Why is understanding Ascension important?
To go through this shift one must prepare and adjust one's way of thinking and being to that which is in alignment with the soul purpose and true divine essence. “Surrender” and “Acceptance” are two main characteristics we will need to allow to permeate through us to facilitate an easier time. In order to shift the old behaviors and thought patterns not serving the soul purpose, we will become aware of the beliefs and behaviors that exist as imbalances within us and we must take the appropriate steps to integrate or clear them. This process will bring our deepest fears, beliefs of limitation and old pain patterns to the surface through events that trigger them into our awareness so that we can consciously acknowledge, resolve and heal them. Some of these issues are ancestral or inherited in their nature and may feel rather odd yet familiar when they are is brought to your awareness. It is important to remember that we are not only clearing our own individual “mind” grid, but also the karmic mind implications and collective (un)consciousness implications on this planet from the last evolutionary cycle. This way you can reframe the circumstance in your mind to be that which is impersonal and detached from identifying with the specific issue that has risen to the surface to be cleared within your bodies. Appreciate and acknowledge your light being for accepting the assignment for this clearing rather than claiming it as belonging to “you”.
- Category: Ascension Basics
The goal is to inform you of these dynamics which we are currently experiencing, and as the energies accelerate to prepare you even further by clearly discussing the various possible physical, mental and emotional symptoms from a position of having a “neutral” association. Utilizing what works for you personally by cultivating intuitive discernment with an informed awareness is the intended support of this website and continuing discussion. When we live in confusion with a cluttered mind we are generally suffering an miserable. No one needs to suffer, with proper ascension context, re-education to reprogram the mind, and the many tools available on this website.
This is to not alarm you, but this information is to be used as a tool to keep you informed in order to be self-accountable and self-sovereign in all of your personal upcoming choices. We will be going through life altering changes that can be traumatizing if we have not prepared our mental and physical body to comprehend these changes. All of us will be required to transform ourselves through the re-education of the spiritual ascension process and recovery from allowing ourselves to be controlled by a narcissistic ego personality. We are leaving 3D individual (service to self) consciousness and moving into a group consciousness which requires we change to serve the highest expression of our inner spirit and real self. (service to the whole).
- Category: Ascension Basics
How Finding Your Soul Purpose relates to your Ascension.
To go through this shift one must prepare and adjust one's way of thinking and being to that which is in alignment with living in the soul’s purpose and being directed from the true divine essence. The ego personality has to be sublimated from its control over your natural person, and the dismantling of ego and emotional healing becomes an awakened person’s primary job on the earth. One cannot split their spiritual self from their material self, the two must integrate and become in cohesion and alignment with each other.
As one enters the awakening process, what that means is that your soul intelligence and its frequency are starting to entrain and initiate its intelligence field into your personal energetic aura. When this happens you will start to sense and perceive your reality much differently. One will not feel aligned to soul and divine purpose until recognizing the discernment between the ego mind chatter and the soul intelligence. The soul communicates in sensory feeling, direct cognition and not from the lower mental body. For most people in the earlier stages, this ego confusion is experienced as running after something or someone your mind tells you is your soul purpose, but it really is being fueled from the ego personality and not the soul’s heart intelligence. We all must learn that it is not our personal ego will but divine will that is really driving the physical vessel.
- Category: Ascension Basics
How to Survive the Challenges of a rapidly changing Planet.
The creation physics are changing in how we exist in this time and space, (as a linear concept) and since our brains and conscious mind are wired to experience space/time linearly, this transition really puts our human brain into a loop! Most people I observe at this time are very confused by these changes, and that confusion is very painful to them. That is why developing a personal framework to understand what is happening now on the planet is important and key at this phase of growth to maintain serenity.
Learning the Language of Spirit, and working in alignment with Divine timing is crucial for maintaining personal sanity and staying integrated during our Ascension transformation! As we are leaving 3D mechanics into the higher octave spiritual layers and their corresponding dimensions), this means the old behavior and way we have lived life is not currently working and will not work for us in the future. There is no forcing it or controlling it. Adaptability and flexibility are behavioral keynotes that are vital for us at this time.
It is imperative to have some kind of practice, exercise or technique where one is connecting/communicating every day with our inner spirit, preferably AM and PM, until one has accomplished life as a walking meditation. Inner peace and neutral association to the increasing external chaos will be maintained once you reprogram your body and mind to be in its natural state and stay centered there.
- Category: Ascension Basics