect with higher, more refined vibrating aspects of ourselves through the intention of communicating with our personal Lightbody and through committing to expanding our Consciousness in Meditation. So, when we think of our Soul, our Oversoul and these aspects of spiritual-energetic identity, this is where the understanding of the cosmology of dimensions, and dimensional spectrums are brought to awareness. (see Universal Time Matrix)When we understand the color wave spectrums of each dimension and use our Chakras as a foundational model, that again helps us to understand what the seven primary chakras function actually are. We can start with those seven dimensions of which there is a plane of reality that we as a soul/God being, multidimensional God Being actually have an intelligence and an aspect of our Self in simultaneous time that is existing on that particular plane of reality. So the Ascension is a Descension or collecting of those fragments or other identities of ourselves, as we merge them into this moment of self that we’re sharing now. We are now moving into the end of an Ascension Cycle, which in the timeline… (And what a timeline is goes back to the Ascension concept. The easiest way to equate Timelines or a time grid is also to recognize that is also a dimension.) The Higher dimensions that we are moving into represent future time and space. As we move through progressively refined and higher fields of energy, we move through each of the subharmonic frequency bands within each dimension.
Dissolving Lower Dimensions into Higher Dmensions
The process of dissolving the lower-dimensional energy layers within the Consciousness Field and transmuting their particle content into the next dimensional band of frequency is referred to as a Stellar Activation and is a part of the mechanics of Ascension. As the planetary body or human body evolves through these multiple levels of frequency accretion, the energetic layers within the Auric Field progressively undergo transmutation of form. Once a personal energy or Auric Field has accreted most of the frequency bands from the dimensions that compose one Harmonic Universe, (i.e. The Earth's Field) the energy layers that correspond to these lower dimensions begin to dissolve. The particles contained within the dissolving auric layers open into the auric layers of the next highest dimensions, in the next Harmonic Universe up. This is the energetic Ascension Dynamics by which forms and Consciousness progressively evolve from one dimensional span of experience to the next.These Stellar Activations are a natural part of the light accretion/evolution process, and occur as the pulsation rate of particles in the lower dimensions speeds up into the rhythms of the next dimensional frequency bands.
- "Dimensions" are a means of organizing different planes of existence according to their vibratory rate. Each dimension has certain sets of laws and principles that are specific to the frequency of that dimension.
- "Consciousness" represents awareness. The inhabitants of each dimension function clearly, easily, and with a minimum of resistance within that plane because their consciousness vibrates in resonance with the frequency of that dimension.
- "Multidimensional Consciousness" is the ability to be "conscious" of more than one dimension. To be multidimensional in our consciousness we must remember that we have within us the potential to expand our perceptual awareness to the dimensions above and below our physical plane.
- Category: Multi-Dimensional