Beloved Presence of God, Our Guardian Family that Serve the Oneness:
We hereby Ask and Pray with all of our hearts, souls, minds and might for divine abundance made manifest through the actualization of my highest expression to serve my spiritual mission on the earth.
We are willing to move beyond the fear in order to Fulfill God’s plan on Earth and Beyond.
We personally pledge to open ourselves to the resources, consciousness, technology and wealth required in order to fulfill our group and individual service commitments.
In God’s name, we accept our Divine Heritage Right Now and thank you for the timely answer to this prayer. Please release me of my personal ego desires and pain body so that I may focus completely on fulfilling my stewardship role in service to God's divine plan of Ascension, Freedom and Liberation for all Life.
Let Light, Love and God’s Power restore the Plan on Earth. God’s will be done!!
(Repeat 3 times)
Our beloved subconscious minds we hereby ask and Command you take this thought form prayer to God, with all of the mana and vital force needed and necessary to demonstrate this Prayer. Release my Ego Will to Serve Divine Will now! Beloved God Thank you!
(breathe prayer to God with Love.)
I am God! I am Sovereign! I am Free!
(Feel abundance raining from heaven showering you)
- Category: Tools
Return to the Rightful Owner Command (RRO)
Abbreviation - Return to Rightful Owner
RRO or RTRO is the abbreviation for 'Return to Rightful Owner'.
Due to recent positive developments with the Shield of Solomon overriding the planetary horizontal consciousness grid there has been a systematic release of Group Oversoul enslavement. It was revealed the Golden Eagle Grid harnessed consciousness power through the entrapment of various levels of human "spirit" bodies. At this time Guardians are releasing Monads that had been stapled to the Golden Eagle Grid, thereby trapping the consciousness from merging with their "rightful owner and human body".
At this time [November 2010] many Monads that had been reversed or split from its original twin are now being reunited. (This is the beginning phases of the "Restoration" which is returning back God's natural laws to the physical plane.) In fact the Guardians explain that in the returning to this planet the rightful laws - all Spirit bodies and their energies that have been misdirected, stolen or used by external controller forces in this last dark cycle - MUST be returned to the Rightful Owner as he/she claims their authority as God and as a sovereign eternal being. They have given us a sample language of which to claim our rightful sovereignty in God's Natural Laws. Please feel free to utilize or share with all those you feel may benefit from this language.
- Category: Tools
Dear Family,
I was inspired to share some insights of strengthening the conviction of purpose within our own hearts. Stay in the luminosity of your heart and soul path. Know that you are not alone with these challenges and we all hold the space, love and purpose for each other as our sphere of influence grows to expand this year, not only with each other in this group, we are expanding the light in the lives we touch at every moment.
We are governed by Energetic Laws of Principle and Consciousness in this Multiverse. Here are 5 Pillars towards realizing your purpose and reinstating your divine blueprint towards Cosmic Consciousness. We are entering entirely new territory, new fields of reality and new purpose. Yet these are still the foundations to help us remember how to focus our consciousness and create a smooth transition for ourselves. Intend god-purity in our purpose and the light will show us the way.
- Category: Tools
In the second phase of the Core Fear Matrix Removal Program we will go through each of the layers of the chakras and chakras system and have the chakras balanced and attuned as we remove core fears. It is best to Invocate outloud or you can use this in a group setting of meditation.
Prepare for the Chakra Attunement and Fear Removal
Beloveds we call forth our greater god self, the Masters and evolution support team and over lighting Angel of healing in service to light and law of the One of which we serve.
Beloveds please install the lattice work of light into the layers of each of the chakra systems, fully, completely and totally clearing any and all fear based programs logged there.
We call in the platinum ray to sweep through our field, clearing and removing all imbalanced energies or imbalanced matrixes within our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
- Category: Tools
"This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness." ~H.H. Dalai Lama