Energetic Polarity is Gender Principle of Creation
All things exist within the Gender Principle of Creation, The Natural Law of Polarity, also referred to as the Pairs of Opposites. One will notice the same repeated pattern in absolutely every energetic force or form in matter. Every person, place or thing will have an energetic polarity that is balanced or weighted in one form of energetic polarity or its opposite. This is represented also within our Gender bodies, which expresses as a polarity in matter form (male or female). While our physical body exists in one polarity form in matter, our internal energies exist at both male and female principles. Our right side is “electric” and works as a transmitter, which is the active force principle of the male gender. Our left side is “magnetic” and works as a receiver, which is the passive force principle of the female gender. Our male “electron” is positively charged which interacts with the female “proton” which is negatively charged. These two forces together create the ranges of electromagnetism we experience on the planet.
- Category: HGS Introduction
Here you will find the guidelines for the use of the HGS Alien Implant Module (AIM). Please be sure that you have completed the HGS Required Reading, agreed to the terms of The Statement of Action and Responsibility, and undergone the appropriate steps as outlined in the HGS Calibration, including the Physical Matrix Upgrade integration, before you attempt to perform an AIM session. Many of you have been guided to be here, and so please seek to listen fully to the internal guidance carefully.
- Category: HGS Introduction
DEVELOP SKILL SET FOR DAILY USE – Three Steps plus Daily Guidelines
Step One:
Daily Declaration of Intention (resolve the authority problem between Ego and God)
My declaration of intention is to serve my Source.
I commit to serve my highest power fully, completely and totally.
I am God. I am Sovereign. I am Free!
- Category: HGS Introduction
Connect to your Inner Core:
- Authentically declare your Intention from your Heart, to resolve Authority issues. Defer your Ego to Serve God/Oneness
- Activate your Inner Spirit and Core Shield (12 D Shield Technique)
- From within 12 D Shield, create the Hub Handshake with Unity Vow
- Boundary Test (I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free)
- Category: HGS Introduction